Written by Lothian Primary Care Lymphoedema Service

November 2011

Practical tips for healthy skin – the aim is to keep your skin intact in order to be a barrier to infection


Protect your skin against sunburn as blisters or cracked skin can be a point of entry for infection

Shaving your legs

Be exceptionally careful if you choose to use a wet razor in case you cut your skin. A dry electric razor is a safe alternative

Mosquitoes and midges

Protect your skin against bites by covering up and using repellent. Closely monitor any bites for signs of increased swelling or infection and try not to break the skin through scratching

Bare feet

If you have leg oedema, avoid walking in bare feet if possible or be very vigilant

Gardening and off-road walking/cycling

Protect your oedematous limb from sharp bushes and undergrowth that may scrape or cut your skin

Jabs and blood pressure

If possible, have blood pressure, injections or blood taken in your non-oedematous limb

Rubber gloves

If you have arm oedema, protect it by using a rubber glove for gardening or washing up

Athlete’s foot and other infections or Cuts and abrasions

Early identification and prompt treatment – seek medical advice if required

Nail care

Maintain good nail care and see a podiatrist if unable to do this yourself. Good nail care will decrease risk of fungal infections and ‘ragged nails’