Chapter 3The Rules of ProgrammingPage 1

Chapter 3

The Rules of Programming

This chapter formalizes some things you already know intuitively, but may not understand fully: the meaning of basic programming constructs. The information we present is a description of the effects of executing typical program statements, or the semantics of these statements. When you first learned to program, you developed an intuitive understanding of the effect of executing an assignment statement and the way in which control constructs such as the if statement control execution. These are the topics of this chapter, but instead of describing the semantics of program commands intuitively, we will describe them precisely.

The semantic descriptions we give here provide a link between program behavior and documentation. The previous chapter provided the tools for describing what a program is intended to do. The formal descriptions of program constructs contained in this chapter are the basis for any argument that a program does (or fails to do) what is claimed.

Our real concern, however, is not for arguing or proving programs correct, but for increasing your understanding of why programs "work", and thereby increasing your skill at writing clear and correct programs.

The preceding chapter introduced two concepts that we will use in this chapter to describe carefully the meaning of program commands and constructs, and thereby programs themselves. The two concepts are the state of a program, and program correctness with respect to a precondition and a postcondition.

Recall that we defined the (complete) state of a program at any point during program execution as the following collection of information:

1.The value of the program counter, which specifies which instruction of the program will be executed next.

2.The values of all the program variables.

3. The input values that are available to be read by the program.[1]

While the third item, the input values not yet read, is an important part of the state, in fact we will seldom refer to them because of the complexity they add to a description. For that reason, we have chosen to refer to the first two items, the value of the program counter and the value of program variables, as "the program state", and, when necessary, refer to all the information as the "complete program state".

Assertions about a program state will appear in our programs as comments or as calls to the assert method at the beginning or end of a program, and between lines of a program.

The concept of program correctness will be applied to programs, program segments, and methods. The important definition is the following:

Definition: If P and Q are assertions about the state of a program C, then the program C is correctwith respect to precondition P and postcondition Q if, whenever condition P holds prior to execution of program C, and C terminates, then condition Q will (always!) hold after C has finished execution.

Pre and postconditions will be our way of specifying a program's behavior. A program specification in the form of a pre and postcondition pair is a contract between the programmer and the user of a program; the user should be able to assume that if the program is executed when the precondition holds, then the postcondition will hold when the program ends. We say that the program meets the specification of the precondition and the postcondition.

The concept of program behavior being specified by a pre and postcondition pair is sufficiently important that there is a special notation for it:

Definition: If P and Q are assertions and C is a program, then

{P} C {Q}

means "If the program C is executed beginning in a state that satisfies the precondition P, and the program halts, then after termination the state of the program will satisfy the postcondition Q."

We also say that {P} C {Q} means that program C is correct with respect to the precondition P and postcondition Q, or that C meets the specifications of precondition P and postcondition Q.

Note that {P}C{Q} is a predicate with three variables. When values are given for P, Q and C, the assertion {P}C{Q} is either true or false, although it can sometimes be difficult or, for all practical purposes, impossible to tell which. One way of defining the task of a programmer is the following:

The Programmer's Charge: Given a precondition P and a postcondition Q, write a program C for which the truth of {P}C{Q} can be argued convincingly.

This chapter provides the basic tools for arguing (or, if done formally, proving) that a program meets a specification.

We're now ready to describe the meaning of some of the statements of Java. In principle we could do so for each Java statement, but that would be too great a task. We'll treat only the assignment statement and several control statements to gain an understanding of how programming languages can be defined, and how program correctness can be argued.

1Formal Systems

A logical framework for reasoning about a mathematical system is often presented with axioms and rules of inference. An axiom is an assertion taken to be true. A rule of inference is a rule that, on the basis of some assertions known to be true, guarantees that a new assertion is true. Later we will describe a single axiom – the one that describes how the assignment statement works. We'll begin by listing some rules of inference for programs.

