Meeting Minutes

Homer Athletic Club

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Meeting called to order: 8:06

Roll Call:

Present: Nicole Korosa, Andrew Rodeghero, Nick Francone, Jennifer Malinoski

Absent: Pat Greaney, Dave Regan, Chris Moore

Secretary Report:

Motion to accept meeting minutes from May 2016--accepted by Andrew Rodeghero and Jen Malinoski, motion carries.

Treasurer Report:

Went over financials, including travel, uniforms, field maintenance. Motion to accept

first, Nick; second, Jen. Motion carries.

Open Forum:

Per Ken Marcin, Dennis Strzelczyk is not doing well at all. Jen will send something from HAC. Ken will take Dennis’ team. SWILA will have Ken act as representative.

Township have asked for use of the gators. Township takes very good care of gators so we approved.

Nicole expressed concern about the HAC’s participation in Homer Independence Day Parade and conflict with baseball playoffs schedule. Recommended to talk to Rick Gorecki to see what they can do to avoid any conflict. Jen offered to be the back up if any conflict occurs with son’s team playing in a game.

Committee Reports:

Rec Baseball

Moving smooth, wrapping up season, Monday is last regular season game. Organized All-Star game for July 9th. Combine Maverick and Pinto-coach pick or player pick for participants.

Travel Baseball:

Fire Baseball is going well, winding up the season, 7-year-old tournament will take place in July.

Heat Baseball, tournaments are taking place, getting busy, will wrap up in third week of July. Fire and Heat tryouts are coming the end of July for next year’s season.

In process of looking into our winter program, checking out cost and location for teams wanting to partake. Two options, one in November, one in January. Younger teams to start later (January).

Rec Softball:

Per Francone, season is going very well. Playoffs scheduled for the 22nd and finalizing with Scott McCarthy. Two levels with Lockport also going well. Lisa is doing a great job. Discussing playing an All Star game.

In regards to 8U All Stars, Ivers and Dave Lafferty will step up. Trying to schedule a try out and get a couple of tournaments.

Fire Softball/Heat:

Per Francone, Fire Softball is going well--in regards to Heat, Chris Moore is absent at this meeting. Discussed couple of errors with fields being double booked and how to avoid conflict in future. Regardless schedule found online trumps any other team.


Per Kate Melody, building usage forms are ready to go. Open gym planning to start in September. Looking to start boys and girls by November 1st and end February 11th as to allow Volleyball to start February 13th.

Travel Basketball:

5th grade girls coach would like to grab a travel team. Boys travel teams should be fine.


Per Jen Malinoski she would like tryouts to begin on February 4th. Found Mount Assisi to be very flexible, lots of times available, March and April is wide open, Sundays also, $35. Consider using for 1st and 2nd grade Volleyball, with parents assisting. Possibility also to use this gym as backup. End season by April 28th.

Field Maintenance:

Our Gator is at Butler. Chris Malinoski will be gone on 17th of June. Need to be sure there is an extra gator at the Complex before he leaves.

Equipment--all is good. Work being done on batting cages, some limestone is coming. Some landscaping is also being done. We’ve had some calls made by families on foul balls and netting to be fixed as to ensure safety.


Marguerite needs to get travel schedule and be notified of cancellations.


Meijer donated $2500 and also donated 42 gift cards per Andrew.

Presidents Report:

Greaney absent

New Business:

Strongly still considering Little League

Motion to Close: 9:21

Motion accepted Nick and Jen