It would also be helpful to review the other Study Guides & Power Points that you have as well as re-reading the textbook
Chapter 1: Sacraments Encountering the sacred
1. Sacramental awareness and sacramental dullness: what they are; skills needed for sacramental awareness? how to deal with them? What is a sacramental moment? What are the two dimensions of a sacrament?
2. Grace as God’s loving presence in the world: what does this mean? What is grace?
3. What is that overall in a very general sense that sacraments do for people?
Chapter 2: Symbols
1. How are symbols distinguished from signs? Types of symbols (cultural /universal); literal thinking versus symbolic thinking.
2. Why are the most important symbols of the Catholic church the 7 sacraments?
3. “Sacraments are symbols of God’s grace”. What does this mean?
Chapter 3: Rituals
1. What are rituals? What are their roles? What are their characteristics?
2. What is the relationship between rituals and worship?
3. What does ‘sacrifice’ mean and what is its relationship to rituals and worship?
4. Ritual worship versus magic
5. Relationship between Christianity and rituals; when and why did sacraments come to mean only the 7 sacraments that we identify today?
NOTE: on page 73, there is a very good summary of the first three chapters.
Chapter 5: Jesus Christ and the Church
1. When or where is the Church a sacrament of Jesus to the world? What are the three images of church which help to understand that reality? What is the ‘faith of the church’? How would you apply these three images of church in the world today and how would you describe the ‘faith of the church’?
2. What are the two functions of the 7 sacraments and what are the origins of the 7 sacraments?
3. What is meant by Jesus is the primary sacrament of God? How are you a sacrament of Jesus?
4. Relationship/meaning of : Incarnation; Paschal Mystery; Pentecost; efficacious; disposition
Chapter 6: Sacraments in History
1. Importance/role/reasons for change and renewal, especially within the church
2. Know the five phases and for each of the five: their characteristics; developments; changes; teachings, significant people & councils:
a. Phase I: why ‘agape’ and what did it mean? ; why use pagan word and customs?
b. Phase II: Constantine’s role and effect on the faith? Augustine’s theological teachings regarding sacraments; separation of Confirmation from Baptism; public penance replaced by private confession; Anointing of the Sick became Anointing of the Dying; decrease in lay involvement in the Eucharist
c. Phase III: Why was the church the focal point of the lives of the citizens?; Thomas Aquinas’ theological teachings regarding sacraments; what problem arose with more emphasis on form than on the deeper meaning of the ritual?
d. Phase IV: Why Trent’s need to reaffirm Council of Lyons teaching/statement that there are only 7 official sacraments of the church? Was this wise? Justify; Role and effect of Luther and the Protestant Reformation—good or bad and why? what is the Scholastic understanding of the sacraments approved at this time?
e. Phase V: Role and effect of the Second Vatican Council; why would John XXIII call it? Impact and effect today from this council is…..?
3. Words from chapter 6: friendship meal/agape; Constantine; Augustine; sacraments of word; sacraments of action; Second Council of Lyons; Thomas Aquinas; Protestant Reformation; Martin Luther; Council of Trent; sacramentals; John XXIII; Second Vatican Council
Also, recall the categories: (which sacraments belong in each one and why) sacraments of initiation; of healing; of service
Chapter 7: Baptism
1. The five realities that it celebrates and what each mean.
2. Relationship of original sin; personal sin; baptism and salvation
3. symbols/words/actions
4. history of it (early church; catechumenate; RCIA)
Chapter 8 Confirmation
1. What is meant by lifelong growth in the spirit?
2. Relationships and meaning of Holy Spirit; Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Journey and Destination to maturity; requirements for this sacrament;
3. Symbolic actions / words
4. History of it
Chapter 9: Eucharist
1. Meaning and relationship of Eucharist; Real Presence; Blessed Sacrament; Viaticum; Transubstantiation; Agape
2. Challenge of the Eucharist; symbolic actions/words
3. Know the main parts of the mass
4. History:
a. Roots where? And why?
b. Origins and development from the early church to Vatican Council II:
What was the original reason for gathering?
What was the original structure of celebration? Was it always kept? Is it so today?
Effect of the theological disagreement on Christ’s divinity and humanity?
Effect of literalism on the Eucharist? What was Aquinas’ response?
What set the stage for the profound changes to come under Vatican II?
What were the changes (internal and external) from Vatican II?
Chapter 10: Reconciliation
1. Reconciliation; penance; relationship and role of conversion; absolution; examination of conscience; seal of the confessional; mortal sin; venial sin; personal sin; original sin; confession; role of reconciliation belongs to whom and why?
2. How often must Catholics go to confession by church law?
3. Symbolic actions/words
4. Two main forms of celebrating the sacrament
5. History of the sacrament
Chapter 11: Anointing of the Sick
1. Meaning and role of the three aspects which this sacrament celebrates; the three part meaning of this sacrament; primary emphasis of this sacrament; viaticum; Extreme Unction; Wounded Healers
2. Three different means of celebrating this sacrament
3. Symbolic actions/words
4. History of the sacrament
Chapter 12: Matrimony
1. Husband & Wife are primary ministers of the sacrament; domestic church
2. Symbolic actions/words
3. History of the sacrament
4. Definition of Annulment vs. Divorce
Chapter 13: Ordination
1. Symbolic actions/words; monastic life, celibacy, charism, challis & patan
2. History of the sacrament
3. Know the 3 Orders & differences in their ceremonies
4. What a deacon can officiate at
5. Laity also act as priest, prophet and servant-leader