Hampshire Music Service
Annual Service Review Questionnaire 2013
Questionnaires were sent to a sample of 100 Hampshire maintained schools, Early Years settings and Children’s Centres in the summer term 2013. Whilst the responses from the 2013 sample cannot be assumed to be representative of all schools, comparisons with previous years’ responses are included in the report below, for reference.
Completed questionnaires were received from 27 schools. This report summarises the responses.
The replies from schools by phase were 22 (all through primary), 3 (secondary/6th form) and 2 (special).
The overall response rate was 27%. This compares with previous years as follows:
Year Returns
2010 34%
2011 38%
2012 50%
2013 27%
1. Music Service work
From amongst the 27 schools that completed the questionnaire, HMS provides:
· Small group instrumental and vocal teaching in 17 schools 63%
· Whole class instrumental and vocal teaching (Listen2Me) in 15 schools 55.6%
· Class music teaching in 3 schools 11.1%
· Ensemble directing in 1 school 3.7%
· After school clubs in 1 school 3.7%
The percentage of small group instrumental and vocal teaching has increased slightly this year.
2. Teaching quality
100% satisfactory or better
96% mostly, or wholly, excellent and efficient
48% of schools recorded that teaching quality was excellent, a figure that has steadily increased each year. A further 48% recorded that teaching was good, and one school rated teaching as satisfactory.
3. Music inspection and advice visits
100% satisfactory or better
75% high quality
There has been an 18% increase in schools receiving music inspection and advice visits this year. 75% of schools recorded that visits music were of high quality, an increase of 13.5% on last year. A further 25% rated visits as satisfactory.
4. Curriculum initiatives, including the Primary Music Curriculum project (courses, conferences and focus groups), secondary and special opportunities, festivals and workshops
100% satisfactory or better
61.9% high quality
There has been a 21.7% increase in the number of schools taking part in curriculum initiatives this year. 77.7% of schools reported taking part in some form of curriculum activity, of which 61.9% rated this provision as high quality. A further 38.1% rated curriculum initiatives as satisfactory.
5. General Music Service quality
100% satisfactory or better
85.2% quick and efficient
From this year’s sample, all settings felt that queries and concerns had been dealt with at least satisfactorily. 85.2% of schools felt issues had been dealt with quickly and efficiently, an increase of 6.9% on last year. A further 14.8% recorded a satisfactory response.
6. Overall Music Service quality
100% usually or always positive
100% usually or always courteous
100% usually or always enthusiastic
100% usually or always committed
88.9% usually or always flexible
74.1% of schools view HMS as being positive always, with a further 25.9% recording positive usually. No schools responded in the ‘sometimes’ category.
81.5% of schools feel that the Music Service is always courteous, with a further 18.5% recording courteous usually. No schools responded in the ‘sometimes’ category.
77.8% of schools replied that the Service is always enthusiastic, with a further 22.2% recording usually enthusiastic. No schools responded in the ‘sometimes’ category.
70.4% of schools feel that the Service is always committed, with a further 29.6% recording usually committed. No schools responded in the ‘sometimes’ category.
55.6% of schools considered HMS to be always flexible and responsive. A further 33.3% responded in the ‘usually’ category. Three schools responded in the ‘sometimes’ category.
When compared with the previous five years’ reports, the figures show a variation in each area of the music service’s quality. A comparison of responses in the ‘always’ category is shown below:
Percentage (%) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Positive 88.6 81.3 84.8 81.6% 81.3
Courteous 94.3 85.1 93.9 92.1% 87.5
Enthusiastic 74.3 75.0 78.8 86.8% 79.2
Committed 88.6 75.0 84.8 84.2% 75
Flexible and responsive 63.9 59.6 60.6 78.9% 68.8
7. Impact of HMS on standards of music
100% positive impact on raising standards
100% of schools from this year’s sample felt that the work of HMS was having a significant impact or at least some impact on raising standards.
Through the full range of its teaching, inspection and advice, curriculum initiatives and music activities and events, the impact of HMS was felt to be helping to raise standards significantly in 40.7% of schools. A further 59.3% of schools felt that HMS was helping to raise standards modestly.
8. Have concerns discussed with senior managers been satisfactorily resolved?
100% satisfied or no concerns
For 57.7% of the schools that responded, there had been no concerns. 11 schools felt that queries/concerns had been responded to satisfactorily.
9. Comments regarding the work of HMS that were not covered by the review
This section was mainly used by headteachers to record their thanks to HMS and to individual teachers and managers. Many teachers and specific HMS initiatives were identified by name, with particularly positive comments on the impact of the KS2 Listen2Me programme.
· Individual feedback to named members of HMS staff: Head of Service
· Follow up recorded unsatisfactory categories: Head of Service and
Senior Leaders
· Copy pages for action to relevant Senior Leader: Head of Service
· Copy full analysis to Senior Leadership Team and
Headteachers Performance and Development Standing Group: Head of Service
· Place full analysis on public section of HMS website: Head of Service
Jill Larner – Head of Service
20 September 2013