Lunch Policies- Parent Information
Visit our website for menus and other important school lunch information.
At the elementary level, payment for lunch is done in the classroom.
· Primary school lunch is $1.50 per day. (See attached Price list for other items.)
· Intermediate school lunch is $1.60 per day.
· Accepted form of payment is cash and check.
· Cash should be in the exact amount or as close as possible. We cannot make change
for large bills.
· Checks should be made out to the school name and “cafeteria” written after it.
For Example: Enfield Street Cafeteria.
· Your child’s name, homeroom number, home phone number and address must be on the check.
· RETURNED CHECK POLICY: If a check is returned to us for any reason, you will be responsible for the check fee that the bank charges us to be paid in CASH ASAP. Currently that charge is $15.00. A second occurrence of a returned check for the same child will result in loss of check writing privileges.
· Students must tell us by 9:30 that they want a lunch. Late arrivals after 9:30 should bring a lunch.
· We have many issues with students forgetting to order a lunch which causes us to run short in our production. Children who do not order by 9:30 may not be able to have lunch as we may not have enough food produced.
· The only exceptions will be if the student has prepaid or receives Free lunch, then you must CALL the school before 9:30 and order the lunch for the student.
· You may prepay for lunches on the first day of the week, usually a Monday.
· If absent on Monday then student can prepay on Tuesday for the remainder of the week.
· If absent Monday and Tuesday, money should be sent in each day, no prepayment accepted.
· Prepayments should always include the child’s name, room # and days they are paying for.
· If you are sending in cash for prepayment, send the exact amount or as close as possible. We are not able to accept large bills.
· If you are sending a check, the child’s name, room # and days your are prepaying for must be on the check. Checks without home phone number will not be accepted.
· If you are paying for more than one child at a school, please send in separate money and information for each child.
· Lunch counts must be sent into the Production Kitchen by 9:30 each morning so the correct amount of food is produced and delivered to the school. This process reduces the amount of leftover food, which reduces the amount of waste, which keeps the lunch prices low. REFUNDS WILL ONLY BE GIVEN TO STUDENTS WHO NOTIFY THE OFFICE PRIOR TO 9:30AM OF THE DAY OF SERVICE. This means that the office can correct the lunch counts and allow us to not overproduce meals. The staff will put the money into a baggie with the students name and date into the classroom box for the teacher to give to the student.
· Prepaid for the week: If your child is absent for any of the days you have prepaid, in order to get a refund, you must call the school by 9:30a.m. The staff will put the money into a baggie with the students name and date into the classroom box for the teacher to give to the student the next day or upon returning to school.
· School lunch is $2.25 per meal, we have Point of Sale cash register systems. Students can put money on their account via cash or check. Student first and last name, ID# and Homeroom must be listed on checks. Returned checks are subject to fees; please see above. Refund of money on account must be requested through the Café Manager.
Effective September 2011