Office Use Only: Name Code:______Code Number:______State Code: NY
N New York State Technical Assistance Project
Serving Children and Youth who are Deafblind
Box 223
525 West 120th Street
New York, NY10027
Student First Name: Student Middle Initial: Gender
Student Last Name: DOB:
Parent First Name: Parent Last Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone: Race/Ethnicity: check one only
American Indian or Alaska NativeAsian or Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino
Black or African American (not Hispanic) White (not Hispanic)
Etiology Select ONE from the list below
Hereditary/Chromosomal Syndromes and Disorders
Aicardi syndrome
Alport syndrome
Alstrom syndrome
Apert Syndrome (Acrocephalosyndactyly Type 1)
Bardet-Biedl syndrome (Laurence Moon-Biedl)
Batten disease
CHARGE association
Chromosome 18, Ring 18
Cockayne syndrome
Cogan syndrome
Cornelia de Lange
Cri du chat syndrome (Chromosome 5p-syndrome)
Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Crouzon syndrome (Cranipfacia Dysolosis)
Dandy Walker syndrome
Down syndrome (Trisomy 21 syndorme)
Goldenhar syndrome
Hand-Schuller-Christian (Histiocytosis X0
Hallgren syndrome
Herpes-Zoster (or Hunt)
Hunter syndrome (MPS II)
Hurler syndrome (MPS I-H)
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Kippel-Feil sequence
Kippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
Kniest Dysplasia
Leber congenital amaurosis
Leigh Disease
Marfan syndrome
Visual Impairment
Date of Last Ophthamalogical/Optometrical: Date of Last Functional Vision Assessment:
Month Year Month Year
Primary Classification of Visual Impairment:
Low Vision (Visual acuity of 20/70 to 20/200 in
better eye with corrections)
2. Legally Blind (Visual acuity of 20/200 or less or field restriction
of 20 degrees or less in better eye with correction)
3. Light Perception Only
4. Totally Blind
Hearing Impairment:
Date of Last Audiological Exam: Date of Last Functional Hearing Assessment:
Month Year MonthYear
Primary Classification of Hearing Impairment:
1. Mild (26-40 dB loss)
2. Moderate (41-55 dB loss)
3. Moderately Severe (55-70 dB loss)
4. Severe (71-90 dB loss)
Does the Individual have a central auditory processing disorder?
Other Impairments: Indicate impairments, in addition to the individual's hearing and visual impairments, that have a
significant impact on the individual's developmental or educational progress
Physical Impairment: Complex Health Care Needs:
Cognitive Impairments: Other Impairments:
Behavioral Disorder:
IDEA Funding/Code:
Funding Category:
IDEA Part B (3-21)
Part B Category Code:
Not Applicable - Individual is under 3 yrs old
Hearing Impaired (includes deafness)
Mental Retardation
Other Health Impairments
* Optional category for age 3 through 9
Living Setting:
Home: Birth/Adoptive Parents
Home: Extended Family
Home: Foster parents
State Residential Facility
Private Residential Facility
Educational Placement:
Age: Birth through 2:
Early Intervention Center/Classroom
Home Based Early Intervention
Combination of Center Based and Home Based E.I.
Clinical Outpatient Services
Age 3-5:
Early Childhood Setting
Early Childhood Special Education Setting
Combinaton of Previous 2 choices
HomeSchool Program
Residential School
Age: 6 - 21:
General Education Class
Resource Room
Specialized Class
Public Specialized School
Private Specialized School
Public Residential School
Age: 22 - 28:
Individual is age 22-28
Special Education Status:
In special Education Program
No Longer Receives Special Education
Graduated with Diploma
Graduated with Certificate
Reached Maximum Age for Part B Services
Person Completing Form:
(First Name, Last Name) Date Completed:
Relationship/Title: Telephone:
Return Form To
City: State: Zipcode: