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Minutes of: Council of the City of New Carlisle, Ohio Regular Meeting
Held: Monday, June 16, 2014
#1: Call to Order: This Meeting of Council was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor McGlothin.
#2: Roll Call: Roll Call showed the following Council Members to be present:
Mayor McGlothin; Mr. McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Mr. Reynolds; Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Vice Mayor Mike Lowrey. All Members present.
Staff present included the following individuals; City Manager, Mrs. Jones; Law Director; Miguel Pedraza; Service Director, Howard Kitko; Finance Director, Colleen Harris;Planning Director, Randy Bridge; Fire Chief, Brad Phillips; Sgt. Ralph Underwood, Clark County Sheriff’s Department; and Gene Collier, Clerk of Council.
#3 and #4: Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: The Invocation was presented by Minister Randy Warner of Lake Avenue Christian Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
#5: Action on Minutes:
Regular Meeting, June 2, 2014: Motion to approve minutes as written, of June 2, 2014 meeting, by Mr. Rick Lowrey, second by Mr. Zsambok. No discussion on minutes. Vote: Yea7: Mr.Reynolds; Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Mike Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Mayor McGlothin; Mr. McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Nay 0. Passed 7-0.
#6: Communications: Proclamation Honoring Citizens Appreciation Day. Mayor McGlothin presented a proclamation to Citizens Carol Belhorn and Nettie Gothard, active citizens in the community, honoring Citizen’s Appreciation Day on July 2nd, 2014. Mayor McGlothin announced there will be pool party on July 2nd from 6pm to 8pm and admission will be free in honor of Citizen’s Appreciation Day.
#7: City Manager’s Report: City Manager, Mrs. Jones started her City Manager’s Report with discussing the recent article in the Springfield News Sun regarding the advertising of sale of the Madison Street School. Mrs. Jones then moved on to Mrs. Harris’ May Finance Report:
Finance Discussion:
Colleen Harris, Finance Director, then presented herMay2014 financial report as follows:
May 2014 Total Revenue ---- $338,057.84
May 2014 Total Expenses --- $497, 483.64
Year to Date 2014 Revenue Budget ---$4,853,558.47
Year to Date Total Revenue Collected --- +$2,083.596.42
Year to Date Uncollected Revenue --- +$2,769,962.05
Year to Date 2014 Expense Budget --- $5,121,781.62
Year to Date Total Expenses -- -$1,814,029.37
Year to Date Encumbered Expenses --- -$305,253.33
Year to Date Remaining Expenses --- -$3,002,498.92
Total of all Bank Balances as of 3/31/14 ---- $1,674,247.97
Less CD’s------$73,031.61
Reserve: Debt Payments due for 2104------$476,067.12
Payment for the following loans are due 7/1/14:
OWDA Loan for HoneycreekIntercepter Sewer
OWDA Loan for Honey Creek Intercepter Sewer Supplement
OWDA Loan for Sewer Line
OWDA Loan for the Water Plan Improvement Project
May 2014 Total Income Tax Receipts ---- $74,390.34 – which was a decrease over the previous
year of 2,994 or 3.9%
Year to Date Total IncomeTax Receipts ---- $525.893,10 – which was a decrease over the same
period from2013 of $12,659 or 1.2%
Upon completion of the report, Mrs. Harris took questions and comments from Council Members. CM, Mr.Krabacher asked for clarification regarding the uncollected balance of delinquent taxes and why were collections down from this time last year. Mrs. Harris explained that she has been working with the City Tax Administrator about the history of why we are down on collections; she understands there may be a lot of uncollectable debt; she will check with County Auditor about what is collectable; and she understands the City Attorney and Tax Administrator are working on communication in tightening up on
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the collection of delinquent taxes. CM, Mr. Reynolds asked a question about spending and revenues; he asked about the +$300,000 of spending verses the difference in what we are projected to collect in revenues this year; Mrs. Harris explained that there is a balance forward; if the projected revenue does not come in; then we adjust expenditures to make sure we do not overspend for the year.
Service Discussion:
Service Director, Howard Kitko, started his report with a couple of updates for Council; Durapatchingin the City is about 75% done; finishing up in Willowick area; then will be starting on Northwoods region; Starting Wednesday morning, pending no rain, he will be working with Staff in repairing water main breaks @ Lake/Scott; then Scott/Church; then Scott/Prentice; then will move on to a couple of main breaks that have not yet surfaced on Lincoln/Scott and on Zimmerman. Mr. Kitko shared that the City is behind on grass cutting in the cemetery and other City Properties due to Staff injuries. CM, Rick Lowrey shared that he had read the memo provided by Mr. Kitko for Council regarding research on Traffic Calming Measures; he asked Mr. Kitko opinion on the matter. CM, Mr. Zsambok asked Mr. Kitko if anyone from the Administration has spoken to any officials from the City of Dayton regarding their experiences with speed bumps and traffic calming measures. A memo from Mr. Kitko was provided in each Council Members packet. It was suggested by CM, Mr. McIntire that a future work session might be appropriate with officials from other governmental entities that have had experience with such traffic matters. CM, Mr. McIntire thanked Mr. Kitko for reporting on the grass cutting situation and helping the citizens understand the situation. CM Mr. McIntire reported on a manhole cover problem on N. Church Street.
