BULLETIN NO. 034-15 K–12 ED

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August 10, 2015

BULLETIN NO. 034-15 K–12 ED

Page 2

August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015 (X) Action Required

Due date: September 24, 2015
(X) Informational


TO: Educational Service Districts Superintendents

School District Superintendents

School District Business Managers

School District Grant Program Administrators

Human Resource Directors

Title I, Part A and Title II, Part A Program Administrators

Educational Service District Professional Development Center Coordinators

FROM: Randy I. Dorn, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

RE: Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST) Grants

CONTACT: Sue Anderson, Director, Educator Effectiveness Office


Marcy Yoshida, Program Specialist, BEST


Agency TTY 360-664-3631

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has been tasked by the Legislature with continued funding of a beginning educator support program. This program is intended to provide an enhanced level of support for the development of early career educators. Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST) grants are designed to provide competitive funding to school districts and/or regional consortia to support the professional growth of beginning teachers from initial hiring through their second year of service. In addition to BEST grant funding, resources and professional development for mentors and district/Educational Service District (ESD) program administrators are also provided.

Grant Components (Required)

Required BEST grant components are aligned with state standards for the induction of novice educators described in Effective Support for New Teachers in Washington State. This document is available online at: http://k12.wa.us/BEST/InductionStandards/default.aspx.

Required BEST grant components are aligned with the new teacher evaluation criteria outlined in ESSB 5895 (2012) and the Teacher Principal Evaluation Program outlined on the TPEP website (http://tpep-wa.org/) and in the final July 2011 report, which is available online at: http://www.k12.wa.us/EdLeg/TPEP/default.aspx and http://tpep-wa.org/.

Required BEST grant program components include carefully selected, well-trained mentors for first-year teachers; a paid, instructional orientation for first-year teachers; professional development for first-year teachers; release time for observations; professional development for mentors; job description and compensation for mentors; special attention to the needs of beginning teachers in under-performing schools; a stakeholder’s team; and attendance at the BEST Grantee Convening in early March. Alignment with the Washington State Teacher Evaluation Criteria is required.

Grant Eligibility

All public school districts and ESDs are eligible to apply. School districts may apply individually or as a member of a regional consortium which may include or be led by an ESD. To the extent possible, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) staff will strive for an equitable distribution to urban and rural school districts of varying sizes across the state's geographic regions.

A regional consortium is defined as two or more school districts that collaborate in providing one or more of the required program elements. All members of a consortium are required to meet all program components either individually or collaboratively. A regional consortium may or may not include an ESD, depending on the capacity of the member districts and the ESD to carry out program requirements. Regional consortia using an ESD are encouraged.


BEST funding to successful applicants will be provided directly to the school district or to the lead agency of a regional consortium. Grant management components will be defined in the BEST Grant Program Description, Eligibility, & Application Instructions, on the BEST website at: http://www.k12.wa.us/BEST/default.aspx.

Title I, Part A, and Title II, Part A may be used to supplement BEST grant funding to meet program criteria.

Expected Allocation per First Year Teacher $2,500

The Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST) grant application will be available in late August on OSPI iGrants at: http://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/iGrants/Default.aspx.

Application deadline is 5 p.m., Thursday, September 24.

Funding decisions will be announced by Monday, October 5.

For additional information regarding BEST grants, contact Sue Anderson, Director, Educator Effectiveness Office, at 360-725-6116, or Marcy Yoshida, Program Specialist, BEST, at . The agency TTY number is 360-664-3631.

The bulletin is also available on OSPI’s website at: www.k12.wa.us/BulletinsMemos/bulletins2015.aspx.


Gil Mendoza, Ed.D.

Deputy Superintendent

Sue Anderson, Director

Educator Effectiveness Office


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