Welcome to
Mrs. Zaharko’s
Grade 1B
I am delighted to be teaching your child in Grade 1B. It is going to be an exciting and fun-filled year. Currently, we have 17 students and I look forward to learning and growing with each and every one of them!
First thing! School supervision begins at 8:30. Children may hang their backpacks in the classroom and go outside to play until 8:45 (when weather cooperates). There will be an outside supervisor during this time.
8:50 announcements andO’Canada
Agendas are a great communication tool between school and home! Each morning, students are asked to have their agendas out and on their desk open to the last entry. We ask parents, each night, to empty the front pocket and initial beside the last entry to indicate that you have received the information from it. Your child will receive a sticker if it has been initialled and returned as this is a huge step toward them becoming responsible. During the day, everyone will print a new message about something we have learned, something we need for the next day, homework, spelling words, or an upcoming event. Please write any notes to me in the agenda opposite where the children print so as to not use up their new printing space. I will read these first thing in the morning and initial to let you know that I have received your message.
Morning Meeting
*Calendar Activities: These activities develop many math and language skills, e.g. days of the week, months of the year, dates, counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 100’s, and tallying.
*Story time
*Teaching time (this is when I will be modeling the activities of the day, teaching skills and explaining the centers)
We will go to the library 2-3 times a week to sign out a book. Your child may keep this book for one week or return them daily for a new one.
We will have snackbefore first recess and after last recess. I encourage healthy snacks, please DO NOT send pop, candy, or other junk food as we are teaching students healthy lifestyle choices in our health class. These snacks need to be quick as there is not much time especially in winter when they need extra time to get dressed.
Our recess times are 8:30-8:45, 10:10-10:25, 12:05-12:30,and 1:50-2:05. Please dress appropriately for the weather. A small pair of knit mitts and headband is always good to have in their backpacks for fall. Please LABEL everything- initials or just last names are fine. We stay in if it is raining or the temperature is below -25 (including the wind chill). Children are expected to go out for some fresh air and a play.
We encourage students to eat their lunches and to avoid throwing drinks or food in the garbage. If a child does not wish to eat a food item because of dislike, they will be encouraged to take it back home and discuss it with you. Our classroom has a microwave. Students require time to both heat up and eat their lunch; please DO NOT send a warm-up that requires much heating as the time comes out of students’ recess to finish lunches (example – Kraft Dinner in a cup and frozen entrees or noodles in a cup). As well, please do not send make-your-own-pizzas as they are very time-consuming and messy as well.All of these items may be brought if made at home first and then reheated at school. More information on the hot lunch program will follow.
Physical Education
We are scheduled to have three40 minute classeseach week in the gymnasium. Other days, we will incorporate class movement activities to meet the 30 minute daily physical activity time.
Students will be having music with Miss Taylortwice per week.
We will also have Science, Art, Social Studies, Ipad time and Health.
Other Important Pieces of Information
Sight Words
We will begin by learning our Pre-Primer Sight Words. Attached is a list of ALL the pre-primer words that your child is expected to know by first reporting period. We will be working with these words in class but it is expected that you practice them at home as well. Also attached are the pre-primer flashcards for you to cut and practice with. After the pre-primer words, there are also the primer and level one word lists that each student is expected to have mastered by the end of grade one.
Home Reading Program
In the next couple of weeks, once the students have settled in we will begin our home reading program. I will be listening to each child read to determine the appropriate starting level for their abilities. They will be able to sign out two levelled books at a time to read to you. It is recommended that these books be read within a day or two and then brought back to be exchanged for new ones. More information to follow!
Show and Tell
Show and Tell will begin in October. More information will follow.
Each month, students will receive book order forms from Elf, See-saw, and other applicable book order clubs. Cheques are to be made payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd. One cheque can be written for all orders no matter which booklet they are ordering from. Parents can pay with their credit card online. I would like to have any orders back within a week of the forms being sent home. If you wish the books to be a gift, just write “gift” at the top of the order form (and maybe send me an email).I will get them to you in secret!
If you know that your child is going to be away from school a few days in advance, you can email me. Otherwise, if it is short notice (like that morning) please call the school and let the office know. I don’t always get a chance to check my emails first thing in the morning!
I know that this is a lot of information to take in. If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please feel free to contact me. I will be sending regular email updates to keep you in the loop of classroom happenings.
Yours in education,
Mrs. Hallie Zaharko
School: 780-853-5444