Planning Discussion:
Mr. Bridge, Planning Director presented his May Monthly Report as follows:
Monthly Totals Year-To-Date Totals
Complaints Received – 9 23
Yellow Tags / Verbal Warnings – 19 72
Violation Notices – 6 12
Grass Violations – 50 51
Property Abatements – 4 4
Zoning Permit Applications – 12 30
Compliance Rates
Monthly Rates Year-to-Date Rates
Yellow Tags to Violations (19-6/9) = 68% (72-12/71) = 83%
Violations to Abatements (6-0/6) = 100% (12-0/12) = 100%
Grass Violations to Abatements (50-4/50) = 92% (51-4/51) = 92%
Mr. Bridge discussed current work as follows:
Code Enforcement; Is in full force; Yellow Tags – 5 days to correct said issue- warning period; Nuisance Violations; 10 days to correct said violation; Grass and Weeds Violations; 5 days to cut grass – no warning period; No grass clippings allowed in the streets; clogs the sewers; Home owner is responsible to maintain grassy areas located in the alleys; Minimum clearance is 8 foot for branches hanging over sidewalks.
Community Yard Sale: Interest is already coming in; City will run an ad in NC News for residential participation in late June; Tentative Date July 19, 2014; City will post on City Water Bills.
Community Walk Day: Planning efforts to begin July 7, 2014; Date of Walk is Sept. 2, 2014; More details concerning this event in the coming months.
New Carlisle Is “Open for Business”: Mr. Bridge provided a handout and discussed property with the address of 2104 Addison – New Carlisle Road; Mr. Bridge discussed acreage and permitted uses.
Farmers’ Market: Mr. Bridge shared that a banner has been installed over St. Rt. 235; Tentative start date is June 21, 2014; Tentative end date is Sept. 27, 2014.
Planning Board: Mr. Bridge shared that the next meeting will be held on June 19 at the Fire Station @ 330pm; the Planning Board will discuss and vote on the lot split for Chrysler Jeep Dodge.
Board of Zoning Appeals: Mr. Bridge shared that the next meeting on June 19 at the Fire Station @ 530pm; will discuss and vote on size variances for a mural; mural will be painted on the Jefferson side of the Waterbed store facing the new CVS.
Fire Discussion:
New Carlisle Fire Chief, Brad Phillips, presented his May 2014 report as follows:
- The NC Fire Division responded to a combined total of 102 calls during the month of May 2014.
- Fire Responses totaled18, with an average response time of 7 minutes and 52 seconds.
- The division responded to 84 emergency medical calls for service with an average response time of 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
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- Elizabeth Township Fire and EMS responded to a combined total of 17 calls for service during the month of May 2014.
- Fire responses totaled 4 and emergency medical responses totaled 13.
- There were 14 responses within Elizabeth Township, 1 response to the City of New Carlisle; and 1 response to the City of Troy.
- Chief Phillips reported on significant events as follows:
5/6/14 – 107 N. Pike Street (Belle Manor) – Fire in Outlet. No injuries.
5/7/14 – 600 W. Madison (school) – arson fire on the roof and several fires inside.
5/9/14 – 782 Children’s Home Road (Elizabeth Township) – fully involved structure fire – total loss.
5/21/14 – 2287 S. Children’s Home Road (firehouse) – water rescue – female driver stuck in high water.
Chief Phillips reported that all Fire and EMS equipment is up and running and in good condition.
Police Division Discussion:
Sgt. Underwood presented his May 2014 report as follows:
General Information
Reports by NC Deputies – 30 Miles Patrolled – 2,455
Reports by County Deputy – 16 Miscellaneous Calls – 136
Total Reports for the City – 46 Follow-up Investigations – 4
Traffic Information Arrest Information
Traffic Stops – 55 Criminal Adult Arrests – 6
Citations Issued – 45 Criminal Adult Charges – 6
OVI Arrests – 6 (8 OVI Charges) Criminal Juvenile Arrests – 3
Driving Under Suspension – 10 Criminal Juvenile Charges – 3
Parking Citations –11 Warrant Arrests – 4
Abandoned Vehicle Tows – 0 Warrants Filed - 0
Non-Injury Accidents – 6
Injury Accidents - 0
Special Interest:
Assault – 1; Domestic Violence, Assault – 1; Domestic Violence, Verbal -4; Breaking and Entering – 2; Thefts – 11; Vandalism – 2; Lockouts – 1; 911 Hang Ups – 14; Peace Officer – 1; Alarms – 8; Phone Harassment – 1; and Assists – 77.
Sgt. Underwood shared a report from Sheriff Kelly as follows:
- Crime Stats from 1/1/13 to 5/31/13 as compared to 1/1/14 to 5/31 are complete:
- Calls for service are up 46%.
