Brussels, 3 April 2003
(OR. en)
AA 2003 final



Delegations will find attached the Treaty of Accession of theCzechRepublic, Estonia,Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to theEuropeanUnion.


AA 2003 final



A.Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, theItalianRepublic, the GrandDuchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, theRepublic of Austria, the PortugueseRepublic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the UnitedKingdom of GreatBritain and NorthernIreland (Member States of the European Union) and the CzechRepublic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic ofCyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, concerning the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the European Union 1

B.Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia,the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, theRepublic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic ofSlovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded 1

Part One:Principles...... 2

Part Two:Adjustments to the Treaties...... 14

Title I:Institutional provisions...... 14

Chapter 1:The European Parliament...... 14

Chapter 2:The Council...... 16

Chapter 3:The Court of Justice...... 20

Chapter 4:The Economic and Social Committee...... 21

Chapter 5:The Committee of the Regions...... 23

Chapter 6:The Scientific and Technical Committee...... 24

Chapter 7:The European Central Bank...... 25

Title II:Other adjustments...... 26

Part Three:Permanent provisions...... 27

Title I:Adaptations to acts adopted by the institutions...... 27

Title II:Other provisions...... 28

Part Four:Temporary provisions...... 29

Title I:Transitional measures...... 29

Title II:Other provisions...... 48

Part Five:Provisions relating to the implementation of this Act...... 53

Title I:Setting up of the institutions and bodies...... 53

Title II:Applicability of the acts of the institutions...... 59

Title III:Final provisions...... 62


Annex I:List of provisions of the Schengen acquis as integrated into the framework of theEuropean Union and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it, tobebinding on and applicable in the new Member States as from accession (referred to in Article3 of the Act of Accession) 64

