The Miracle-Ear caller experience /

Best Practices: Key Words and Phrases

We are using a software application called CallMiner Eureka to analyze and categorize recorded calls based on key words and phrases, both specific to the hearing aid industry and general to all B2C (Business to Customer) organizations.

Based on the six categories of call handling attributes that are analyzed within the CallMiner software here are samples of key words and phrases by category. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive, but to be used as reference guide to improve the results and outcomes for Miracle-Ear callers and our Miracle-Ear offices.

Defining Attribute Categories for Voice Analytics Reporting

Staff Ownership:

Words or phrases that evoke proactive action on the part of the staff member. Phrases that begin with “Let me…” or “I will...” are good examples of this category. Samples include:

  • I would be happy to…
  • I’m going to check…
  • Let me help you…
  • I can help you with that.
  • I will take care of…
  • I will find out…


Words or phrases that evoke a feeling of understanding on the part of the staff member. A sincere apology would be included in this category as well as phrases beginning with “I understand…” Other samples include:

  • I’m sorry…
  • …must be difficult…
  • I can imagine…
  • I see what you mean.
  • I understand your concern.
  • That’s understandable
  • I apologize…
  • I do understand

Above Average Politeness:

Words or phrases expressing courtesy and an appropriate level of professionalism. A call must contain a polite word or phrase on average every two minutes of call duration. Samples include:

  • Please
  • Thank you
  • My pleasure
  • Good morning/afternoon
  • Glad/happy to
  • Sir/ma’am
  • May I help you

Callback Information:

Words or phrases that are indicative of requesting and gaining a caller’s name and contact information. Examples of this may include the confirmation of a spelling of a name or phone number.

Need Discovery:

Words or phrases that are indicative of asking open ended questions such as, “Tell me what is going on with your hearing?” Other samples include:

  • What’s going on with…
  • Tell more about that.
  • Where do you have hearing problems?

Appointment Language:

Words or phrases that are indicative of confirming and appointment date and time, such as “I have your appointment scheduled at…”

Benefits of using best practices words and phrases:

Using the key words and phrases such as described above appropriately and consistently in caller interactions have proven to improve call to appointment conversions over time. Creating a welcoming experience for all callers to your Miracle-Ear office is a key component and the first step in delivering the best experience for every person contacting and visiting your Miracle-Ear location.

©2016 Miracle-Ear, Inc.1 | 2016