Christmas Worship Stations

Written by Stanley Mearse

Search for the Light

Station One

Scene: Secular setting with a multitude of Christmas paraphernalia to boggle the mind and sight! Path and/or maze leading to central holding area where children will be given the task to search for items listed on a dry erase board.

Purpose: Items relating to the "real" Christmas story will be hidden amongst the secular items. The children will visually sort through the commercial Christmas stuff to look for items that support the Biblical story of Christmas.

Characters: None

Facilitators: Minimum of two: one at the entrance and one at the rear door leading to Station Two. You could use additional people at the dry erase board/s to help maintain order and/or write names. One of the facilitators in the room needs to be an adult who can provide the verbal instructions to the group at the door and once everyone is inside.

At the door: Children are to be given instructions to enter the room silently and travel along the path in search of the light. Once all the children have reached the "inner holding area" they will be instructed to individually and independently search (with their eyes only; NO TOUCHING) for the items listed on the boards. Tell the children that all of the items are related to the "true" Christmas story and have been placed where they can be seen. Explain that the room is set up like a real live "hidden picture". If they find any of the items listed, they can write their name under the item on the dry erase board and begin searching for the next item. Ask each child to keep their discovery to themselves, so that each person can experience the joy of finding it for themselves. Explain that just like in a "hidden picture" book, if you circle what you find, then the next person won't get to search.

Facilitators should keep an eye on the clock and prompt the shepherd to come for the group if he doesn't appear in a timely fashion. It's OK that all items have not been "found" or that children haven't written their names under any items. The key is that they experience what a commercialized, secular Christmas looks, smells, sounds and feels like so they can make the comparison to the Nativity, ABC and Commitment sections of the Christmas path.

Discover the Light

Station Two

Setting: Stable, manger, Night Sky

Characters: Shepherd/s



Baby Jesus

(The fields, City of Bethlehem and Nativity scene can be projected on the screen instead of using real people.)

Facilitators: 1 computer technician to run the power point images, two in the room to position the children and at least one additional person at the exit to keep people from entering by mistake, and also to point out the "blue star path".

A shepherd enters the rear door to Station One and asks:

"Have you discovered the Light? Come with me and we'll look for it together!"

The shepherd indicates that the group should enter the room and facilitators help the children stand in a semi circle around the stage. The shepherd then moves to the front of the group and tells the following story:

Tonight started out just like countless others… but then something happened that changed my life forever. (Slide of a field, sheep, crickets.)

Everything was quiet and we were surrounded by many sheep. We were taking turns sleeping and keeping watch. Only the chirping of insects and the bleats of our sheepcould be heard. We had a small campfire burning and I could only dimly see the faces of the men across the fire from me. But all of a sudden things seemed much brighter, and I looked up the hillside and saw that there was a light glowing that became stronger until it shone brightly. It hurt my eyes to look at it, but I was fascinated. I could see that something was taking shape in the midst of the light. (Slide of same field with angel appearing.) Well, I have to say that I was pretty scared. Never had I seen such a thing!My companions were afraid as well!We saw what looked like an angel take shape in the bright light and right away he spoke and told us not to be afraid! Then the angel told us about the birth of a baby boy, the Christ child, our Savior, and how we could find him in a stable in the City of David.As I was watching, this one angel became two and then four, and then six and so on until it looked like a whole army of angels was proclaiming this good news. (Slide can change to multiple angels.) They began singing "Glory to God and on earth, peace to all men". Oh, what a wonderful sound and sight it was! I could feel the earth around me vibrate with the singing, and goose bumps broke out on my arms!

As the angels faded away, one of the older shepherds said, "Let's go into the City of David and find this baby. The angel said he'd be in a stable manger all wrapped up in swaddling clothes." Then it dawned on me. All of a sudden I felt very important, like we'd been chosen to spread this wonderful news!! We rushed to the city and began looking!That's where you joined me; and look, here is what we've found! (Slide or characters of the Nativity scene take the angels’ place.)