Annex II:List referred to in Article20 of the Act of Accession...... 77

1.Free movement of goods...... 77

A.Motor vehicles...... 77

B.Fertilisers...... 116

C.Cosmetics...... 118

D.Legal metrology and pre-packaging...... 119

E.Pressure vessels...... 123

F.Textiles and footwear...... 124

G.Glass...... 129

H.Horizontal and procedural measures...... 131

I.Public procurement...... 139

J.Foodstuffs...... 219

K.Chemicals...... 235

2.Freedom of movement for persons...... 533

A.Social security...... 533

B.Free movement of workers...... 883

C.Mutual recognition of professional qualifications...... 885

I.General system...... 885

II.Legal professions...... 906

III.Medical and paramedical activities...... 909

IV.Architecture...... 1028

D.Citizens' rights...... 1044

3.Freedom to provide services...... 1049

4.Company law...... 1068

A.Company law...... 1068

B.Accounting standards...... 1078

C.Industrial property rights...... 1087

I.Community trade mark...... 1087

II.Supplementary protection certificates...... 1090

III.Community designs...... 1098

5.Competition policy...... 1101

6.Agriculture...... 1111

A.Agricultural legislation...... 1111

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 1263

I.Veterinary legislation...... 1263

II.Phytosanitary legislation...... 1497

7.Fisheries...... 1519

8.Transport policy...... 1532

A.Inland transport...... 1532

B.Maritime transport...... 1538

C.Road transport...... 1539

D.Transport by rail...... 1562

E.Transport by inland waterway...... 1575

F.Trans-European transport network...... 1588

G.Air transport...... 1676

9.Taxation...... 1682

10.Statistics...... 1711

11.Social policy and employment...... 1785

12.Energy...... 1791

A.General...... 1791

B.Energy labelling...... 1807

13.Small and medium-sized undertakings...... 1888

14.Education and training...... 1888

15.Regional Policy and coordination of structural instruments...... 1892

16.Environment...... 1922

A.Waste management...... 1922

B.Water quality...... 1922

C.Nature protection...... 1930

D.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 2069

E.Radiation protection...... 2078

F.Chemicals...... 2084

17.Consumers and health protection...... 2086

18.Cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs...... 2086

A.Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters...... 2086

B.Visa policy...... 2116

C.External borders...... 2145

D.Miscellaneous...... 2288

19.Customs union...... 2294

A.Technical adaptations to the customs code and its implementing

provisions...... 2294

I.Customs code...... 2294

II.Implementing provisions...... 2296

B.Other technical adaptations...... 2361

20.External relations...... 2368

21.Common foreign and security policy...... 2464

22.Institutions...... 2473

Annex III:List referred to in Article21 of the Act of Accession...... 2477

1.Freedom of movement for persons...... 2477

2.Agriculture...... 2480

A.Agricultural legislation ...... 2480

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 2482

I.Veterinary legislation...... 2482

II.Phytosanitary legislation...... 2485

3.Fisheries...... 2488

4.Statistics...... 2493

5.Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments...... 2497

Annex IV:List referred to in Article22 of the Act of Accession...... 2498

1.Free movement of capital...... 2498

2.Company law...... 2499

3.Competition policy...... 2500

4.Agriculture...... 2504

5.Customs union...... 2506

Appendix ...... 2520

Annex V:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Czech Republic 2536

1.Freedom of movement for persons...... 2536

2.Free movement of capital...... 2547

3.Agriculture...... 2549

A.Veterinary legislation ...... 2549

B.Phytosanitary legislation...... 2553

4.Transport policy...... 2553

5.Taxation...... 2556

6.Energy...... 2560

7.Environment...... 2561

A.Waste management ...... 2561

B.Water quality...... 2561

C.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 2562

Appendix A...... 2563

Appendix B...... 2571

Annex VI:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Estonia...... 2574

1.Freedom of movement for persons...... 2574

2.Freedom to provide services...... 2585

3.Free movement of capital...... 2587

4.Agriculture...... 2589

5.Fisheries...... 2591

6.Transport policy...... 2593

7.Taxation...... 2596

8.Energy...... 2600

9.Environment...... 2601

A.Air quality...... 2601

B.Waste management...... 2603

C.Water quality...... 2604

D.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 2606

E.Nature protection...... 2607

Annex VII:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Cyprus.....2609

1.Free movement of goods...... 2609

2.Freedom to provide services...... 2610

3.Free movement of capital...... 2611

4.Competition policy...... 2611

5.Agriculture...... 2612

A.Agricultural legislation...... 2612

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 2615

6.Transport policy...... 2616

7.Taxation...... 2617

8.Energy...... 2620

9.Environment...... 2621

A.Air quality...... 2621

B.Waste management...... 2621

C.Water quality...... 2622

D.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 2623

Appendix ...... 2625

Annex VIII:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Latvia...... 2739

