16th October 2015
Dear Parents,
Battle Music Festival
The children have been working extremely hard and doing so well learning their words for the De La Warr performance next Tuesday. May I remind all parents that tickets to watch can be purchased from the box office. It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible. We are still waiting for a few return slips to be handed in. If you are not sure if you have given yours in, please check with Mrs Macpherson.
Sponsored Walk
Thank you so much for supporting this and donating so generously. So far we have collected £640!
Please continue to hand sponsorship money in to the school office and we will let you know the grand total after half-term. As you know, this money will be shared between the Safer Road campaign and our other chosen charities.
All the children in Lions, Panthers and Leopards classes have received a letter this week with their login details for Mymaths. This has been purchased by the school to replace Mathletics as an online system for learning and homework. Teachers will set homework regularly using this site.
Macmillan tea and cake afternoon 22nd October
We are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday at 1.30p.m in the hall for tea and homemade cake. Donations of cakes will be very gratefully received. Please drop cakes off on Thursday morning (on the shelf outside the school office). The tea will be followed by a meeting for parents in which we will explain how the new “Assessment Without Levels” system works. It is important that you have an understanding of this before Parents’ Evening.
There will be no clubs after school on Thursday.
Parents’ Evening Wednesday 4th November
Appointment sheets will be displayed in the conservatory from Tuesday 20th October after school.
Flu vaccination for children in years 1 and 2
We have contacted the School Immunisation Team to enquire as to when this programme is likely to happen. They have assured us they will be giving us a date next week. In the meantime, some local surgeries are offering the vaccine to 5 and 6 year olds at their practice. Please feel free to take advantage of this service if you wish your child to be immunised sooner rather than later.
Brighton and Hove Albion trip on Saturday 28th November
We hope you all received the letter regarding the trip that Mr Elms is organising to the Amex Stadium to see Brighton play Birmingham City. If you would like to book, please return the form which was attached to the letter, together with payment by next Thursday.
Inset day 23rd October
School will break up for half term on Thursday 22nd October as Friday is an Inset day. We hope you all have a very relaxing break.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S. Clark