A rule of inference is a rule for reasoning. Rules of inference always have the form "If you know some things to be true, then you can conclude something else is true." A well-known rule of inference is known as modus ponens[2]; this rule can be stated as follows:

"If p is true, and p => q, then q is true."

The correctness of this rule of inference follows from the truth table that defines the operation =>; the only time that both p and p => q are true is when q is true.

A convenient schematic representation of a rule of inference lists all hypotheses (the assertions that you must know to be true for the rule to apply) above a line and the conclusion (the new truth) below the same line. Thus, modus ponens is given as follows:


p => q



What do the rules of inference for programming say? All the rules are based on the notation {P} C {Q}, which is an assertion that "If P is true before the program C is executed, and C halts, then after C has halted, Q will be true." Our rules of inference are all of the form "If we know the specifications of some (one or more) programs, then we can give specifications for new programs, or new specifications for the given programs." Another characterization might be that rules of inference assert "If we know some programs work as advertised, then we can conclude that other (possibly different) programs will work as we say." As you read these first rules of inference, bear in mind that none of them should be a surprise — these are simply statements of program properties that we commonly use when programming.

2The Specification Rules of Inference

2.1Rules for Changing Specifications

The first two rules of inference describe how a program specification can be changed safely.

2.1.1The Rule of the Weakened Postcondition

Recall that in our discussion of weak versus strong assertions in the preceding chapter, we argued that if {P} C {Q} and {P} D {T} and Q => T, then C might be considered a 'better' program than D because execution of C results in more information than execution of D. This observation is the substance of this first rule of inference, which states that a postcondition can be replaced in a specification by a weaker postcondition. The formal statement is the following:

{P} C {Q}

Q => T


{P} C {T}

The correctness of the rule is clear: if C, executed when precondition P holds, results in Q being true, and Q => T, then C, executed when precondition P holds, results in condition T being true. This rule, called the rule of the weakened postcondition, is often useful because it enables us to change the specification of programs so that the postcondition ignores information that is not of interest.


The following swap program meets its specification. Assume x and y are integers and have been initialized.

int old_x = x;

int old_y = y;

assert(x == old_x & y == old_y); // Precondition

int temp = x;

x = y;

y = temp;

assert(x == old_y & y == old_x & temp == old_x); // Postcondition

But the value of the auxiliary variable temp is of no interest. Because

(x==old_y & y==old_x & temp==old_x) => (x==old_y & y==old_x)

we can use the Rule of Weakened Postcondition to change the postcondition to the simpler and more appropriate one.

End of Example

The next rule describes the condition under which we can change a precondition.

2.1.2The Rule of the Strengthened Precondition

In our discussion of weak versus strong assertions in the preceding chapter, we argued that if {P} C {Q} and {R} D {Q} and R => P, then C might be considered a 'better' program than D because the requirements for execution of C are weaker than those for D, and they both produce the same final state. This observation is the substance of the second rule of inference, which states that a precondition can be replaced in a specification by a stronger assertion. The formal statement is the following:

R => P

{P} C {Q}

{R} C {Q}

This rule asserts that if C, executed when precondition P holds, results in Q being true, and R => P, then C, executed when precondition R holds, results in condition Q being true. This rule, called the rule of the strengthened precondition, enables us to change a program specification when the correctness of a program segment does not depend on all the information available, such as when the values of some program variables do not affect the segment.

Finally, we note that because p => p for every assertion p, the two preceding rules can be combined into a single rule:

R =>P

{P} C {Q}

Q => T

{R} C {T}

This rule asserts that a correct program is not made incorrect by strengthening the precondition, or weakening the postcondition, or doing both.

2.2The Rules of Control Structures

The remaining rules of inference describe the effects of some of the control structures of the language. The control structures of a programming language determine, at each point in program execution, which statement of a program is to be executed next. The default control structure in most imperative languages, including Java, is sequential execution – unless an explicit control structure dictates otherwise, the statements of a program are executed in the order in which they appear. The explicit control structures of these languages include selection statements (e.g., if statements), iteration (loops), and subroutines.