1.Freedom of movement for persons...... 2739

2.Freedom to provide services...... 2749

3.Free movement of capital...... 2751

4.Agriculture...... 2752

A.Agricultural legislation...... 2752

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 2755

I.Veterinary legislation...... 2755

II.Phytosanitary legislation...... 2760

5.Fisheries...... 2761

6.Transport policy...... 2762

7.Taxation...... 2768

8.Social policy and employment...... 2770

9.Energy...... 2772

10.Environment...... 2774

A.Air quality...... 2774

B.Waste management...... 2776

C.Water quality...... 2778

D.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 2780

E.Nuclear safety and radiation protection...... 2782

Appendix A...... 2783

Appendix B...... 2799

Annex IX:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Lithuania...2800

1.Free movement of goods...... 2800

2.Freedom of movement for persons...... 2801

3.Freedom to provide services...... 2811

4.Free movement of capital...... 2813

5.Agriculture...... 2814

A.Agricultural legislation...... 2814

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 2816

I.Veterinary legislation...... 2816

II.Phytosanitary legislation...... 2820

6.Fisheries...... 2821

7.Transport policy...... 2823

8.Taxation...... 2828

9.Energy...... 2830

10.Environment...... 2831

A.Air quality...... 2831

B.Waste management...... 2833

C.Water quality...... 2833

D.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 2834

Appendix A...... 2837

Appendix B...... 3195

Annex X:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Hungary....3204

1.Freedom of movement for persons...... 3204

2.Freedom to provide services...... 3214

3.Free movement of capital...... 3216

4.Competition policy...... 3218

5.Agriculture...... 3224

A.Agricultural legislation...... 3224

B.Veterinary legislation...... 3226

6.Transport policy...... 3228

7.Taxation...... 3236

8.Environment...... 3238

A.Waste management...... 3238

B.Water quality...... 3239

C.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 3241

9.Customs union...... 3246

Appendix A...... 3248

Appendix B...... 3254

Annex XI:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Malta...... 3256

1.Free movement of goods...... 3256

2.Freedom of movement for persons...... 3257

3.Competition policy...... 3260

4.Agriculture...... 3271

A.Agricultural legislation...... 3271

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 3288

I.Veterinary legislation...... 3288

II.Phytosanitary legislation...... 3290

5.Fisheries...... 3291

6.Transport policy...... 3292

7.Taxation...... 3294

8.Social policy and employment...... 3296

9.Energy...... 3298

10.Environment...... 3299

A.Air quality...... 3299

B.Waste management...... 3300

C.Water quality...... 3302

D.Nature protection...... 3306

E.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 3308

11.Customs union...... 3309

Appendix A...... 3312

Appendix B...... 3741

Appendix C...... 3742

Annex XII:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Poland.....3743

1.Free movement of goods...... 3743

2.Freedom of movement for persons...... 3748

3.Freedom to provide services...... 3759

4.Free movement of capital...... 3761

5.Competition policy...... 3764

6.Agriculture...... 3774

A.Agricultural legislation...... 3774

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 3777

I.Veterinary legislation...... 3777

II.Phytosanitary legislation...... 3786

7.Fisheries...... 3792

8.Transport policy...... 3793

9.Taxation...... 3804

10.Social policy and employment...... 3808

11.Energy...... 3809

12.Telecommunications and information technologies...... 3810

13.Environment...... 3810

A.Air quality...... 3810

B.Waste management...... 3812

C.Water quality...... 3819

D.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 3823

E.Nuclear safety and radiation protection...... 3844

Appendix A...... 3845

Appendix B...... 4346

Appendix C...... 4461

Annex XIII:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Slovenia....4466

1.Free movement of goods...... 4466

2.Freedom of movement for persons...... 4467

3.Freedom to provide services...... 4477

4.Free movement of capital...... 4479

5.Agriculture...... 4480

A.Agricultural legislation...... 4480

B.Veterinary and phytosanitary legislation...... 4483

I.Veterinary legislation...... 4483

II.Phytosanitary legislation...... 4484

6.Taxation...... 4485

7.Social policy and employment...... 4487

8.Energy...... 4490

9.Environment...... 4491

A.Waste management...... 4491

B.Water quality...... 4491

C.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 4492

Appendix A...... 4495

Appendix B...... 4652

Annex XIV:List referred to in Article24 of the Act of Accession: Slovakia...4654

1.Freedom of movement for persons...... 4654

2.Freedom to provide services...... 4664

3.Free movement of capital...... 4665

4.Competition policy...... 4667

5.Agriculture...... 4672

A.Agricultural legislation...... 4672

B.Veterinary legislation...... 4673

6.Transport policy...... 4676

7.Taxation...... 4679

8.Energy...... 4682

9.Environment...... 4683

A.Air quality...... 4683

B.Waste management...... 4685

C.Water quality...... 4686

D.Industrial pollution control and risk management...... 4689

Appendix ...... 4692

Annex XV:Maximum additional appropriations referred to in Article32(1)

of the Act of Accession...... 4693

Annex XVI:List referred to in Article52(1) of the Act of Accession...... 4695

Annex XVII:List referred to in Article52(2) of the Act of Accession...... 4709

Annex XVIII:List referred to in Article52(3) of the Act of Accession...... 4714


Protocol No 1on amendments to the Statute of the European Investment Bank...... 4716

Protocol No 2on the restructuring of the Czech Steel Industry...... 4728

Protocol No 3on the sovereign base areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland in Cyprus...... 4745

Protocol No 4on the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania...... 4763

Protocol No 5on the transit of persons by land between the region of

Kaliningrad and other parts of the Russian Federation...... 4770

Protocol No 6on the acquisition of secondary residences in Malta...... 4774

Protocol No 7on abortion in Malta...... 4776

Protocol No 8on the restructuring of the Polish steel industry...... 4778

Protocol No 9on unit 1 and unit 2 of the Bohunice VI nuclear power plant

in Slovakia...... 4799

Protocol No 10on Cyprus...... 4803

Final Act

I.Text of the Final Act...... 2

II.Declarations adopted by the Plenipotentiaries...... 1

1.Joint Declaration: one Europe...... 1

2.Joint Declaration on the Court of Justice of the

European Communities...... 3

III.Other Declarations...... 3

A.Joint Declarations: the present Member States/Estonia...... 11

3.Joint Declaration on the hunting of brown bears in Estonia.....11

B.Joint Declarations: various present Member States/various

new Member States...... 12

4.Joint Declaration by the Czech Republic and the Republic of Austria concerning their bilateral agreement regarding the Temelin

nuclear power plant...... 12

C.Joint Declarations by the present Member States...... 13

5.Declaration on rural development...... 13

6.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Czech Republic..14

7.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Estonia...... 14

8.Declaration on oil shale, the internal electricity market and

Directive96/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the

Council of 19December1996 concerning common rules for the

internal market in electricity (Electricity Directive): Estonia....15

9.Declaration with respect to Estonian and Lithuanian fishing

activities in the Svalbard zone...... 17

10.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Latvia...... 17

11.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Lithuania...... 18

12.Declaration on the transit of persons by land between the region

of Kaliningrad and other parts of the Russian Federation...... 18

13.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Hungary...... 19

14.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Malta...... 19

15.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Poland...... 20

16.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Slovenia...... 20

17.Declaration on the development of the trans-European

network in Slovenia...... 21

18.Declaration on the free movement of workers: Slovakia...... 21

D.Joint Declarations by various present Member States...... 22

19.Joint Declaration by the Federal Republic of Germany and the

Republic of Austria on the free movement of workers:

Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,

Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia...... 22

20.Joint Declaration by the Federal Republic of Germany and the

Republic of Austria on the monitoring of nuclear safety...... 22

E.General Joint Declaration by the present Member States...... 23

21.General Joint Declaration...... 23

F.Joint Declarations by various new Member States...... 24

22.Joint Declaration by the Czech Republic, the Republic

of Estonia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Poland,

the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic on

Article38 of the Act of Accession...... 24

23.Joint Declaration by the Republic of Hungary and the

Republic of Slovenia on AnnexX, Chapter7, point1(a)(ii)

and AnnexXIII, Chapter6, point1(a)(i) to the Act of Accession 26

G.Declarations by the Czech Republic...... 27

24.Declaration by the Czech Republic on transport policy...... 27

25.Declaration by the Czech Republic on workers...... 28

26.Declaration by the Czech Republic on Article35 of the

EU Treaty...... 28

H.Declarations by the Republic of Estonia...... 29

27.Declaration by the Republic of Estonia on steel...... 29

28.Declaration by the Republic of Estonia on fisheries...... 30

29.Declaration by the Republic of Estonia on the North-East

Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC)...... 30

30.Declaration by the Republic of Estonia on food safety...... 31

I.Declarations by the Republic of Latvia...... 32

31.Declaration by the Republic of Latvia on the weighting

of votes in the Council...... 32

32.Declaration by the Republic of Latvia on fisheries...... 33

33.Declaration by the Republic of Latvia on Article142a of

Council Regulation(EC) No40/94 of 20December 1993

on the Community trade mark...... 34

J.Declaration by the Republic of Lithuania...... 35

34.Declaration by the Republic of Lithuania with respect to

Lithuanian fishery activities in the regulatory area of the

North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC)...... 35

K.Declarations by the Republic of Malta...... 36

35.Declaration by the Republic of Malta on neutrality...... 36

36.Declaration by the Republic of Malta on the island region

of Gozo...... 37

37.Declaration by the Republic of Malta on the maintenance of VAT

zero-rating...... 39

L.Declarations by the Republic of Poland...... 40

38.Declaration by the Republic of Poland concerning

competitiveness of the Polish production of some fruit...... 40

39.Declaration by the Government of Poland concerning

public morality...... 41

40.Declaration by the Government of Poland on interpretation of

the derogation from the requirements laid down in

Directive2001/82/EC and in Directive2001/83/EC41

M.Declarations by the Republic of Slovenia...... 42

41.Declaration by the Republic of Slovenia on the

future regional division of the Republic of Slovenia...... 42

42.Declaration by the Republic of Slovenia on the Slovenian

indigenous bee Apis mellifera Carnica (kranjskačebela)..44

N.Declarations by the Commission of the European Communities...... 45

43.Declaration by the Commission of the European Communities

on the general safeguard clause, the internal market safeguard

clause and the justice and home affairs safeguard clause...... 45

44.Declaration by the Commission of the European Communities

to the conclusions of the Accession Conference with Latvia.....46

IV.Exchange of Letters

between the European Union and the Czech Republic, the

Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia,

the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta,

the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the

Slovak Republic on an information and consultation procedure for the adoption of certain decisions and other measures to be taken

during the period preceding accession...... 1

AA2003/Index/en 1