In order to promote international and intercultural communication among faculty and students, the ……………………………………………………….. having its address at ………………………………………………………………………………………………….……. and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) having its address at 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Ta’zim, Malaysia agree to cooperate in the development of academic and cultural exchanges which further this goal. (to be referred to further, together or independently as “the Universities”)
The universities have understood and concluded the following:
Article 1 : The universities will together decide on the preliminary requirements to enable their students to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies, the regulations of which will be made known by the universities.
Article 2 : Lecturers and researchers will reciprocally visit the Universities in order to establish academic contacts, to deliver lectures or to participate in research activities within the framework of a program mutually determined by the Universities. According to the nature of the study, these visits may vary from one to twelve months subject to mutual consensus between the Universities.
Article 3 : To carry out the exchanges as defined in Article 2, lecturers and researchers will be responsible for arranging their own travel and living expenses. However, each university will provide its own members paid leave of absence provided the request is within the rules and regulations of the University. The Host University will utilize its rules and provisions in the best possible manner to give all necessary assistance to the visitors so as to facilitate their studies in the new environment.
Article 4 : For every year, selected members from each university can be assigned to the exchange program as defined in Article 2.
Article 5 : The Universities will make every effort towards the development, realization and application of research projects in fields which are of mutual interest.
Article 6 : In the fields of mutual interest, the Universities will attempt to organize conferences, seminars and courses and will exchange literature, publications and information.
Article 7 : On the occasion of extra-curricular activities in sports and cultural affairs taking place in the Universities, efforts will be made for the exchange of student teams, especially in sports.
Article 8 : Any other activities describing the cooperation of the Universities will be defined and negotiated when necessary and the Universities agree to put in a written document in advanced before commencing the activities.
Article 9 : This Memorandum will come into force after the approval the governing bodies of the Universities and the Higher Educational Council of and will remain in effect for a period of five (5) years after which it may be renewed.
Article 10 : Either University may terminate this Memorandum by officially notifying the other University of its intent to do so in writing by registered post six (6) months in advance.
Article 11 : The provisions of this Memorandum may be amended at any time by the mutual consent in writing of both universities. The amendments will become part of this Memorandum.
With the objective strengthening their mutual cooperation as well as striving for the promotion of mutual exchanges, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, having its address at 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Darul Ta’zim, Malaysia, for the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is represented by Faculty of Science, UTM and ……………………………….. for the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is represented by the …………….…………………………………………… having its address ………………………………………………………………. have concluded the following agreement :
Article 1 : Fields of Cooperation
Cooperation between the two parties will be undertaken from the perspective of promoting academic ties. That cooperation will include educational and research in the areas of Science and other disciplines offered at the two institutions.
Article 2 : Forms of Cooperation
1. Both parties agree that their cooperation will include, but not be limited to the following areas:
i. The promotion of exchange of faculty members and/or researchers from both Institutions;
ii. Promotion of collaborative research and collaborative publication of research result by faculty members and researchers from both institutions;
iii. Promotion of the exchange of students from both institutions covering both Institutions covering both undergraduate and that of postgraduate students;
iv. Promotion of the exchange of reference data, publication, academic information and literature;
v. Facilitation of the mutual exchange in the use of research laboratories and centers, libraries and assorted administrative bodies of each institution; and
vi. Jointly organized conferences on basic and applied sciences between UNAIR-UTM
2. Except for those provisions set forth explicitly in this document, any conditions related to implementing the activities referred to in this memorandum will be negotiated by both institutions and the concerned parties and agreed to in a written document in advance of commencing the activities.
Article 3 : Exchange of Faculty Members and Researchers
1. Both parties will under your to facilitate visits by faculty members and researchers from the other. Visiting faculty members and researchers will comply with administrative procedures required by and the regulations of the host institution.
2. Both parties may provide economic support for visiting faculty members or researchers from the other institution, but are not required to do so.
3. Both parties will provide assistance to visiting faculty members and researchers from the other institution in securing living accommodations, but are not required to provide such accommodations.
4. Both parties will accord to visiting faculty members and researchers from the other facilities, opportunities to audit lectures free of change, and to the extent possible other common courtesies generally granted to visiting scholars.
Article 4 : Student Exchanges
Both parties will exchange postgraduate and undergraduate students. The detailed conditions governing such student exchanges will be set fort in addenda to this memorandum.
Article 5 : Memorandum Administrators
Ultimate responsibility for this memorandum lays with the Vice-Chancellor/Rector of each institution, but administrative responsibility for its administration will be delegated to the following officers at each institutions;
(i) For Universiti Teknologi Malaysia : Dean of the Faculty of Science
(ii) For ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Article 6 : Validity of the Memorandum
1. This memorandum will come into force on the date that the governing bodies of both parties give their formal assent and will remain in effect for a period of five (5) years after which it may be renewed.
2. Continuation of the implementation of the memorandum for a period of two (2) years beyond the above term of effectiveness implies the renewal of the memorandum. However, one party separately may terminate the memorandum by official notifying the other of its intent to do so in writing by registered post three (3) months in advance.
3. The provisions of this memorandum may be amended at any time by the mutual consent in writing of both parties.