I admit to being a little disappointed. He doesn't look all that different from any other baby. His mom and dad are here. They look like poor people just like us. His father is just a carpenter, and there they are, surrounded by hay and barnyard animals. I have to ask myself, can this really be the birthplace of a king?

I listen as one of the shepherds tells the parents how angels appeared to us and told us where to find them. (Another shepherd can pantomime talking to Joseph and Mary or a slide of the shepherd approaching Mary and Joseph.) Look at Mary, just smiling at us like she's known all along that her baby is special! She and Joseph don't seem the least bit surprised at our tale! I'm convinced the story is too fantastic to be anything but the truth. I'm going to show my respect for the Christ child by kneeling before Him. My companions do the same knowing that this somehow is a very special moment in the history of the world. (This last sentence can be revised depending on whether or not other actors are used.)

As we leave the stable today I hope you are as excited as I am (we are) about what we've witnessed and will want to tell everyone you find about the good news of Jesus' birth.

Shepherd/s lead the group out to the hallway where facilitators tell them to follow the blue stars to Station Three.

Follow the Light

Station Three

Purpose: Children will understand that Jesus came into the world to save us and all He wants from us is to admit, believe, and confess Him as our Lord and Savior. A discussion will take place in the prayer room on the ABCs of becoming a Christian. The children will be asked to assess their relationship with Christ. In conclusion, children will participate in a special time of prayer. As they leave the room they will take a special sealed gift box with them to the last station.

Objects Needed: Glow in the dark stars scattered around the room; a large poster shaped A, B, and C; large simple star and complex star; flashlight(s); and NIV Bible.

Characters: None required, but you may utilize sixth graders to assist in reading scripture and holding the flashlights. If so, you may want to practice with the sixth graders the week before the presentation.

Facilitators: Minimum of two - one at the entrance and to control lighting, and one to lead the discussion.

Discussion: Children will be asked to enter the room quietly and to gather around the facilitator.

You have just discovered that Jesus is the Light of the World. God sent Jesus here to carry out a special mission. His plan made a way for our sins to be removed so that we can have eternal life. Since Jesus was perfect, He is the only one who could take the punishment for our sins. He did this by dying on the cross for you.

Sin separates us from God - but God will forgive you of your sin if you only ask him. First you must A - admit you are a sinner. (Shine flashlight on A or have a few selected children shine flashlights on the A.) Sin is the wrong things you have done and continue to do. We are all sinners, but the Bible says in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins." Acts 3:19, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out." And Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Next you must B - believe in Jesus. (Shine flashlight on B or have children shine flashlights on the B.) John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Many of you know this verse; let's repeat it together. Ephesians 2:8, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."

Lastly you must C - confess that Jesus is Lord. (Shine flashlight on C or have children shine flashlights on the C.) Romans 10:9-10, 13. “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Now that you understand the ABCs of becoming a Christian, I want you to assess or determine what your current relationship with Jesus is like. Take a look at the first star on this poster (shine flashlight on simple star). It is a simple star which represents that you are asking questions and seeking God but have not accepted Jesus as your Savior. This is not a bad thing and by coming to church, reading your Bible, praying, and asking questions you will learn more and come to understand.

The second star is very elaborate and a more complex star (shine flashlight on complex star). This star represents that you have already accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. But let me remind you that you must work on your relationship with Christ on a daily basis. In order to grow as a Christian you must daily confess your sins and ask for forgiveness; you should read your Bible; worship and praise God regularly; and want to be more like Jesus in the way you act and treat others.

Find a glow in the dark star located near where you are seated. We are going to have a time of prayer and I want everyone to hold the star high in the air as you say a silent prayer to God. In your prayer you may want to thank God for the gift of baby Jesus. You may want to thank God for sending Jesus to die for your sins. You may want to ask Jesus to be your personal Savior today for the first time or you may want to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. Please replace the star in the spot where you picked it up.

As you leave the room, you will be given a box that is sealed with a ribbon. Please do not open it until instructed.

The person at the door should whisper to the children that this is a precious gift, this is what God wants for Christmas, hold it reverently, carry it like the Wise Men carried gifts to baby Jesus, etc., as the children exit the room. Also, instruct them to follow the white and gold stars to the next station.

Share the Light

Station 4

Gather and Prepare: Children will come from Station 3 following a trail of white and yellow stars to the Welcome area. They will bring a box sealed with an elastic ribbon with them. The bottom of the box consists of a mirrored square. Children have been requested to leave the box sealed until they are asked to open it.

Decoration: A "curtain of light,” consisting of multiple strands of clear lights strung vertically from ceiling grid, with a translucent curtain suspended in front of the lights. Suspend multiple angels and stars from the ceiling grid, with a light shining through the window into the hallway. A Chrismon tree is centrally located in the room. All furniture including tables, chairs, and anything movable is removed from the room.

Volunteers Needed: A Guide to introduce the Chrismon tree, a volunteer to turn the lights on, and costumed angel/s, located near the Chrismon tree.

Setting: Before the children move to this area, all lights are extinguished. When they are seated in the area, the light curtain and the light bar are illuminated (volunteers are needed for this).

A CD of Christmas music plays and is gradually muted as the Guide greets the children from the left side of the Chrismon tree.

A guide will introduce the Chrismon tree and ask the children to put their "treasures" on the floor in front of them.

Guide: You see before you a Chrismon tree. This tree reminds us to focus our Christmas celebration on God's great gift to the world. The color white on the tree represents purity and the gold is a royal color to remind us that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Each of these Chrismons is a symbol that helps tell us the story about Jesus. Let's look at this one in particular. This represents a horn used to announce God's love for us.

The angels played an important role in the Christmas story by delivering messages. Listen now while this angel shares an important message with you.

The angel, located to the right of the Chrismon tree, begins to speak.

The angel should be in an attitude of prayer until he/she begins speaking.

Angel: This morning, you “Searched for the Light” in a room jumbled with Holiday confusion. What symbols of Jesus did you find there? (Wait for response from about 3 children to name items.)

Angel: You “Discovered the Light” in a darkened room. Who shared the experience of that first starry night with you? (Children should respond with “the shepherd!”)

Angel: Then you “Followed the Light” to the Savior and prayed with a glowing star in your hand. Do you remember the ABC's of following the light? (Allow children to respond: Admit that we need a Savior, Believe that Jesus has come to save us, and Confess that He is Lord of our lives.)

Angel: You have listened well. Now let's talk about “Sharing the Light.” You may have thought about the gifts you will receive for Christmas. Perhaps you have even planned what you will give to your family and friends. Let's take a little time to reflect on God's gift to us and think about what you can give to God. You were asked to carry a treasure to the Chrismon tree the way the wise men brought gifts to Jesus. What great treasure do you have that you can bring to God?

Pick up your treasure box, slip the ribbon off, lift the lid and look inside.

You see a reflection of yourself. This is what God wants for Christmas. God wants YOU to know Him, God wants YOU to love Him, God wants YOU to trust Him, God wants YOU to worship Him, and God wants YOU to tell OTHERS about Him.

Close your treasure box and slide the ribbon back in place. (Pause and let assistants help younger children as needed)

Are you ready to give your gift to God? By leaving your gift under the Chrismon tree you are showing God that you are ready to know, love, trust, and worship Him. Just like the angels and the shepherds told others and proclaimed Jesus' birth, God wants YOU to share the Good News about Jesus with family and friends.

As you leave, I invite you to think quietly to yourself, then place your box under the tree and meet your teacher/s in the hallway to return to your classroom. Think on all you've seen and heard this morning and remember to Follow and Share the Light!