Academic Conduct

for RTA of MTHEA Students


Plagiarism has pretty lengthy definitions, but as applicable to RTA classes it means taking credit for an idea which belongs to another person. Two of the most common methods of plagiarism include copying words that were written by someone else or stealing ideas which are not commonly held and claiming them as original.

Plagiarism is the bane of writing teachers and professors across the curriculum in high schools and universities, being even more rampant today than in years past because of internet ease in accessing written bodies of work. The consequences of plagiarism on the college level include failing grades on submitted papers, and expulsion from classes or schools…often permanently.

The Rutherford Tutorial Academy will not tolerate plagiarismin any form. Any assignment that is turned in and discovered to be a product of someone else’s writing work will be graded as a zero. A second incident of plagiarism from a student can result in expulsion from the class and/or the tutorial without any refund of tuition.

RTA is committed to creating a fair and disciplined learning environment so students experience the greatest benefit from each class.

In order to support this policy at RTA, I, ______, promise to submit my own work to my tutors. (Print Name)

In order to support this policy at RTA, I, ______, promise to submit my own work to my tutors. (Print Name)

In order to support this policy at RTA, I, ______, promise to submit my own work to my tutors. (Print Name)

Student Signature Date ,

Student SignatureDate ,

StudentSignatureDate ,

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate ,

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate ,

Our Family Contract for Rutherford Tutorial Academy of MTHEA 2016-2017

We, the undersigned, contract with the teachers in whose classes our children are enrolled and with the parents who have organized these classes to fulfill the obligations outlined in the handbook. We understand that our financial contract is for the entire year and that there can be no refunded tuition for any reason as long as the classes continue.

We will contribute actively to the success of these classes. We commit to resolve any difficulties that arise by going directly to those involved. We will not encourage gossip or criticism. We will respond quickly to requests from teachers or staff.

Furthermore, we will not share the names and phone numbers of anyone in our group without the specific permissions of that person.








Please do not sign any contract for other family members.



(Form updated 2/28/13)

I have read the student requirements. I understand fully the concept of the tutorial and agree to support the stated principles.

I want to be a productive part of this program. I will make every effort to be prepared and to participate actively and positively in class.

I make a personal commitment to protect the church property. I will remember that I am a guest.

I will be an accepting, supportive friend to all members of our group. I will be a peacemaker. I will not gossip about others. I will make every effort to include anyone who wants to be a part of my circle of friends.

I accept fully that I am responsible for my academic work. I will not attempt to shirk that responsibility or excuse myself should I fail to do so. My commitment to my academic work precedes my commitment to my job, sports and other extra-curricular activities.

I make a commitment to work four to six hours per class per week at home to complete assignments for these classes. I will work on academics for at least four days a week prior to tutorials.

I promise to adhere to the highest code of honor in my school work. Even though I may have access to answer keys, I will not use them inappropriately in doing home work or take home tests. I will ask my parents to administer all tests according to my tutor’s instructions. I will never copy another student’s work when I have failed to do my own or make my work available for another to copy.

I will cheerfully taketurns cleaning or setting up the facility with all the other students during the year.

Ipromise not to violate the NO TOLERANCE POLICY regarding tobacco, alcohol, drugs, foul language, and sex. I will not only practice total abstinence, I will keep my conversation clean and healthy regarding these topics.

I have read the policy of disciplinary action in the handbook and understand that my violation of any of the above may lead to expulsion without refund of tuition.

I understand that if my grade drops below a C in any class, I will be placed on academic probation.Effective 2013-14, our students are required tomaintain a C or better grade averagein each class.Any student whose grades fall below a C in any class for first semesterwill be placed on academic probation for the second semester. If grades do not improve, the studentmay not be acceptedback the following year. Grades below a C for the second semester may indicate that our program is not appropriate for that student. The boardwill meet with thestudent, parent, and tutor to see if he/she will be allowed to return. Also,any student who receives a C in any class due to failure to complete or turn in all assignmentswill beplaced on academic probation (unless incomplete assignments are due to sickness where notification is given to the tutor or board AND assignments are turned in immediately upon return). Our current studentsmust demonstrate their desire to remain at RTA by working to their full potential.

Student’s Signature: ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______









In consideration of your accepting our child or children for participation in the above named program, activities and sports, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages that I may have against the above named organization and its agents, employees, representatives, successors and assigns for any and all injuries suffered by myself or my child or children that rise out of the above-named program activities and sports sponsored by the above named organization.