2.2.1The Rule of Sequential Execution, or The Rule of Program Composition

Sequential execution causes statements to be executed sequentially, in the order in which they appear in the program, unless some control structure explicitly causes a different order. The first rule of inference concerning control structures characterizes the effect of executing programs (including individual statements) sequentially. This rule, which we'll refer to as the rule of program composition, or simply the rule of composition, asserts that if program C changes a state P into a state Q, and program D changes a state Q into a state R, then executing C followed by D will change state P into state R:

{P} C {Q}

{Q} D {R}

{P} C D {R}

This rule is called the 'rule of composition' because it is based on the composition of functions. A program can be viewed as an implementation of a function that maps any state in which the precondition holds to a state in which the postcondition holds. The rule of functional composition states that if f(x) == y, and g(y) == z, then g(f(x)) == z. Viewing the code as a state-transforming function, the rule of inference states that if C(P) == Q and D(Q) == R, then D(C(P)) == R.

The rules of strengthened precondition and weakened postcondition are often used together with the rule of composition to write the specifications for adjacent program segments. This use is formalized by the following more general rule of program composition:

{P} C {Q1}

Q1 => Q2

{Q2} D {R}

{P} C D {R}

2.2.2Selection Statements (Conditional Execution)

Selection statements determine which of a collection of code segments (if any) will be executed. These structures generally include if statements and switch statements. We will discuss only two. if(b){C} structure

The flowchart of the if(b){C} structure with precondition P and postcondition Q is the following. (Edges are annotated with upper case letters denoting assertions; diamonds are program tests, and rectangles are blocks of code.)

Our problem is to determine what must be true to guarantee that {P} S {Q} when S is the codeif(b){C}. The flowchart makes it clear that there are two paths through the code; one path is taken when the value of the expression b is true and the other path is taken when b is false. The code S is correct if both paths work correctly. The path taken when b is true and C is executed will give the correct result if {Pb}C{Q}. The path taken when b is false involves no code execution, so this path will give the correct result only if P & !b => Q. These two conditions cover all possible paths through the structure, so the rule of inference is the following:

{P & b} C {Q}

P & !b => Q

{P} if (b){C} {Q}


Write a program segment to set maxval equal[3] to the larger of a and b. The assertions in the following code segment characterize the intended state at each point.


maxval = a;

assert(maxval == a);

if (b > a) maxval = b;

assert((maxval == a || maxval == b) & (maxval>=a & maxval>=b));

// maxval is the larger of a and b.

To show that this code works we must show that each of the two possible execution paths produces the correct result. The first path we consider is the one taken when the test succeeds (b > a evaluates to true). This case corresponds to the first hypothesis of the rule of inference. Written in terms of this program, the first hypothesis states that

{maxval == a & b > a}

maxval = b;

{maxval == b & b > a hence maxval is the larger of a and b}

The correctness of this code is obvious, but we'll be able to prove this one-line program meets its specifications after studying the Axiom of Assignment later in this chapter. The second hypothesis of the rule of inference is the assertion

(maxval == a & !(b > a)) => (maxval is the larger of a and b)

This assertion is true on the basis of algebra and the definition of the boolean operator =>.

End of Example


The following program compares the values of a and b and, if a is greater than b, swaps them.

int old_a = a;

int old_b = b;

assert(a==old_a & b==old_b); // Precondition

if (a > b)


// Swap a and b.

int temp = a;

a = b;

b = temp;


assert(((a==old_a & b==old_b) || (a==old_b & b==old_a))

& (a <= b)); // Postcondition

For the present, we will simply use the pre and postconditions of swap; later we will examine its code.

