Faculty Forum minutesOctober 14, 2015
President– Dieter Steklis- started the meeting from Tech Park at 10:00
PRESENT: Arnold, Stephen;Brown, Brandy; Citera, Barbara; Denno, Linda; DiRoberto, Kyle; Erickson, Kathy; Johnson, Chris; Kralovec, Etta;Lunsford, Laura; Mapp, Eric; McGee, Inger; Orozco, Rick; Parra, Ada; Sanderson, Chris; Seder, Laurie; Shockey, Jim; Steklis, Dieter; Straight, Ryan; Tesch, Aaron; Torres, David; Trevino, Sandee; Xu, Li
ABSENT:Czerkawski, Betul (sabbatical); Lutes, Todd;Wells, Kate
GUESTS: Bechtold, Sara; Lagarda, Christian; Tawney, Clayton;
Agenda Item / Discussion Notes / Action / Person/sResponsible
Approval of Minutes / Motioned by Dieter seconded by Linda. / Approved unanimously / Dieter Steklis
Dean’s Report: / 3 new searches are under way and committees are formed. Jim will send out who is on the committees.
Emergency Response plan- Working on one for all employees. Send comments or ideas to Jim. Campus review- More info will follow with a schedule for the review team’s campus visit.
Laura asked Jim what become of the P&T document approved by Faculty Forum back in May. Jim will complete by the next meeting. Dieter and Jim will meet to discuss the document. Dieter will send out a summary of the meeting hopefully next week. / Jim Shockey
Associate Dean’s Report: / We had visitors here from Hermosillo. Touring our campus and local schools. Thanks to Inger and Melissa.
Vets luncheon will be at the Wyndemere this year on Friday Nov. 13th. RSVP to Caroline. / Barbara Citera
Standing Committee Reports & Action Items:
Curriculum / Technology-Will meet next week, no ITV available. The meeting will be online. Meetings are open to everyone.
Personnel-Report submitted. Read the document and respond to Li,by Oct. 28th.
Curriculum-Report submitted. Kyle will move the next meeting up to meet before the next forum. Kyle motioned to accept the 6 action items and Aaron seconded. / Consent motion- 17 yes, 2 abstentions. / Chris Johnson
Li Xu
Kyle DiRoberto
Undergraduate & Graduate Reports / Undergraduate- Report forthcoming.
Graduate- Report submitted and no comments. / Todd Lutes
Rick Orozco
Honors program: / Asked the question to Faculty. How would we like to see this program develop?Discussion followed.Laura and Barbara will work on a plan and present to Forum in the future. / Chris Johnson
UAS Learning Outcomes: / Do we want to do this as UA South? Document was presented electronically. Chris made a motion to accept, but withdrew the motion to give faculty more time to review. / Chis Johnson
Student Showcase: / The time is coming, be thinking about what worked and what needs to be changed. Will work on a date to do jointly with others. / Ryan Straight
UAS vehicle policy: / Discussion followed on what is the policy for vehicle usage. Barbara will ask Chuck to attend the next meeting. / Etta Kralovec
Electronic signatures: / Discussion followed, with the suggestion to ask the business office to accept electronic signatures on forms. / Laura Lunsford
Adjunct Representative: / The new adjunct representative will be Lorena Fulton for the 2015-2016 year. / Dieter Steklis
Adjournment: / 11:57 am
University of Arizona @ Sierra VistaPrepared by Deb Hoeft, Reviewed by Todd Lutes