Meeting Notes

January 22, 2016

Attendees: Warren Takata, Sally Dunan, Derek Otsuji, Erica Balbag-Gerard(Recorder), Sarah Myhre, Bert Shimabukuro, Jim Poole, Jeff Stearns, Mike Ferguson, Alapaki Luke, Jenny Wong, Rheta Kuwahara, Ross Egloria, Evelyn Greene, Keala Chock, Marcia Roberts-Deutsch, Pat Yahata, Kara Kam-Kalani.

Guests: Mike Myers, S. Kan, Sterling Foster, Eric Shaffer, Kerry Tanimoto.

I. Call to order:The meeting was called to order at 9:05am.

II. Approval of December minutes

  • Suggested corrections to the past minutes:
  • Item #6 on page 2 suggestion made to replace disguising to distinguishing.
  • Page 1, wording change suggested to “to this from that”

ACTION: Motion to accept the December minutes contingent to changes suggested made.

III. Curriculum Actions

  1. Tech I
  2. Modifications
  3. Delete prerequisite of ABRP 65 for ABRP 79 and ABRP 80.
  4. Delete prerequisite of ABRP 74,76,77 as prerequisite for ABRP 73 and

ABRP 75.

Motion made to approve modifications by B. Shimabukuro. Motion seconded by Jenny Wong

ACTION: Unanimously Approved

  1. AEC 193V prerequisites.

Motion made for approval for course prerequisites by K. Chock. Motion seconded by M. Luke.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved.

  1. AMT Program (various)
  2. A question was asked regarding why the technical math credits are not reflected in the First Semester totals which is impacting the total number of credits for the degree.

ACTION: Corrections to the number of credits to

reflect technical math will be made.

A general suggestion was made that for only corrected copies going to CPC for review be forwarded so that there is no confusion as to what is being reviewed.

Motion made for approval for various AMT program modifications by B. Shimabukuro. Motion seconded by E. Greene.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved

  1. SMP 20, 21, 22, 23, 93V (remove prerequisite)
  2. A comment was made by proposers that the removal of course prerequisites for SMP 20, 21, 22, 23, and 93V was requested by the SMP Advisory Board.
  1. SMP 24 (SLOs)
  2. Comment made that the wrong CPC form used as the proposal changes course description and SLOS.
  3. Comment made that the wording of the SLO is inconsistent; what is in the catalog and on the proposal are different. ACTION: Proposers agreed to be consistent with what is in catalog.
  4. Comment made that course reference number of course should not be cited in proposal.

ACTION: Proposer agreed to delete course reference number.

  1. SMP Program (various)
  2. ENG & MATH requirement from Certificate of Achievement being removed. Comment made that taking off program prerequisites is okay, but course associated with program will still need to have ENG and MATH prerequisites.
  3. Certificate of Achievement includes a WELD 19 course.
  4. Comment made that the catalog page should include total number of credits for the certificate.

ACTION: Proposer made correction to include total number

of credits for the certificate.

Motion made for approval as a package all SMP proposals by B. Shimabukuro. Motion was seconded by S. Dunan.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved

  1. Deletions
  2. CMGT 100, 112, 114, 122, 123, 145, 193V, 210, 214, 224, 228
  3. Comment made that CMGT 100 is on catalog page 114.
  4. Proposal requests the removal of the CMGT program section in the catalog.

ACTION: Removal of CMGT program section to be in effect SPRING 2017.

  1. CMGT 193v is listed as a cooperative education course. In order to have CMGT

193v deleted the cooperative education course will need to be signed off by a

Cooperative education faculty.

Motion made for approval of various CMGT deletions by B. Shimabukuro. Motion was seconded by R. Kuwahara.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved

B. Tech II

  1. Modifications
  2. CENT 228 (description, SLOs, course outline)
  3. Comment made a comma will be used instead of a semi-colon for that last sentence in catalog regarding CENT 228.
  1. CENT 231 (prerequisite)

No comments made for CENT 231, motion made for approval of modifications to CENT 228 and CENT 231 by R. Kuwahara. Motion seconded by S. Dunan.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved

  1. COSM Program (program prerequisites) and COSM 20, 21L, 60, 61L (prerequisites).
  2. Modification made to delete program ENG and MATH prerequisites. Comments were made regarding question of support course having ENG and or MATH prerequisites; UHCC Policy 5.213 was cited.
  3. Response from proposer:
  4. Concern shared that the program is in direct competition with private institution that offer the same type of program and as such the trend has been a decline in enrollment for the program.
  5. A suggestion was made to modify ENG and MATH prerequisite for CHEM 105C to reflect that the ENG and Math prerequisites to be “Recommended Preparation”.

ACTION: Math & Natural & Physical Science Division

Chair to bring modification request to DCC; VCAA

Will need to have modification request by end of

February electronically.

Comment made regarding the program “lowering standards”. Response to comment is as follows:

  • Students are required to take general education courses in their fourth semester.
  • New placement guidelines will support the removal of ENG and MATH prerequisites.
  • Changes to the current Certificate of Achievement language in the current catalog to be consistent with UHCC System policy regarding the awarding of Certificates of Achievements will support the removal of ENG and MATH prerequisites.

