School of Sport and Education
BSc Secondary Education and Physical Education
Recommendation for
Qualified Teacher Status
Module Study Guide
September 2013 (CG)
Module Code and Title: ED3099 Education Studies IV (Term 1)
Intended Learning Outcomes
Module Content
University Week 0
University Week 1
University Week 2
University Week 3
University Week 4
University Week 5
University Week 6 (Schools half term week)
University Week 7
University Week 8
University Week 9
University Week 10
University Week 11
University Week 12
Module Code and Title: ED3099 Education Studies IV (Term 2)
Intended Learning Outcomes
Module Content
University week 15
University week 16
University weeks 17- 35
Module Code and Title: ED3099 Education Studies IV (Term 3)
Intended Learning Outcomes
Module Content
University week 35
ED3099 Assessment
Assessment criteria
Marking Criteria
Grade descriptors
ED3099 Recommended Reading and Resources
Education Studies
Physical Education Subject Studies
Research Related Reading
Professional Organisations
Government Documentation
Useful Websites
BSc Secondary Education and Physical Education Year 4 Planner 2013-2014
Please note: This document must be read in conjunction with all other course documentation. The content of sessions is indicative and subject to change.
Module Code and Title: ED3099Education Studies IV (Term 1)
Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module through a combination of the following contexts: University staff led sessions (theory and practical); discussion; active note taking; group work; individual/group tutorials; directed study tasks; video analysis; school based teaching and training activities; you will be able to:
- identify, define and refine a problem or issue suitable for small scale inquiry; identifying specific research questions and drawing up realistic and measurable proposals on a selected theme/topic in a clearly identified time frame demonstrating appropriate ethical considerations (TS3.1,TS3.2, TS8.4);
- locate and review relevant literature or documentation from subject specific and broader literature to develop the initial proposal, and to support the identification of key themes, issues and arguments which relate to the research questions(TS3.1,TS3.2, TS8.4);
- critically review a range of research methods and select those appropriate to the identified question and context providing a detailed rationale and use appropriate techniques of investigation, data collection and understand methods of interpreting collected data in order to present, analyse, interpret and draw meaningful conclusions in relation to the initial question and related literature (TS3.2, TS8.4);
- present research and findings in an organised, academically rigorous and scholarly manner (TS3.2);
- identify targets and associated actions for individual professional learning and development and collate relevant evidence in order to meet the Teachers’ Standards (TS8.4);
- demonstrate an awareness of the importance and implications of safeguarding needs within the remit of statutory provision, including knowledge of E-safety (Part 2);
- understand the importance of literacy and classroom dialogue (TS3);
- develop an awareness of difficulties adolescents experience with reading and how to support them (TS5);
- know, understand and apply the existing national frameworks for the 14 to 19 curriculum provision with specific reference to examination courses in PE (TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1);
- develop a range of teaching strategies for examination courses in physical education, interpreting various syllabi to plan units and lessons for both practical and theoretical elements (TS3.1, TS4.1,TS4.5);
- understand the social, emotional and behavioural development of learners and the possible effects of this within the school context; recognising the contribution and impact of school structures for pupils and teachers (TS5.2, TS5.3);
- further enhance knowledge and understanding of the range of professional rights and responsibilities within the school in a constantly evolving context (Preamble & Part 2);
- understand how to use ICT technologies and handheld learning devices specifically to enhance the learning experience and support development in practice (TS3.2, TS4.1, TS4.2, TS4.5, TS8.4)
- further develop an understanding of the concept of inclusion as part of the whole curriculum and how it relates specifically to maximising participation and learning in physical education (TS1.2, TS2.2, TS2.3, TS2.4, TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4);
- further refine understanding of the SEN Code of Practice and how it relates to physical education and engage in the process of identifying particular learning needs demonstrated by pupils in both the classroom and in the practical learning context (TS1.2, TS2.2, TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1);
- adapt teaching styles and strategies in order to respond to identified strengths and weaknesses in pupil learning (TS1.2, TS2.2, TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4);
- refine an understanding of the principles of differentiation through the planning and teaching of learning activities which address the learning needs of an identified range of pupils (TS1.2, TS2.2, TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1);
- understand how linguistic development affects pupils’ learning in the context of EAL and devise a range of strategies to support pupils’ language development in the context of physical education specifically (TS1.2, TS2.2, TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1);
- articulate an informed vision of a ‘healthy active lifestyle’ (HAL) (TS 3.1, TS3.2, TS4.5, TS8.1, TS8.4);
- decide what young people should be learning about HAL (TS3.1, TS3.2, TS4.5, TS8.1, TS8.4);
- critically reflect on current provision in schools for HRE (TS3.1, TS3.2, TS4.5, TS6.1, TS8.1);
- interpret the statutory requirements of the secondary curriculum in terms of learning about healthy active lifestyles (TS 3.1, TS6.1);
- decide appropriate pedagogy for promoting learning about healthy active lifestyles (TS2.2, TS2.4, TS2.5, TS3.1, TS4.1, TS4.2, TS4.4, TS5.1, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.2, TS7.3);
- articulate the place of fitness testing in the curriculum (TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1);
Module Content
University Week 0
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refThursday, 19th Sept / 2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB207 / Cathy Gower / Returners meeting; introduction to year 4 and module ED3099 / n/a
Friday, 20th Sept / All day by appointment
HB215a / Cathy Gower / Individual tutorials to review Foundation Phase rofile and Development Phase Professional Learning Record. / TS8.4
Study tasks and related activities: Prepare working title for Special Exercise and ensure Cathy has this.
