Team Iowa Fire & Ice Event Rules:
Coach Check in:
Teams should arrive 30 mins before their games. A forfeit will be declared at game time. Signed Team waivers must be turned in prior to playing your 1st game.
Iowa High School Athletic Association rules will be followed except as noted:
· 14 minute halves stopped clock on all dead ball situations. Clock will run if there is a 15 point lead with 7 minutes left in the game. 3rd – 5th grade will play 20 minute running clock, with clock stopping last minute of the game.
· Halftime will last 2 minutes and Warm Ups will last 3-5 minutes depending on if event is running on time. If running ahead of schedule games could start early.
· 3 point shots will count on gyms marked.
· 1st Overtime period will be two minutes Stopped/ 2nd Overtime is Sudden Death.
· Pressing is allowed – coaches use sportsmanship and pull off if leading by 20
· Free throws: we will shoot them. – 3rd grade will be allowed to step up.
· Teams will provide Game balls. The game ball will be the 28.5” high school girls basketball. 7th and 8th grade boys will use 29.5” ball unless both teams agree to use 28.5”.
· Teams are allowed three full timeouts per game – Each team will receive one timeout per overtime period – no carry overs.
· One coach may stand, unless the bench has received a technical foul and then all coaches must sit.
· Pool/Round Robin Tie Breaker:
1. Head to head
2. Point Differential
3. Total Points Allowed
4. coin flip
Tournament Director may combine divisions if needed
Coaches/Parents – Good sportsmanship will be expected by all players, coaches and parents. Those displaying poor conduct will be asked to leave the tournament without reimbursement of any team or individual entry fees. If a player, coach, or parent is removed from the gym for poor sportsmanship, they must be cleared by the tournament director before re-entering the gym.
Each team will asked to provide a scorekeeper/clockkeeper.
Misc – If your team is not playing, they need to stay off the court – no shooting or dribbling during time-outs.
Once Schedules have been setup, there are no refunds for teams who choose not to participate.
Daily Admission
Weekend Pass = $10.00
Adults = $6.00
K-12 Student = $4.00
5 and under = Free