I warrant that I have the right to authorize the foregoing and do hereby agree to hold the above-named organization harmless of and from any and all liability of whatever nature which may rise out of or result from such participation.

For the consideration stated above, I further agree that in the event that my child or I should make any claim against the above named organization for damages arising out of the above-named program, activities or sports, I will personally indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the organization and its agents, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns against any and all loss and damage occasioned thereby, including attorney’s fees.

I have read and understand the Agreement and have willingly placed my signature below as evidence of my acceptance of all the conditions contained herein.






Signatures of all persons that have joint legal custody of these minors are required.

Parental Involvement in our Tutorial Program - 2016-2017

Student Name(s)______

To: Parents of RTA of MTHEA students

For each and every student in our tutorial program, your involvement is crucialto his/her success. It is imperative that each student spends time daily working on the assignments for every class. There will be 4-6 hours of work outside of class for every hour spent in class.

We ask parents in our program to summarize the plan you have for overseeing the class work of your student(s) this year - this includes the respectful use of answer keys. If both parents work outside the home during the school week, or if a single parent cannot be home during school hours, what plan do you have to supervise the academic work that must take place on a daily basis?

Please use the back of this sheet to give us a summary of how your student’s class work will be supervised on a daily basis.

I, ______, will personally see to it that my child’s assignments are satisfactorily completed by the due dates given by each tutor. Should my child be struggling, it is my responsibility to seek extra tutoring time for my child. I understand that a practice of incomplete and/or late assignments may result in dismissal without refund of tuition.

I will administer all tests in accordance to the tutor's instructions.

I will keep all answer keys under my supervision and assure that they are used appropriately.

Each family is required to occasionally participate in the overseeing of the daily operations or in planning and caring out different activities throughout the school year.

I also understand my personal commitment as an adult to help out as needed. The smooth operation of this tutorial depends on my fulfilling my obligations as assigned at the beginning of the school year. I am aware that I am may be required to spend one whole day - or two half days at the tutorial during the school year as a parent volunteer. During this day I may be asked to run errands or do whatever the staff may need assistance in. Should a circumstance beyond my control arise and make it impossible to fulfill my duty, I understand it is my obligation to find a replacement.

Parents’ Signatures ______


RTA of MTHEA 2016-2017


PART 1: This part must be completed by the PARENT. The rest of this application must be filled out by the applying student. Parents may supply information the student lacks. If you need more space than is allotted, feel free to use a separate sheet when necessary.Incomplete applications will not receive an interview.

Student Name: ______

(Last) (First)

Date of Birth: ______Current Grade (`15-'16) ______

Address: ______

(Street)(City) (State) (Zip)

Telephone: ______Parent E-mail______

Father: ______Cell/Work Number:______

Mother:______Cell/Work Number:______

Student E-mail (if they wish to receive our weekly newsletter):______

Siblings: (Names and Ages):______


You must be registered with an umbrella organization to participate in our program. We are a tutoring facility, not an umbrella school, and will not maintain permanent records or provide standardized testing. We do issue grade reports for the tutoring classes every 8 weeks. It is the parent's responsibility to report all grades to the umbrella school.

Which one has accepted your registration?



Contact person in the event of an emergency if parents cannot be reached. This

person should be available during school hours.

Name: ______Phone:______

Family Physician:______Phone:______

If your child(ren) is allowed to be given Tylenol or Advil, if requested, for headaches or

minor pain, sign below.

Parent's signature______

Please circle the any that may apply to your child(ren):

Allergies (medicine, food, insects)* Kidney/Urinary Problems

Asthma/Lung ProblemsSeizures

Behavior/Emotional/Depression ADD/ADHD

Diabetes Other

Please explain any items circled above. You may use the back of this form if needed. *Please list the extent of your child's allergies and what precautions need to be taken. (Please understand that we cannot guarantee an allergy-free environment.)





Does your child take any medication on a regular basis? Yes or No

If yes, please list:______

Will they be taking the medication while at RTA? Yes or No

If yes, please list medication name and dosage amount/time



PART 2: The rest of this application is to be completed legibly by the student.

Page 3: Application for New Student

Give a copy of the enclosed recommendation letter to two people: a former teacher, tutor, church pastor, employer or personal contact.

Names of people given to:______

Home Congregation:______

Pastor or Youth Pastor:______Phone:______

Last school attended:______Year:______

Did you leave the school in good standing?______

Have you ever been expelled or suspended from any school?______

If yes, please explain the circumstances:______



Summarize your educational history. Tell us where you have been to school and what you have liked or disliked about each:




Please enclose copies of your grades for the last two years. (DO NOT give us originals nor do we want your school transcripts. We just need to see your educational habits.) What is your GPA? ’14-15_____'15-'16_____ (1st semester/expected 2nd semester)




Page 4: Application for New Student

List any home school group classes which you have attended:______



Please list names and phone #’s of the directors of these programs.


Tell us about your college plans. What is your primary interest as a course of study?

What career dreams do you have?______


If you work, tell us about your job and approximately how many hours a week you



Do you have any hobbies, interests, music or sport activities that you are involved



List any families currently attending RTA whom you know:


Finish this page with whatever will help us to understand and appreciate you. Don’t

agonize over this. Be yourself and write as neatly and as correctly as you can. Use

a dictionary if you like, but accept no other assistance. Include special interests,

talents, and hobbies. Show us your sense of humor. Introduce yourself to us in your

own way. Let us know what special qualities you possess which will enrich our lives.





(continue on back if necessary)


Name:______Grade (2016-2017) ______

PLEASE NOTE:Each student (with the exception of seniors) must take a minimum of 2 classes. Study hall does not meet this requirement but a one semester class will.

Based on the schedule provided, please list the classes you are CERTAIN your student will take.Should you have a scheduling conflict, list those classes at the same hour if you desire both. If at all possible, we will do our best to rearrange as necessary.

Class Desired Conflicting Class Desired

1st period

2nd period

3rd period

12:10 Lunch

4th period

5th period

In the likely event that the schedule gets changed, are there any time periods that you are absolutely not able to attend?

Should we be able to work out your conflicts, do you still wish to keep all classes requested?

Comments or questions:

Rutherford Tutorial Academy

of Middle Tennessee Home Education Association

( Recommendation Form )

This recommendation form is for a student who is applying to a homeschool tutorial group. That student should fill out the first three lines of this form and supply a stamped envelope to the person who is making the recommendation.Please mail this to:Lisa O’Kelley, 6600 Givens Road, Lascassas, TN 37085 rather than returning it to the student. Thank you for your cooperation.

Recommendation for: ______


Phone (Home):______(Office)______

How long have you known this student?______

In what capacity/relationship?______

Indicate your assessment of the student in the following categories: (If you do not

know, please indicate.)

Emotional Stability:

Sense of Humor:

Academic Ability:

Respect for Authority:

Ability to Work Independently:

Ability to Work With Others:

Does he/she complete tasks he/she starts?

Does this student take responsibility for his/her own actions?

Please attach a statement to describe other attributes that make this person a good

candidate for an academic program that requires a high level of cooperation,

maturity and academic independence.

Do you recommend this student as an asset to our program:______


Rutherford Tutorial Academy

of Middle Tennessee Home Education Association

( Recommendation Form )

This recommendation form is for a student who is applying to a homeschool tutorial group. That student should fill out the first three lines of this form and supply a stamped envelope to the person who is making the recommendation.Please mail this to:Lisa O’Kelley, 6600 Givens Road, Lascassas, TN 37085 rather than returning it to the student. Thank you for your cooperation.

Recommendation for: ______


Phone (Home):______(Office)______

How long have you known this student?______

In what capacity/relationship?______

Indicate your assessment of the student in the following categories: (If you do not

know, please indicate.)

Emotional Stability:

Sense of Humor:

Academic Ability:

Respect for Authority:

Ability to Work Independently:

Ability to Work With Others:

Does he/she complete tasks he/she starts?

Does this student take responsibility for his/her own actions?

Please attach a statement to describe other attributes that make this person a good

candidate for an academic program that requires a high level of cooperation,

maturity and academic independence.

Do you recommend this student as an asset to our program:______




Please return all the applications for one family together. Return one check list for each family.

Please have the applying student fill out the four page application him/herself. Parents may complete the remaining forms.

Incomplete application forms will not receive an interview. Please complete all pages thoroughly.


New Applicant Checklist:______
Application:______(Part 2 filled out by student)

Class Request form:______

Two recommendations per student:______

Stamped Self-Addressed business envelope (per student):______

$25.00/student, non-refundable processing fee:______(Make checks payable to RTA)

One per family of the following:

Signed Parental Involvement Form:______Signed Student Honor Code Sheet:______

Signed Insurance/Liability Release Form______Signed Family Contract:______

Signed Academic Conduct Form:______Signed MTHEA Membership Form:______

Please mail all completed forms to:


c/o Lisa O’Kelley

6600 Givens Road