Read ED3099 Module Study Guide and School Experience Handbook.
Review year 3, Foundation Phase Profile targets and draw up 2nd draft of Development Phase Professional Learning Action Plan ready for mentor training.
Email Cathy Student Background Information sheet.
Organise 3 School Experience Files as per guidance and using dividers.
Transfer year 3 pre-block training activities, BER, Profile, Weekly Training Sheets with evidence behind into File 1 (The Professional Learning Record), Section B (Documents for the Foundation Phase/year 3).Bring File 1 to intermittent school experience preparation session on Monday, 23rd at 10.00am
University Week 1
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 23rd Sept / 9.45am – 11.00am
11.15am -12.30pm
LC066 / Cathy Gower
Viv Ellis / Intermittent school experience preparation.
Classroom talk and literacy / TS8.4
2.00pm – 4.30pm
LC009 / Cathy Gower / Introduction Special Exercise Guidance Handbook and / TS8.4
Friday, 27th Sept / HEI tutors, PE link tutors and mentors / Mentor training - meet year 4 mentors / Preamble
TS1.3, TS8.2, Part 2
Study tasks and related activities: Finalise development phase Professional Learning Record in preparation for mentor training. Bring this document and Foundation Phase Profile to mentor training session.
Revisit lecture materials from ED3090 on working with pupils with SEND in preparation for next week.
University Week 2
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 30th Sept / 0930-1045
LC066 / Maria Duckett, SENCO Bishop Ramsey
Tracey Meredith, Marjory Kinnon School / Meeting the needs of individual learners / TS5
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Cathy Gower / Approaches to research.
Refining your research proposal based on feedback received as part of assessment ED3090. Research aims, questions and project plans.
Introduction to ethics protocols and procedures. / TS3.2
Thursday, 3rd Oct / All day – school exp / PCMs and mentors / School and departmental induction by PCM and PE mentor / Preamble
Friday, 4th Oct / All day – school exp / PCMs and mentors / School and departmental induction by PCM and PE mentor / Preamble
TS8.1, TS8.2
Study tasks and related activities:
Directed study task in allocated small group reviewing Bailey et al (2009) journal article on the ‘Educational Benefits Claimed for PE and School Sport’ in preparation for work on the literature review next week.
Organise first meeting with supervisor to discuss refined research proposal focus, aims, questions and project plan. Email proposal summary and project plan to supervisor.
Complete professional learning activities on curriculum audit and time allocation for PE and return to Cathy Gower on Monday 7th Oct.
University Week 3
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 7th Oct / 9.30am -12.30pm
LC066 / Jenny Capstick (early intervention team LB Hounslow and Kingston Uni)
Sarmin Hossain / Safeguarding – child protection
09.30am -11.00am
Safeguarding – e-safety
11.15am -12.30pm / Part 2
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Cathy Gower / The literature review:selecting relevant literature to frame research aims and questions; critical perspectives on literature; the importance of the literature review in underpinning the research; structuring the literature review; making notes and keeping effective records; using references and writing a bibliography. / TS3.2
Thursday, 10th Oct / All day -school exp / PCMs, school child protection officer and mentors / Investigating child protection and safeguarding in the school context.
Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion).Gathering documentation. / Preamble
Part 2
Friday, 11th Oct / All day-school exp / PCMs, school child protection officer and mentors / Investigating child protection and safeguarding in the school context.
Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion).Gathering documentation. / Preamble
Part 2
Study tasks and related activities: Work on literature review.
Set up Refworks account through library and add in all references collated so far.
Complete directed study task reviewing the Coates (2011) journal article on ‘How Children with SEND Understand PE’ and answer questions related to methodology and methods.
Complete the professional learning activities on 14-19 Examination Courses and Specificationsand Safeguarding in the School Experience Guidance Handbook, cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence.
