Cumann Fàg an Bealach
Castleblayney Faughs GFC
The following must be observed when a player sustains an injury whilst participating in a competitive/challenge match or official training session with Castleblayney Faughs GFC.
At present, Willis offer the Injury Scheme for all participants in GAA games, which are funded entirely from Club and GAA funds with no outside (e.g. insurance) involvement. The Injury Scheme does not seek to compensate fully for injury but to supplement other Schemes such as Personal Accident or Health Insurance. It is important to note the Scheme only provides cover for unrecoverable losses up to the limit specified under the scheme.
- First €100 of each claim is not covered.
- Physio – No cover.
- Loss of WagesSocial Welfare must be claim in all circumstances. This will be taken into account and benefit will be paid on following basis
WEEKS 2-4Up to €200
WEEKS 5-52Up to €400
All Injuries
- Injury reported to your Team Manager and also the Club Welfare Officer.
NB: No Treatment (unless emergency) is to be sought until Injury has been reported in full & authorisation has been given!
- Should it be felt that treatment might be required, Mark O’Connor should be contacted. Mark will assess the Injury and treat. Should Mark feel that more intensive physio is required he will refer you to the Club physios.
- Should physio be required, players must first receive an authorisation slip – available from Melissa Conlon. The Club has two registered Physios (details below), and all players are advised that these are the only physios covered under our Injury Claim Scheme.
NB: Any player availing of Club Physios without an authorisation slip or availing of a different physio will do so at their own cost.
- Second Physio visit – second authorisation slip must be obtained, same rules as above.
At this stage, you will be issued with a claim form, which will have to be completed in full (available from Melissa). This will require a GP visit will be in order to have injury assessed. All further treatment must be medically prescribed, and signed off by the GP.
The Club does not have an official Club GP, allowing Players to attend their own family GP. The Club does hold accounts with two doctors in the town (details below) and treatment with either may be charged to the club. The player must pay for treatment from any other GP, with full re-imbursement on presentation of Payment Receipts to the Club Welfare Officer.
- In regards emergency hospital or dental treatment, the Club must be informed as soon as possible that treatment has been received. Should the player pay for treatment; the amount will be re-imbursed on presentation of Payment Receipt to the Club Insurance Welfare Officer.
- For Loss of Wages claims you must submit the following
-3 Recent Pay Slips dated prior to the injury date, or a letter from employer on Company headed paper confirming nett basic earnings (stating weekly or monthly).
-If self employed a letter from injured players Accountant confirming nett basic earnings.
NB: Players paying for any treatment themselves (as above), must produce official receipts, detailing treatment received and marked paid!
Club Medical Officer
N.B. Mark should be consulted first before further treatment is sought (except in emergency cases).
Mark O’Connor, 57 the Cresent, Castleblayney.
Mob: 087 2375351
Club Physiotherapists
N.B. Use of any physio, other than below, is at players’ own expense.
The Newry Clinic, 37 Kilmorey Street, Newry, BT34 2DF
Tel: 04830 269733
Gerard Nolan, Gerard Nolan Physioworks, Coolskeagh, Castleblayney
Tel: 042 9743165
GPs (Club Accounts)
N.B. Club only holds an account with these GPs. Players are free to visit their own family GP, and the Club will re-imburse the player once payment receipts have been received.
Dr. Mary Flanagan, Main Street, Castleblayney
Tel: 042 9746557
Dr. Michael Clarke, Market House, Castleblayney
Tel: 042 9740757