September 2017
Helllloooooo all you wonderful snowmobile people. Another season is coming up fast so get ready to have some fun. The trail passes went on sale July 1st, get yours early.
Dates to remember start with our first meeting of the season which will be on Thursday September 14th, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Vesper Community Center. Refreshments will be provided. Follow up dates are:
Power Pac Customer Appreciation-Friday, September 8th, 2017 11 am- 2 PM
Wausau Grass Drags-Saturday September 23rd& Sunday September 24th, 2017
Meeting, Thursday October 12th, 2017
Fall Kick Off Fund Raiser-October 14th, 2017
Donahue Super Sports Snow Show open house-
Friday October 27th 9am-8 pm & Saturday October 28th, 2017 9 am-2 pm.
AWSC Fall Workshop-October 27th-29th, 2017 (Appleton)
Meeting-Thursday November 9th, 2017
Meeting/Christmas Party-Thursday December 14th, 2017
Meeting-Thursday January 11th, 2017
Meeting-Thursday February 8th, 2017
Wood County Ride-To Be Determined.
Meeting-Thursday March 8th, 2017
Spring Convention-March 23rd-25th, 2017 (Green Bay)
Meeting-Thursday April 12th, 2017
Landowner’s Picnic-April 18th, 2017
As I learn of more fun events I will pass them on to you.
Our first two meetings are very important as we will be finalizing the details for our Fall Kick Off Fund Raiser at Layla’s Bar from 1 PM- 6 PM. Activities will start at 12:30 PM with registration for the Bean Toss Tournament, the tournament will start at 1 PM.
Please start collecting your donations and bring them to the first meeting. If you won’t be able to get to your usual places for donations PLEASE let someone else know so arrangements can be made to collect them. No last-minute running around to for donations. We will have burgers, brats and chips this year. The drawing for prizes will be at 5:30 PM. Layla will have a band starting at 6PM.
As we prepare for the upcoming snowmobile season a friendly reminder to keep track of time and tools used to prepare and sign trails. Make sure you are asking and getting permission from your landowners before working on or signing trails. If you need help let David or I are happy to help. Times change and landowners change, agreements made years ago may not pertain now. DON’T ASSUME. ASK!!!!
Remember the dues will be going up with the start of this snowmobile season. Prices are listed below.All dues turned in to us will go to the AWSC the same month we receive them; you will get your yellow cards at the next monthly meeting or with your Newsletter.
The dues will cover you from the month AWSC receives and enters them and will be good for one year.
Single membership is $20.00 Couple/Family is $30.00
Dues can be paid in person at the meetings (preferred method) or sent to:
Connie Verjinsky, Treasurer
820 25th Ave S.
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
If you have any corrections or questions I can be reached at
Home # 715-569-4034;Cell #715-305-5040 or email at .
Margie Straka