East Texas Baptist University
Class Voice I
MUSI 1183.01 Course Syllabus
Fall 2016
MW 3:00-3:50 p.m.
JGMB 138
1 credit hour
Laurie Lee Cosby, MM
Office: JGMB 118
Cell: 817.917.4889
Office Hours: By Apt. M, W or F
A study of the fundamentals of singing including posture, breathing, tone quality, extension of range, etc. is taught. It is designed for those interested in singing who have had little or no training or experience.
Foundations in Singing, editor, John Glen Paton. The accompanying CD’s can be purchased for practice but are optional for the class. ISBN-13: 9780072989793
The student will be able:
1. to demonstrate appropriate posture, breathing, vowel production, production, intonation, diction and other pertinent aspects of correct vocal technique;
2. to demonstrate the proper procedure in preparing a song historically, technically and interpretively;
3. to evaluate a live vocal performance in terms of appropriate and inappropriate vocal technique and overall performance effectiveness;
4. to memorize varied vocal repertoire and perform in front of the class;
5. to perform vocal repertoire exhibiting appropriate musical interpretation and stage presence;
6. and to discuss the causes and symptoms of performance anxiety and some possible antidotes.
It is imperative that voice students, regardless of level or degree, are in regular attendance at their class. If a student knows ahead of time that he or she will be absent from a class, including a school approved absence, please contact the instructor 24 hours in advance. If you must miss your class and do not have time to contact the professor (i.e., family emergency, sudden illness, etc.), then you may leave a message with the Music Office and contact the instructor as soon as possible.
East Texas Baptist University is committed to the policy that regular and punctual attendance is essential to successful scholastic achievement. Attendance at all meetings of the course for which a student is registered is expected. To be eligible to earn credit in a course, the student must attend at least 75 percent of all class meetings. For additional information, please refer to page 30 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.
Students who exceed the absence limit in a course before the official withdrawal date will have the opportunity to withdraw from the class. Students in this situation who do not choose to withdraw on or before the official withdrawal date or who exceed the absence limit in a course after the official withdrawal date will receive a grade of XF.
It is this instructor’s policy of this particular course that you may miss two sessions for any reason. After that, your attendance grade will begin to be affected. See the chart below.
Absences/Attendance Grade
· 1-2/unaffected
· 3-4/B
· 5/C
· 6/D
· 7/F failure of the course
Practice: Regardless of level of study, all students are expected to practice a minimum of 60 minutes a day five days a week. 15-20 minutes should be devoted to voice building and targeted technical exercises.
Accompanist: There will be an accompanist available to play for performance examinations.
General Student Recitals (GSR): Voice Class students are not required to perform in GSR, however, the instructor may elect to honor an outstanding student with the opportunity. All students are responsible for scheduling their performance(s) through the GSR Performance Request Form available on the Music School website under Music Student Resources/Forms/GSR Performance Request. Additional performances in GSR are at the discretion of the professor. GSR Forms are due typed to the Instructor no later than the Friday 12:00 p.m. a week before the Friday GSR.
Juries. Class Voice students are not required to have juries but will have frequent performance exams in class plus a singing/performing exam at finals.
Written Work:
· Take Home Quizzes: Chapter 1-6 of the will cover the basics of vocal technique and performance practice.
· Song Prep Forms: There will be a Song Prep Form for all 5 songs that you will be performing in class. The form will cover background information of the song, song mapping for proper song preparation and a performance observation.
· Self/Peer Evaluation: There will be an opportunity for you to evaluate your own performances and the performances of your classmates. These evaluations help you analyze vocal issues and performance effectiveness.
Performance Exams:
You will have 5 singing performance exams. Your instructor will fill out a Song Performance Evaluation for each one with a grade, comments and suggestions for the next exam.
Note: 10 points will be deducted every week for late work not presented on the day due at the class up to 50 pts. No written work can be presented for credit after the last class day of the semester.
Final Exam:
You will select a final song of your choice from the text, with approval from the instructor, for your final exam. You will perform the song. You will present a completed Song Prep Form at the Final along with bringing 5 copies of a Peer Evaluation, 1 copy of a Self Evaluation and a Song Performance Evaluation. You will get one final grade consisting the quality of all of these items.