Motion to remove ENG and MATH COSM program prerequisites and modification for COSM 20,21L, 60, 61L made by E. Balbag-Gerard. Motion seconded by S. Dunan.

ACTION: 15 approved proposal with 1 abstaining.

  1. ECED 215 (course numbering, prerequisites)
  2. Comment made that ECED courses found on page 207 are impacted by proposal.

Motion to approve ECED 215 changes to course numbering and modifications to course prerequisites impacted by changes made by R. Kuwahara. Motion was seconded by S. Dunan.

  1. University College
  2. Developmental Education Package Update (VCAA)
  3. Once Math pathway is decided on work on prerequisite language changes will come next.
  4. Developmental Education Package may have to be vetted electronically for review.
  5. VCAA will generate memo to be sent to CPC that will reflect approval and date of acceptance of Developmental Education package. The memo should:
  6. Document curriculum approval process to insure integrity of approval process.
  7. Include wording on awarding Certificate of Achievement.
  1. New courses
  1. ENG 100 100s 100T:
  2. English Placement and English Model Handout shared with members.
  3. Comment made on difference between ENG 100s and ENG 100T
  4. Four credits charged for ENG 100 with ENG 100s
  5. Five credits charged for ENG 100 with ENG 100T
  6. A sub-committee is currently working on Teaching Equivalency definition with regards to ENG 100s and ENG 100T (not lab but supplement)
  7. Suggestion made to use “lab”. Response to suggestion was that discussions is leaning towards using Teaching Equivalency and not lab.
  8. Comment made that flexibility of lecture/lab accommodates content built into ENG 100S and ENG 100T.
  1. Students placed into ENG 1002 and ENG 100T by the following assessments:
  1. SBAC
  1. ACT-SAT
  1. writing sample

General comment made that test scores could be self-reported by student. Discussion on what to use for writing sample is ongoing. The Department of Education and UH System are currently in discussionto address how SBAC scores are “dumped” into BANNER.

Motion made by J. Stearns. Motion seconded by M. Robert-Deutsch.

Further comments:

  • Students will be able to self-report assessment test scores on their own.
  • Comment made that course outline not completed ENG 100T. ACTION: Proposer to complete course outline.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved.

  1. ENG 257A

Motion made for approval of ENG 257A by M. Luke. Motion seconded by M. Roberts-Deutsch.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved.

  1. PHYS 103, 104, 105P
  2. PHYS 103, 104 and 105P are permanent alphanumeric for PHY 197 alphas.
  3. Title change not reflected on proposal.

Action: Official name of course appended to proposal.

Motion made to approve PHYS 103, 104, and 150P made by E. Greene. Motion seconded by M. Ferguson.

Further comment made regarding the higher MATH prerequisite. Response was that CTE programs requested to have higher MATH concepts part of curriculum; there is no trigonometry in MATH 50, however it will be in MATH 150.

AMT student will still have option of taking PHYS 100/100L.

VCAA offered to extend PHYS 197 one more year to have discussion on impact of PHYS and MATH and CTE Programs; decisions is for PHYS 103, 104 and 150P to move forward through curriculum approval process with the commitment from MATH, CTE, & PHYS department to discuss prerequisites for PHYS 103, 104, and 150P for CPC consideration Fall 2016.

ACTION: Unanimously approved.

  1. Deactivations
  2. FIL 101, 102, 201, 202

Motion made by J. Stearns to deactivate FIL 101, 102, 201, and 202. Motion seconded by J. Wong.

ACTION: Unanimously Approved.

  1. Modification
  2. MATH 50 (prerequisites, description, SLOs)
  3. Comment made to take out placement of MATH 75; suggested language: MATH 9, or placement into 24,50,53
  4. VCAA holding all MATH modifications until decision made with MATH pathway.
  5. VCAA would like to strike out completion of MATH 9.
  6. Comment made that proposal is based on surveys and polling done by MATH department.
  7. Suggestion made to keep current prerequisites but only change description & SLOS.
  8. For this meeting, only course description and SLO change to be voted on.

Motion moved to only approve modification to MATH 50 course description and SLO made by S.Dunan. Motion seconded by J. Wong.

Further comments made: MATH Department will meet with CTE programs to discuss impact of proposed prerequisites on their programs.

ACTION: 14 approved with 2 in opposition.

IV. Discussion Items

  • KualiCo Update:
  • Campus have until March 1, 2016 to make modification to program and template.
  • Banner migration tentatively scheduled for end of June 2016.
  • There will be instructional video; Hawaii CC to develop videos to be posted on website.
  • Existing forms have been scanned and then the system will upload to system website.
  • Sustainability Designation Forthcoming
  • C. Smith is working on S designation; it is not going to be a general education requirement.
  • Announcements
  • Emergency CPC meeting scheduled tentatively for January 29th, 2016 @ 1:00 pm. Location of meeting forthcoming.
  • All catalog changes need to be submitted by January 30th, 2016.

V. Next Meeting: February 19, 2016, 9:00 a.m., 2-614

VI. Adjournment at 11:05am.