University Week 4
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 14th Oct / 9.30am – 10.45am
LC066 / Queensmead school / Assessment for Learning
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Cathy Gower / Research methods 1: research methodologies and research methods; understanding different research paradigms; overview of different methods used in data collection. / TS3.2
Tuesday, 15th October / 9.00am– 11.00am
LC062 / Liz Harris
(Wexham School and Brunel) / Developing classroom based practice for the 14-19 PE curriculum / TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1
Thursday, 17th Oct / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion).Gathering documentation and observing 14-19 PE. / Preamble
TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1
Part 2
Friday, 18th Oct / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion).Gathering documentation and observing 14-19 PE. / Preamble
TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1
Part 2
Study tasks and related activities: Draft of literature review chapter to supervisor and organise meeting to discuss draft.
Read the chapter by Crowe and Sheppard (2011) on Mind Mapping Research Methods. Draw up mind map reflecting your selected research methodology and methods, potentially using a free web based software package of your choice.
Gather documentation and resources relating to either GCSE, BTEC or A level PE, read through and bring to 14-19 session on Monday, 21st Oct.
Complete professional learning activities on assessment in the School Experience Guidance Handbook, cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence.
University Week 5
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 21st Oct / 10.00am – 12.30pm
HB204 / Liz Harris
(Wexham School and Brunel) / Developing classroom based practice for the 14-19 PE curriculum / TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Brunel research group staff / Research methods 2: workshops exploring and critiquing different research methods / TS3.2
Thursday, 24th Oct / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). Gathering documentation and observing 14-19 PE / Preamble
TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1
Part 2
Friday, 25th Oct / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). Gathering documentation and observing 14-19 PE / Preamble
TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1
Part 2
Study tasks and related activities: Work on draft of methodology and start design of research instruments.
Read the BERA (2011) Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research.
Prepare units, lesson plans and resources to share as part of the 14-19 PE workshop on Wednesday, 30th Oct.
Complete a professional learning activity on the 14-19 curriculum in your School Experience Guidance handbook. Conduct observation and negotiate opportunity to offer support as a learning mentor to individual pupils within a 14-19 PE examination class.
University Week 6 (Schools half term week)
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 28th Oct / 9.30am–12.30
(LC066) / Anne Chappell / Supporting learners to learn / Preamble, Part 2,
TS5.2, TS5.3
2.00pm – 4.30pm
(HB204) / Cathy Gower / Research methods 3: exploring research ethics and ethical practice and exploring different data collection methods. / TS3.2
Tuesday, 29th Oct / 10.00am – 12.30pm
HB206 / Liz Harris
(Wexham School and Brunel) / Workshop - sharing 14-19 units. Lesson plans, resources and ideas / TS3.1, TS3.2, TS6.1
1.00pm – 2.30pm (HB202) and
3.00pm to 5.00pm (IAC) / Phil Barratt (ex PGCert PE student, Bodmin College, Devon) / Using ICT technologies and handheld learning to support pupil learning and teaching in PE / TS3.2, TS4.1, TS4.2, TS4.5, TS8.4.
Thursday, 31st October / 1000-1130: Part 1
1200-1300: Part 2
1400-1530: Part 3
(Sportshall) / Jill Elbourn (Partnership Link Tutor) / The debate surrounding HRE within the National Curriculum; planning the curriculum and challenging existing practice in HRE; HRE across the key stages - progression and continuity; exploring the permeated or focused block approach to HRE; current research and developments in HRE and the context of societal pressure (e.g.) the obesity agenda; HRE and the emphasis on fitness, health and well-being at Key Stage 4 from QCA; safety issues in HRE and safe exercise; planning, performing and evaluating a safe exercise programme (examination PE); principles of exercise and training; FITT principle; training zone; Karnovan principle; components of fitness and the effect of exercise on body systems; arming up and cooling down; practical application of the knowledge and understanding. / TS2.2, TS2.4, TS2.5, TS3.1, TS4.1, TS4.2, TS4.4,
TS5.1, TS5.3, TS5.4,
TS6.2, TS7.3, TS8.1, TS8.4
Study tasks and related activities: Complete and have your supervisor sign off your ethics checklist and return to Cathy Gower.
Draft of methodology chapter to supervisor with completed design of research instruments. Organise meeting to discuss draft.
Read the example results and combined results and discussion chapters in preparation for Wednesday, 6th Nov.
University Week 7
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refWednesday, 6th Nov / Arbour Vale School
9.45am – 1.00pm / Arbour Vale School PE staff and Cathy Gower / Meeting the needs of learners – practical session on improving practice in differentiation through the STEP model and exploring disability sports. / TS1.2, TS2.2, TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Cathy Gower / Presenting and analysing data. / TS3.2
Thursday, 7th Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. Special exercise data collection. Supporting learners needs. / TS1.2, TS2.2,
TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1
Friday, 8th Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. Special exercise data collection. Supporting learners needs. / TS1.2, TS2.2,
TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1
Study tasks and related activities: Data collection.