· Attendance 10%
· Written Work 30% (Quizzes, Song Prep Forms & Self/Peer Evaluations)
· Performance Exams 40% (Song Performance Evaluations from the Instructor)
· Final Exam 20%
Grading Scale
· A = 90-100
· B = 80-89
· C = 70-79
· D = 60-69
· F = 0-59
August 22-September 14 the class time will include lectures and workshop style exercises on the topics of basic vocal technique, preparing a song, performance practice and performance anxiety.
· Wednesday, August 24 Chapter 1 Quiz Due
· Monday, August 29 Chapter 2 Quiz Due
· Wednesday, August 31 Chapter 3 Quiz Due
· Monday, September 5: Labor Day (no class)
· Wednesday, September 4 Chapter 4 Quiz Due
· Monday, September 12 Chapter 5 Quiz Due
· Wednesday, September 14 Chapter 6 Quiz Due
Performance Rehearsals will occur on Mondays and Performance Examinations will occur on Wednesdays. If you have an excused absence, you will make-up the Performance Examination the next Wednesday. You must have your song memorized for the final Monday rehearsal and the Wednesday examination. Do not forget to bring 1 copy of the Song Performance Evaluation for songs #1-5 and 5 copies of the Peer Evaluation for songs #2-5 to every Performance. You will also be asked to bring a Self Evaluation on a specified day close to Mid-Term TBA.
· Week of September 19 Song #1 A Cappella Performance
· Monday, September 26 Song #2 Song Prep Due
· Week of October 3 Song #2 Rehearsal & Performance
· Monday, October 10 Song #3 Song Prep Due
· Week of October 17 Song #3 Rehearsal & Performance
· Monday, October 24 Song #4 Song Prep Due
· Week of October 31 Song #4 Rehearsal & Performance
· Monday, November 7 Song #5 Song Prep Due
· Week of November 14 Song #5 Rehearsal & Performance
· Monday, November 21 Vocal Topic Lecture: Vocal Health
· Wednesday, November 23 Thanksgiving Break (no class)
· Week of November 28 Rehearsal for Final Singing Exam (Memorize for Wednesday)
· Final Singing Exam Wednesday, Dec 7, 3:30-5:20 p.m.
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to amend the schedule in the syllabus. Students should check their email every other day for special notices and should reply to emails within 24 hours.
A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course bycontacting the Office of Academic Success, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success will notify the student and the student’s professor of the approved accommodations. The student must then discuss these accommodations with his or her professor.Students may not ask for accommodations the day of an exam or due date. Arrangements must be made prior to these important dates. For additional information, please refer to page
Students enrolled at East Texas Baptist University are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity avoiding all forms of cheating, illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, unwarranted access to instructor’s solutions’ manuals, plagiarism, forgery, collusion and submissions of the same assignment to multiple courses.
Penalties that may be applied by the faculty member to individual cases of academic dishonesty by a student include one or more of the following:
• Failure of the class in question
• Failure of particular assignments
• Requirement to redo the work in question
• Requirement to submit additional work
All incidents related to violations of academic integrity are required to be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and multiple violations of academic integrity will result in further disciplinary measures which could lead to dismissal from the University.
A student may withdraw from a course or courses or from the University beginning with the first day through 75 percent of the semester without academic penalty. The final day to withdraw from this course is Friday, November 11.
To withdraw from a course or courses or from the University the student must secure a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office, his/her advisor, or from the ETBU website, and follow the directions on the form, securing all required signatures. Students must process their own withdrawals. For additional information, please refer to page 29 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.
The on-campus possession of firearms, explosives, or fireworks is prohibited with the exception of the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition by concealed handgun license holders in private vehicles (as described in SB1907) Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law, may not enter this property (ETBU) with a concealed handgun. The ETBU President may grant authorization to a qualified and certified full-time faculty or staff member, who is a license holder with a concealed handgun to conceal carry on the University campus, at a University-sponsored event or within or on a University vehicle.