The precondition {P & b} for the entry into the swap code is

{a==old_a & b==old_b & a>b}

This precondition implies that old_a > old_b. Thus we can expand the swap precondition to

{a==old_a & b==old_b & a>b & old_a>old_b}

Recall that old_a and old_b are mathematical variables, and their values do not change. Thus, after the swap, according to the specifications of the swap code,

{b==old_a & a==old_b & old_a>old_b}

which implies the postcondition of

{b==old_a & a==old_b & a < b}

which can be weakened to obtain the desired postcondition of

{b==old_a & a==old_b & a <= b}

The precondition {P & !b} for the "false" path is

{a==old_a & b==old_b & !(a>b)}

This is equivalent to

{a==old_a & b==old_b & a<=b}

This, in turn, directly implies the postcondition. Thus either path will establish the postcondition

{((a==old_a & b==old_b) || (a==old_b & b==old_a)) & (a <= b)}

which asserts that the variables a and b are either their original values or the original values swapped and that a <= b.

End of Example if(b){C} else {D} Structure

The rule for if (b){C}else{D} is similar to the one for if(b){C} except that there is code associated with the "false" path. Here again we must show that regardless of the path taken through the code, we get the desired postcondition. The flow chart for this construct is the following:

The rule of inference is the following:

{P & b} C {Q}

{P & !b} D {Q}

{P} if (b) {C} else {D} {Q}


The following code[4] assigns to the variable absval the absolute value of x.

if (x < 0) absval = -x; else absval = x;

The precondition is {true}. The postcondition is

{((absval == x || absval == -x) & absval >=0)}.

To show that the program meets its specifications, it suffices to show the correctness of two one-line programs. The first of these corresponds to the path taken when the test is true; its precondition is the precondition of the if statement conjoined with the test condition (true & x < 0), which simplifies to x < 0:

{x < 0}

absval = -x;

{((absval == x || absval == -x) & absval >= 0)}

The second program corresponds to the path taken when the test is false; its precondition is the precondition of the if statement conjoined with the negation of the test condition (true & !(x < 0)), which simplifies to x >= 0

{x >= 0}

absval = x;

{((absval == x || absval == -x) & absval >=0)}

Later in this chapter we will study the Axiom of Assignment, which will give us the tools to show that these one-line program segments meet their specifications.

End of Example

We will not treat additional conditional control structures explicitly, but the rules of inference for variations such as

if (b1) {C} else if (b2) {E} else {F};

and the switch statement are easily constructed if you understand the rules given above. To show these statements correct, we decompose the statement into its constituent paths and show that no matter which path is taken, the postcondition holds.

2.2.3Iteration Statements

Iteration and recursion are the muscle of programming. Without them, no section of program code could be executed more than once during program execution, and consequently, every program would terminate within a bounded time; that is, a program could not perform an unbounded amount of computation.

In other words, without iteration or recursion, programs would be of little use. But the power of iteration brings complexity: loops and recursion are where programming gets hard, and where programmers stumble. We will treat recursion later; here we will treat only the rules of inference for some basic forms of iteration. These rules reflect the power of loops. They are more complex (and more difficult to understand), largely as a consequence of the importance of an auxiliary assertion called the loop invariant. A loop invariant is an assertion that is placed within a loop body and is true each time the assertion is encountered. A loop invariant is usually an assertion whose meaning changes with each execution of the loop. Consider, for example, the following code to initialize the first 10 entries of an array B to 0:

assert (true);

int i=0;

while (true)


B[i] = 0;

// Invariant: (Aj: 0<=j<=i: B[j]==0)

if (i==9) break;



The invariant states that all the entries of B[0...i] are equal to 0. When the loop terminates, the entire subarray B[0...9] will have been initialized. Note that because the assertion involves the loop index i, the meaning of the assertion changes with each execution of the loop body. while loop Structure

We first treat the generalized loop structure introduced in Chapter 1. We treat the special case where there is only a single break statement, although the language permits any number of exit statements within the loop body. The general form for this structure is