Read the Borg (2001) and Finlay (2002) journal articles on using research journals.
Select a school-based training activity on maximising the achievement of all pupils inCapel et al (2006) Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School - A Practical Guide. London book and use additional resources on: . Cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence
Read and familiarise yourself with Ofsted school inspection lesson observation grade criteria and read the James and Pollard (2011) TLRP Principles for Effective Pedagogy document in preparation for next week.
University Week 8
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 11th Nov / 10.00am – 12.30pm
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Cathy Gower
Cathy Gower / Analysing 14-19 classroom based teaching through observation and discussion of video footage
Conclusions, limitations, recommendations, reflecting on the research process and implications for future practice. / TS1.2, TS2., TS2.4, TS3.2, TS8.4
Thursday, 14th Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. Special exercise data collection. Supporting learners needs. / TS1.2, TS2.2,
TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1
Friday, 15th Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. Special exercise data collection. Supporting learners needs. / TS1.2, TS2.2,
TS5.1, TS5.2, TS5.3, TS5.4, TS6.1
Study tasks and related activities: Data collection.
Complete the directed study task provided on preparing to write effective introductions and abstracts.
Complete professional learning activity on supporting pupils with EAL in the School Experience Guidance Handbook, cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence.
Critique a 14-19 examination PE lesson planned and delivered in year 3 based on analysis and discussion of video footage from this week.
University Week 9
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel Partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 18th Nov / 10.00am – 12.30pm
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Liz Harris
(Wexham School and Brunel)
Cathy Gower / Understanding the Pupil Premium
Writing effective introductions and abstracts / TS5
Thursday, 23rd Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
TS8.1, TS7.1, TS7.2, TS7.3, TS7.4
Friday, 24th Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
TS8.1, TS7.1, TS7.2, TS7.3, TS7.4
Study task and related activities: Draft of results, analysis and discussion chapter(s) to supervisor.
Gather information from school and PE department in order to write units of work and initial lesson plans for after Christmas.
Investigate the policy and practices relating to the Pupil Premium in your placement school.
Select a professional learning activity on creating and effective learning environment in Capel et al (2006) Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School - A Practical Guide. London book and use additional resources on: . Cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence. OR professional learning activity using one of the class management proformas in the School Experience Guidance Handbook, cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence.
University Week 10
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 25th Nov / 10.00am – 12.30pm
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB204 / Isleworth and Syon School partnership colleagues
Cathy Gower / Analysing data to identify and support the needs of learners
Preparation for block school experience and interim module evaluation. / TS8.4
Thursday, 28th Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
Friday, 29th Nov / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
Study tasks and related activities:
Investigate how data is used within and beyond your subject to identify and intervene to improve pupil achievement and progress in your placement school.
Select a professional learning activity on working with others in Capel et al (2006) Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School - A Practical Guide. London book and use additional resources on: . Cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence.
University Week 11
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 2nd Dec / 10.00am – 12.30pm
(room TBC) / Cathy Gower / National Curriculum update session / TS3.1, TS3.2
2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB215a / Cathy Gower / Block school experience tutorials. / TS8.2, TS8.4
Thursday, 5th Dec / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
TS3.1, TS3.2
Friday, 6th Dec / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
TS8.2, TS3.1, TS3.2
Study tasks and related activities: Draft of conclusion chapter to supervisor.
Start writing units of work for block school experience.
Complete writing of units of work for block school experience and start writing first lesson plans.
Select a practical activity which you will be teaching while on block experience after Christmas, which you have identified on your SK audit or action plan as an area for development. Complete professional learning activity on developing your subject knowledge in the School Experience Guidance Handbook, cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence.
University Week 12
Date / Session timings and venue / Brunel partnership staff / Activities / TS refMonday, 9th Dec / 2.00pm – 4.30pm
HB215a / Cathy Gower / Block school experience tutorials. / TS8.2, TS8.4
Thursday, 12th Dec / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
Friday, 13th Dec / All day-school exp / PCMs and mentors / Observing core PE groups and team teaching. School-based training activities (see below for suggestion). / Preamble
Study task and related activities:Draft of introduction and abstract to supervisor.
Final drafting of special exercise chapters.
Select a professional learning activity on planning for broader dimensions in Capel et al (2006) Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School - A Practical Guide. London book and use additional resources on: . Cross reference to the Teachers’ Standards and retain in your school experience file evidence.
Module Code and Title: ED3099Education Studies IV (Term 2)
Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module through a combination of the following contexts: University staff led sessions (theory and practical); discussion; active note taking; group work; individual/group tutorials; directed study tasks; video analysis; school based teaching and training activities; you will be able to: