Jack L. Butts
Adjunct Professor

DePaul University

Charles H. Kellstadt Graduate School of Business /

Office: 6041 DPC

Office Hours: Tuesday 3-5:00 p.m.

Office Phone: 312-362-5633

Office Fax: 312-362-6208
Home Phone: 312-573-9988

Spring Quarter, 2000

Special Topics: MIS 798 Tuesday

Managing Strategic Information Technology Projects

Course Description and Objectives

This course explores the increasing opportunities and challenges faced by Project Management charged with the responsibility to implement complex Mission Critical (MC) Information Technology (IT)/ E-Commerce projects. As business increasingly recognizes the need to successfully manage continuous change in the world of flattened organizations; the project manager role provides more opportunities than ever before. Challenges faced by those tasked with managing changeusing IT as a critical enabler include: the use of Project Management methodologies and tools; managing the introduction of new technologies; controlling scope & time; managing human resources; controlling cost, quality, and risks; and managing 3rd party alliances --- in the context of major Mission Critical IT projects.

With the increasing probability that all graduate students will soon be spending more time in key project management roles, this course applies to all students. Either in key roles representing business process owners and users, or as project managers dealing with the diverse skills of technology team members, this course provides insights into successful project management techniques.

Course objectives:

  1. Provide insights into critical decisions and actions of MC project management;
  2. Review of Project Management Processes, methodologies and software development issues;
  3. Examine common areas of risk that are frequently encountered on complex IT projects;
  4. Provide insights into the role of the Program or Project Management Office;
  5. Explore IT project management skill areas and success factors;
  1. Examine current examples where the Internet has been used to facilitate IT project management.

Course Materials

Required material:

  1. On Time, Within Budget: Software Project Management Practices and Techniques, E.M. Bennatan, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
  2. Software Runaways, Robert L. Glass, Prentice Hall, 1998.
  3. Case Packet – selection of business cases.

Articles will also be distributed in class.

Class material focuses on a dimension of skills required to be a successful MC IT Project Manager (PM):

  1. On Time, Within Budget text focuses on the Development of Software and issues which are critical to success.
  2. Software Runaways text examines the frequently ignored subject of post mortems on major softwareproject disasters. Little has been documented in this area for a variety of reasons [companies attempt to hide failures and those involved are seldom around to document the reasons for the failure]. The instructor’s system development project experience [war stories]will be usedto further illustrate successful and challenging PM situations.
  3. Cases illustrate major real life situations and how PM responded and dealt with project issues in the context of the complex MC IT project environment. Cases provide students with opportunities to identify root success and failure causes, and discuss alternative scenarios to manage and overcome risks.

During the course we will also examine the dimensions of TIME and activities or tasks grouped into phases of the PROJECT LIFE CYCLE and the related PM PROCESSES.


Students will be evaluated on the following basis:

1. Group Written Case Analysis and

Group Case Presentation 20%

2. Individual Midterm Project 20%

3. Group Project Assignment 30%

4. Individual Class Contribution 20%

5. Individual Key Learning Points 10%


Group Written Case Analysis and Group Case Presentation

Depending on class size, we will divide the class into 6 Groups. Each Group will be expected to present one CASE PRESENTATION [during session #3, #4, #5, #8, #9 or #10] using PowerPoint. Each Group will also prepare six [6] Group Written Case Analysis papers [except for the session where the presentation is made --- no paper will be due]. The presentation should be 10 to 15 minutes. A hard copy of the presentation and disk with the PowerPoint slides should be submitted [these items will not be returned]. The case presentation should assume that the class has read the case. The presentation should focus on key Project Management issues, relate to other course material, answer the Case Question, summarize Key Learning Points and provide insight [if possible] into where the organization is today. It is expected that some research will be done to expand on the Case material [e.g. internet search for related articles, see “extra effort” discussed below, etc.].

The GROUP WRITTEN CASE ANALYSIS will be graded using the following guidelines. Six [6] Group Written Case Analysis are assigned during the course [a written case analysis is not due when the Group is presenting the case]. Complete responses to the Case Question will generally receive the grade of “B”. Additional credit may be given where the response contains a full (maximum of two page, double-spaced) and comprehensive discussion showing extra effort:

  1. additional insights and critical thinking beyond the content of the material;
  2. additional effort relating the discussion to your company or experience; e.g. interview with an “expert”;
  3. relevance or relationship with the text or discussion covered in class;
  4. identifying key project management principles and suggesting ways to successfully implement the principles in the context of the case.

Midterm Individual Project

The midterm project objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the software project management process(es) by selecting, conducting research, and preparing both a paper and presentation on one of the following topics. If approved by the instructor, other similar and relevant topics may be selected. You should select a topic that is currently relevant and of personal interest. Except for Topics #3, #12, #17, #18, #19, and #20, a maximum of two students, working individually, per topic [sign-up sheet will be available during the first class].


  1. Testing [types of testing: unit, string, volume, acceptance testing, etc.]
  2. Function point and other estimating techniques; as updated for internet based systems
  3. Software development methodologies; competitive analysis and comments from users; highlighting the unique aspects of methodologies used by specific companies could be selected by more than two students
  4. Project management software tools (planning, staffing, tracking ,etc.); competitive analysis and comments from users
  5. Guide for software quality assurance (SQA) planning; ANSI/IEEE
  6. Standard for software productivity metrics (IEEE 1990b)
  7. Software capability maturity; Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
  8. Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools for internet/ E-Commerce applications; competitive analysis and comments from users
  9. JAVA as a software development tool; it’s current uses, successes, issues and future
  10. Configuration management, IEEE standard
  11. Estimating Contingencies; actual examples of the use and results
  12. ISO 9000 standards and the relationship to software development; impact on processes used by systems development and integration consulting firms [more than two students could select this topic and cover different consulting firms]
  13. PMI Certification, requirements and study plans; comments on the degree of effort and benefits from certified practitioners
  14. IEEE Std 982.1 Measures to produce reliable software
  15. IEEE Std 1058.1 Software project management plans
  16. IEEE Std 1061 Software quality metrics
  17. Examples of actual Mission Critical systems testing plans, results and lessons learned [more than two students could select this topic and cover different projects/companies]
  18. Rapid prototyping; actual examples, plans, results and lessons learned [more than two students could select this topic and cover different projects/companies]
  19. Project/Program Management role as implemented in actual company situations: organizational roles and responsibilities, functions, effectiveness, lessons learned on Mission Critical Projects, etc. [more than two students could select this topic and cover different projects/companies]
  20. Challenges of Change Management could be a critical success factor on large scale Mission Critical Projects [more than two students could select this topic and cover different projects/companies]
  21. Key learning points from The Mythical Man-Month by F.P. Brooks
  22. Key learning points from a current relevant book (discuss selection with instructor)

Other topics will be considered after discussion with the instructor.

The midterm paper should be no longer than 6 double-spaced pages not including bibliography, reference papers, supporting articles, interview notes, exhibits, graphics, etc. A maximum 5 to 10-min. PowerPoint presentation should be prepared (this means that the maximum number of slides should be between 8 to 10). Hard copy of the paper and supporting documents, and a disk with both the paper and PowerPoint presentation should be submitted. The hard copy and disk will not be returned. The paper and presentation will be graded and comments returned on a Grading Guideline sheet prepared for this assignment. Depending on class time available, students will present their topic in a sequence determined by the instructor.

Presentations of the Midterm papers will begin on Session #6 and continue at other sessions until complete.

Group Final Project

The Group Final Project will be both a paper and presentation covering a major MC IT project. The selected project should allow you to integrate the key learning points of this course as they apply to an actual recently completed or in-process Mission Critical project [by definition more than 50 people assigned to the project with Mission Critical/ strategic importance to the organization you chose]. The group member from the selected organization may become the resource person and facilitate the collection of information and arrange for interviews, etc. The paper should be written as an analysis and assessment of project management techniques. The paper might be written from the perspective of an outside consultant engaged to assess the PM effectiveness of a completed project [seeking opportunities to improve the process]; or an assessment of a project which will soon make critical decisions [and management is seeking outside advice]; or assessing the effectiveness on a complex MC on-going project. The paper and presentation should be prepared for a senior management audience. It should include an analysis [using course concepts and models] of the actual project management techniques and overall effectiveness. Actual results and lessons learned should be a key focus of the paper. An effective way to present your analysis would be to prepare a revised project plan [high level] incorporating the recommended changes in project initiation, organization, design, build, test, control, implementation, etc.

As an option, the paper may be presented in Case format for use by future classes. If this option is chosen, the format of the case is very important. See the instructor for case format guidelines.

The paper or case should be no more than 15 double-spaced pages not including supporting material (see midterm paper). The presentation should be no longer than 10 min. Hard copy of the paper and supporting documents, and a disk with both the paper and PowerPoint presentation should be submitted. The hard copy and disk will not be returned. The paper and presentation will be graded and comments returned on a Grading Guideline sheet prepared for this assignment.

Treating the Final assignment as a “project”, each group will be expected to submit the following “project documents”:

Session 3 --- Project [Group Final Project] Definition [and a brief business case]

Session 5 --- Work Breakdown Structure [WBS] for the Group Final Project

Session 7 --- Estimate for WBS and Group Final Project Schedule of tasks

Session 9 --- Group Final Project Status Report

“Project documents” may be submitted in outline form, and will not be graded.

Presentations of the Group Final Projects will be presented during Session #11.

Individual Class Contribution

This is a subjective evaluation of your contribution in class---unstructured discussion of the text reading assignments, questions and business cases. The evaluation will consider the quality of the contribution as well as the frequency of participation. Completion of text reading assignments and preparation of the cases is essential to full participation. Of the 20% which is allotted, your grade will be prorated for each class as follows:

4Asks good questions, makes valuable observations, and answers questions effectively on an ongoing basis.

3A frequent participant, but all questions, answers, or observations are not always effective, or not on an ongoing basis, or tends to discourage effectiveness.

2Only participates infrequently, or questions/answers do not reflect adequate preparation, or late to class.

1Very rare participation, or questions/answers reflect little or no preparation, or very late to class.

0Displays no sign of life, or absent for entire class.

As can be seen, you are expected to attend class and participate. Not attending class will have an influence on this portion of your grade since you cannot participate if you're not in class.

Your attendance at scheduled classes is expected and will be recorded. More than two unexcused absences may result in a failing grade. If you are absent, you are still expected to make arrangements to submit your written assignments when they are due, to obtain the next assignments and handout material (if any), and to complete the assignments and submit them by the assigned due date. One absence can adversely affect the participation level for multiple classes unless you plan ahead and/or recover quickly. To compensate for an unavoidable absence, extra credit assignments may be discussed with the instructor.

Homework Assignments may be submitted by E-Mail. When submitting assignments by E-Mail, it is preferred that you copy the content of the Homework into the e-mail [ instead of attaching a file ]. Homework may also be submitted by Fax [second choice].

I will try to be available for office hours at least one hour before each class. If you have any questions regarding your class contribution, would like to arrange a meeting or other items, please contact me.

Individual Key Learning Points

You are encouraged to take notes during class. For example, many of the case PowerPoint discussion presentations will not be distributed to the class. Key Learning Points from each case are usually summarized on a few slides. Based on your notes for each session, summarize the Key Learning Points [KLP] from your prospective. KLP could be based on class discussion, text material, case content, etc. This assignment will be due on the last class session [#11]. On a maximum of five to six double spaced pages, summarize the course Key Learning Points by session, topic or project management life cycle phase.

Preparing your KLP summary after each class session, should facilitate the preparation of this assignment.


  1. PM Process Groups, Knowledge Areas and Project Life Cycle

Texts ---A. On Time, On Budget -- Ch. 1. Introd. to Software Development Problems

Ch. 2. Software Development Problems

B. Software Runaways --- Ch. 1. Introduction & “Death March” Projects

Case --- The IT System That Couldn’t Deliver, HBR May-June 1997

Homework Due --- Text and case readings for class discussion

  1. PM Methodologies, Project Objectives and Scope

Texts ---A. On Time, On Budget --- Ch. 4. The Software Development Cycle

B. Software Runaways --- Ch. 2.4 Inadequate/No Project Management

Methodology (IRS Project Failures Cost

Taxpayers $50 B Annually & Bank of

America’s MasterNet System)

Case --- Living on Internet Time: Product Development at Netscape, Yahoo!, NetDynamics and Microsoft HBS 9-697-052, Rev. April 21, 1997

Case Question: Contrast the traditional System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with the SDLC development cycles for the Internet development projects. Contrast the differences and reasons for the differences in the development cycles of Netscape, Yahoo, NetDynamics and Microsoft.

Homework Due --- Written Case Question Analysis and text readings for class discussion

  1. Project Planning and Staffing

Texts ---A. On Time, On Budget --- Ch. 9. Software Development Standards

Ch. 10. Project Scheduling

B. Software Runaways --- Ch. 2 – 2.1.2 War Stories and Denver Airport

Case --- BAE Automated Systems (A): Denver International Airport Baggage-Handling System

BAE Automated Systems (B): Implementing the Baggage-Handling System [both Cases are in the text; Software Runaways]

Case Question: Identify the Project “Red Flag” issues and ways to remedy or

manage these risk areas.

Homework Due --- Written Case Question Analysis and text readings for class


--- Group Final Project ---Project Definition [and a business case]

  1. System (Software) Design

Texts ---A. On Time, On Budget --- Ch. 11. Preparation of Estimates

B. Software Runaways --- Ch. 2.2 Bad Planning and Estimating

(Painful Birth & The Project from Hell)

Case --- Providian Trust (A) A New CEO HBS 398-008

Case Question: Identify Project Management issues and develop


Homework Due --- Written Case Question Analysis and text readings for class


  1. Building and Testing the System

Texts ---A. On Time, On Budget -- Ch. 8. Project Support Functions

(Software Configuration Control, Quality

Assurance, and Testing)

B. Software Runaways --- Ch. 2.5 Insufficient Senior Staff on the Team and


Case --- CONFIRM: Leading-edge Travel Industry Reservation System

[ Case is in the text; Software Runaways]

Case Question: Review the responsibilities of each project “partner” as they performed and as they should have performed. What recommendations do you have to avoid a “meltdown” as of 1992?

Homework Due --- Written Case Question Analysis and text readings for class


--- Group Final Project --- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

  1. Midterm Project and Presentation Due

7. Project/Program Management Office and the Internet

Texts ---A. On Time, On Budget -- Ch. 5. Principles Of Managing Software