held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10th March 2015
Present: Cllrs D Bingham (Chairman), S Cannon, D Leak, D Wain, S Webster
In Attendance: L Brooks-Sleight (Clerk), PCSO G Prachett & PCSO Z Garnham up to 2015/22
2015/19 Apologies for Absence
Received from Cllrs P Bates prior engagement and D Edwards holidays
2015/20 Minutes of last Meetings
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 10th February 2015 on were approved & signed
as a true and correct record
2015/21 Declarations of Interest
Received from Cllr Bingham for items 2015/24 & 2015/25
2015/22Representatives Report
PCSO Prachett spoke to the council about February’s Crime Report with 1 theft of JCB generator
Marton Rd, Willingham. Currently 4 Police Officers now in the Gainsborough Rural South Area.
Also, to inform residents about Horse Watch Scheme, stickers available for owners of Horse Boxes
To say if seen between 11pm-4am, vehicle will be stopped and checked ownership. Free to apply-
contact for more information and pack.
2015/23 Clerks Report
- Spoken to Tim Berridge and he is happy to continue as Handyman and has supplied his public liability insurance certificate
- Have been in contact with Anglian Waters several times regarding the open drain - mentioning sewage/smells/rats, they sent out Metro Rod who were looking for a flood!! Then said they would send someone out to investigate but still haven’t got any information back as yet. Clerk to keep trying
- Dave Furnish from LCC rang regarding the streetlamp on the corner of Grange Lane/Paddocks, it can’t be moved and a brighter bulb was put in a few years ago but there was a complaint from a resident – too bright, shining in his window. What they will do is tilt the lantern so it shines more across the road.
- No reply form the Post Office as yet
- Letter sent to H Rockett re hedges & locked gate at the parish field- had no reply
- Clerk has placed an notice in the April Parish Magazine re:Annual Parish Meeting. Clerk to invite all village groups
2015/24 Grass Cutting Tender 2015
Resolved3 grass cutting tenders were received and discussed with the tender going to JHM, S&D
Bingham.Clerk to contact and notify unsuccessful Tenders and request Public Liability Insurance
Certificate. A resident also made a requested not to cut until primroses had finished.
2015/25Parish FieldTender 2015
Resolved 2 tenders were received and discussed with the tender going to D Bingham, clerk to
request payment and signed agreement
2015/26Lincolnshire Cycle Road Race 2015
This was discussed and concerns was raised for lack of information/times/road blocks as last year
was very chaotic and confusing for residents. Clerk to contact the event organiser requesting more
information and to invite him to the APM 23rd April
2015/27 Defibrillators
The clerkhad information from 3 companies that supply Defibrillators which included an initial
training session. It was decided that Cllr Webster along with Cllr Bates would look in more detail
about Heartbeat and the available grant. Item to be placed on next agenda
2015/28 Planters at Village signs Stow Road & Gainsborough Road
Clerk to contact Highways to arrange a site meeting for more information on the position, size and
materials able to use
- White Line request around the Church corner - We have recently carried out a night time 'Road
Markings & Cat's Eyes' survey. This location was highlighted as needing a refresh & will be applied
from Aprilonwards, hopefully in that month.
- The rubbish on the verge on Gainsborough Road will be cleared at our convenience
- Marton Rd has been inspected and agreed it is not in an ideal condition primarily due to drought
damage. At the moment there is no works planned for this site, as we have to prioritize our spending
on highway maintenance and this site has not rated highly enough to warrant a repair project as of
now. I will however endeavour to keep the road safe for vehicles to use and may erect some uneven
road signs if required
2015/30 Correspondence for Discussion/Decision
a. Best Kept Village Competition 2015Resolved – not entering this year
b. Pick up after your dog postersResolved – all councillorsagreed to place around the village
Correspondence for Information
a.Clerks & Councils Direct -received
b. WLDC Election Information - received
2015/31 Planning
No.132413: for proposed double garage with first floor office accommodation, 19 Grange Lane –
received with no comments
No.132109: construction of wind farm, Yawthorpe Brown’s Holt Corringham – received with no
Resolved the monthly accounts were approved and signed for payment
2015/33 Agenda Items for next meeting
- Cemetery – Cllr Bingham mentioned that there was a tree down which had left big holes in the
hedge, that 2 trees needed to come down- hazardous to grave stones and hedges need tidying.
Cllr Wain to ask Nicholas to chop down and need to look at re-planting.
- Bus Shelter – High Street. Cllr Leak reported that graffiti had been scratched on. Cllr Cannon to go
& check all bus shelters for next meeting
2015/34 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies
(Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1(2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be
Discussed none
Date & time of next meeting confirmed as Tuesday 14th April at 8pm
Meeting ended 9.50pm
Signed: Date:14thApril 2015