Instructors:William J. SilviaMary G. Rossano
409 W.P. Garrigus Bldg612 W.P. Garrigus Bldg
Graduate Teaching Assistants:
Course Description:The first in a sequence of two courses providing an introduction to the subject of animal science. Emphasis is placed on a fundamental understanding of anatomy, physiology, nutrition, reproduction, genetics and behavior of domestic animals.
Learning Objectives:After completing this course, students should:
1)understand how domestic animals provide tangible (ex. food, fiber) and intangible products (ex. companionship) that are valuable to humans.
2)understandthe biological principles that provide the basis for effective and efficient care and husbandry of domestic animals.
1)Two 1-h exams(100 pts each) 200 pts.
2)Lab Practical Exam 100 pts.
3)Cumulative Final Exam 150 pts.
4)in class clicker questions/attendence 50 pts.
5)7 homework assignments (10 pts each) 70 pts.
6)8 laboratory work sheets (10 pts each) 80pts.
7)participation 50 pts.
TOTAL 700 pts.
A final grade will be assigned based on the percentage of total points accumulated throughout the course:A = 90 and above, B = 80-89.9, C = 70-79.9, D = 60-69.9, E = less than 60
Exams and quizzes must be taken at the time administered unless a valid university excuse is provided (see UK governing regulations for the definition of a valid university excuse or if you have any questions). Failure to abide by these regulations will result in a grade of 0 for that quiz or test.
Required Text: WJ Silvia, Domestic Animal Biology(1st edition)
Either of the following textbooks would be a good supplemental source of information:
Taylor and Field. Scientific Farm Animal Production (7th ed)
Gillespie. Animal Science (1st ed).
What is Animal Science?
Efficiency and quality
Scope of the Animal Industries in Kentucky and the USA
Taxonomic classification of domestic species
Phylogenetics and evolution of domestic species
Man’s relationship to animals
How man uses animals today
Animal food products in human nutrition
The role of animals in the human food chain
Efficiency of nutrient utilization
The biology of domestic animals
Skeletal Anatomy
External body parts
Wholesale cuts of meat
Animal Nutrition
Simple stomached animals
Genetics and Breeding
First Exam: Thurs. Oct. 3, 8:00 AM
Second Exam:Thurs. Nov. 7, 8:00 AM
Final:Thurs. Dec. 19, 10:30 AM
Laboratory Syllabus
Lab Session / Date / Topic / Exercise / location1 / Sept. 3-6 / CCTST / Seay Aud.
2 / Sept. 10-13 / Keeneland September Yearling Sales / Tour sales pavilion, barns and track / Keeneland
3 / Sept. 17-20 / Animal Food Products/
Animal Food Products/
Dairy Foods / Meat plant tour
Dairy plant tour / Purnell’s Sausage Plant
Winchester Farms
4 / Sept. 24-27 / Introduction to Animal Feedstuffs / Feed identification and processing / UK Feedmill
5 / Oct. 1-4/
Oct. 8-11 / Skeletal Anatomy / Examination of skeletons
and other materials / N-11
Agr. North
6 / Oct. 15-18/
Oct. 22-25 / Animal Digestive System / Dissection of Digestive Tracts / N-11
Agr. North
7 / Oct. 29-Nov.1 / Animal Behavior / Feeding, Breeding, Maternal / Woodford Cty Sheep Unit
8 / Nov. 5-8/
Nov. 12-15 / Animal Reproductive System / Dissection of Reproductive Tracts / N-11
Agr. North
9 / Nov. 19-22/
Dec. 3-6 / Anatomy and Embryology of Chickens / Dissection of Chickens and Eggs / N-11
Agr. North
10 / Dec. 10-13 / Laboratory Practical Exam / N-11
Agr. North
Lecture Assignments
Homework: 1. Agriculture in Kentucky
3. Nutrient Composition of Foods
7. Genetics
Laboratory Assignments
Session / Topic / Worksheet / Homework Assigned1 / Introduction, assessment testing
2 / Keeneland Tour/ Horsesales / 2. Keeneland
3 / Animal Food Products/ Meat or Dairy foods / 3a. Meat Plant Visit
3b. Dairy Plant Visit
4 / Introduction to Animal Feedstuffs / 4. Livestock Feeds / 2. Balancing Rations I
5 / Anatomy / 5. Skeletal Anatomy / 4. External Anatomy
6 / Animal Digestive System / 6a. Anatomy of the digestive tract
6b. Microbes in the rumen / 5. Balancing Rations II
7 / Animal Behavior / 7. Observing Behavior / 6. Microbial Digestion Experiment
8 / Animal Reproductive System / 8. Reproductive Anatomy
9 / Anatomy and Embryology of Chickens / 9. Avian Anatomy
10 / Laboratory Practical Exam
Worksheets are to be completed during lab session and turned in at the end of that session
Homeworks are to be turned in as specified by the instructor.