World History

Civilization of the Greeks

Debate: Athens and Sparta


Athens Academy Spartans

Assess how the ancient Greeks would feel about our school and mascot name based on the history of relations between Athens and Sparta. Put yourself in the shoes of a citizen of your group’s city-state, focusing on your designated side of the debate (“pro” would be for, or unopposed to, the connection of Athens and Sparta in our name and mascot; “con” would be against this connection).


Each member of the group will prepare an outline of his or her group’s argument for homework and some points that would rebut the likely arguments of other groups (be sure to use the whole of Chapter 2). At the beginning of class, each group will have time to consolidate their ideas into a cohesive argument. Each group will need to pick one person to present the argument and one person to present the rebuttal at this time.

Debate Structure:

Each group will have 5 minutes to present their argument. After opening arguments, the groups will reconvene to prepare a rebuttal to the arguments of the other groups. Each group will then present a 3 minute rebuttal. The debate will end with a general discussion.


Period 6

Athens: Pro Athens: Con Sparta: Pro Sparta: Con

Emily Katie Taylor Paul

Andre Shane Lake Laney

Elizabeth Mason Alex Robert

William Natalie John Mira

Maggie McKey Kellen Charlotte

Period 7

Athens: Pro Athens: Con Sparta: Pro Sparta: Con

Perry Jamella Nick Blake

Carie Dillon Tim Hannah H.

Alejandro Hannah C. Abby John

Maddy Jonghwan Janam Martha

Chase Alex Hannah K. William

Christina S. Ansley Will Christina Z.