Emergency Dune Restoration
The eye of Hurricane Sandy passed approximately 200 miles east of Sebastian Inlet on October 26, 2012. Twenty to thirty foot offshore waves produced over 10 foot breaking waves on local beaches causing moderate to major Dune Erosion. On December 12, 2012 the Inlet District obtained authorization through Indian River County (as the agent of the State) for Emergency Dune Repair between beach markers R-8.5 to R-17. Work will begin approximately 1.5 miles south of the inlet and continue 1.7 miles to the south. Sand will be placed to rebuild the dune at a fill density of no greater than 5 cubic yards per lineal foot. Approximately 12,000 cubic yards of beach compatible material will be excavated from the District’s DMMA. An additional 18,000 cubic yards is authorized from an approved upland sand source.
Sand material will be inspected throughout the process to ensure compatibility. Sand will be delivered to the project area by truck. The existing beach access at R-8 will be used for all equipment and material. Sand will be transported down the beach utilizing off-road trucks to the placement areas. All construction efforts will occur on the beach above the Mean High Water (MHW) elevation.
Dune repair will begin on January 15, 2013, focusing on the area between R-8 and R-12, a 4,000 ft. stretch. Repair in the area south of R-12 will begin by January 28th.
UPDATE 1/28/13
As of January 28th, approximately 10,000 cubic yards of sand has been distributed along the front of the dune down to R-15. This sand temporarily serves as a base for the large off-road dump trucks to deliver more sand further south to R-17. Once all of the sand is delivered down the full project length, a bulldozer will push the sand up to the top of the dune and properly shape the dune profile. The final dune shaping will take place the last two weeks of February.
Update 3/1/13
The project has been completed with 16,614 cubic yards of beach quality sand coming from the District’s DMMA and 18,000 cubic yards coming from an upland sand source, Davis Mines. A total of 34,614 cubic yards of beach quality sand was placed from R-8 to R-17 to build up the dune from Hurricane Sandy erosion.