- Criminal reports are down 12%; Sheriff Kelly thanked and congratulated every member of the Clark County Sheriff’s Department; Reported crime in NC is down 44/7%; Bethel Township criminal reports are down 11.7%; even in our business township, Springfield Township, criminal reports are down 6%.
- On June 6th, Deputy Tim Leedyreceived notification from Wright State Univ. that he had been selected to receive their Outstanding Crime and Justice Studies Alumnus Award; the awards ceremony will be on 9/12/14 @ 5pm.
- Sheriff Kelly provided Council with a detailed stat report for 1/1/14 to 3/31/14.
CM, Mr. Rick Lowrey asked if a Clark County Deputy could be involved in the NC Crime Watch Meeting; Sgt. Underwood said it would be a great idea and he would do what he could do to get a Crime Watch started in New Carlisle. CM, Mr. McIntire reported on problems at the Madison Street School.
Informational Items from City Manager’s Report:
City Manager, Mrs. Jones, discussed the following items from her information report:
- Trick or Treat; E-mail is in Council’s packet from Sheriff Kelly regarding the scheduling of Trick or Treat Night on Saturday, October 25, 2014 from 6pm to 8pm. A motion was made by Mr. Zsambok to hold Trick or Treat in NC on October 25, 2014 from 6pm to 8pm, second by Mr. Reynolds. Vote: Yea 7: Mr. Rick Lowrey; Mr. Krabacher; Mr. Mike Lowrey; Mayor McGlothin; Mr. McIntire; Mr. Zsambok; Mr. Reynolds; Nay 0: Passed 7-0.
- Kids Summer Lunch Program: Discussed memo she received from IMPACT Bethel regarding their Summer Lunch Program and information regarding what citizens can donate to help with this wonderful program.
- Library Summer Reader’s Program: City of NC will donate a one-day pool pass to any child who completes the summer reading program.
- Cemetery Delinquent Accounts: Mrs. Jones discussed the changes in laws regarding the purchasing of cemetery plots in the New Carlisle Cemetery. The memo shared that there are a number of people who are delinquent on their payments for lots in the cemetery; unsuccessful attempts have been made to contact them at their last known address as shown in the New Carlisle Cemetery records. No known current address is available for the individuals listed in the memo. In accordance with
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Ordinance 1066.10©, effective July 1, 2014, these sales will be considered cancelled unless the entire balance is paid in full; the City will be permitted to resale the lots.
CM, Mr. Krabacher asked Mrs. Jones to discuss the meeting with some citizens regarding concerns over soccer playing and noise in Brubaker Park. Mrs. Jones shared that the meeting was designed to encourage the group to relocate their soccer playing to another location in town; the City is willing to find a better location for playing soccer and provide an appropriate location for playing soccer. Previously the group of people have been spray painting trees in Brubaker Park for goals and the City is looking to find some soccer goals to provide for a new location in the City. Mrs. Jones shared that the meeting went well and they have not heard any complaints since the meeting. CM, Mr. McIntire asked a question about contracts that may have been signed regarding the cemetery lots and if they would have been grandfathered in and this ordinance would not apply to them; Mrs. Jones shared that if they had put money down they would receive a refund from the City; Mrs. Jones shared that she doubted that anyone will respond and she knows for sure that two of the individuals on the list are now deceased. CM, Mr. Rick Lowrey asked if the Madison School Property is a liability to the City; Mrs. Jones responded with “yes” and shared that the City carries a liability insurance on the property; Mr. Rick Lowrey introduced the possibility of donating the building to anyone who would agree to demolish the building and/or bring up to code to be used for some sort of public use or benefit; Mr. Rick Lowrey would like to see Council talk about his idea.
#8: Comments for Members of the Public:None
#9: Committee Reports: None
A. Ordinance 14-32: The Clerk of Council read Ordinance 14-32 by title only.
An Ordinance amending Chapter 238 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of New Carlisle regarding the Division of Fire. (Public Hearing and Action on 7/7/14):
B. Ordinance 14-33: The Clerk of Council read Ordinance 14-33 by title only.
An Ordinance authorizing the disposal of unneeded, obsolete, or unfit City property.
(Public Hearing and Action on 7/7/14):
12. Other Business:
A. City Offices Closed: Friday, July 4th, 2014
B. Joint Government Meeting: Monday, June 30, 2014, @ 6:30pm @ Tecumseh High School.
C. Citizen Appreciation Day; Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014; open pool from 6pm to 8pm.
D. New Carlisle Crime Watch: Wednesday, July 9th, 2014, @ 6:30pm @ Smith Park Shelter House.
CM, Mr. Mike Lowrey, asked a question about what food will be provided at the Pool Party on July 2nd . Mrs. Jones made it clear that Council Members will be permitted to attend the Pool Party to let them know they are appreciated.
#13. Executive Session: None
#14. Return to Regular Session
#16: Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Mr. Zsambok.
Mayor, City of New Carlisle
Clerk of Council, City of New Carlisle