Wenran JIANG C.V.

Wenran JIANG Ph.D.

Mactaggart Research Chair of the China Institute

Associate Professor of Political Science

University of Alberta

Other current positions:

Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Centre

Senior Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Special Advisor on China, the Energy Council

Senior Research Fellow, China Petroleum University

Research Fellow, CCS, Stellenbosch University

Editorial Board member, Geopolitics of Energy


Wenran JIANG C.V.

Contact Information:

Wenran Jiang

China Institute, University of Alberta

239 Telus Centre

87 Ave & 111 St. Edmonton

Alberta, Canada T6G 2H4

Tel. 780 492 9898

Fax 780 492 8200

Mobil: 780 932 9889


Home address:

Wenran Jiang

1413 Falconer Road

Edmonton, Alberta

Canada T6R 2E1

Tel. 780 989 9929

Emergency contact:

Tanya Casperson (my wife)

Mobil: 780 695 2222


Wenran JIANG C.V.

Personal Information:

Date of Birth: April 28, 1956

Citizenship: Canadian

Country of Permanent Residence: Canada

Marital Status: Married

Spouse: Tanya Casperson

Son: Hadrian, 14

Son: Tristan, 10

Academic Degrees:

Ph.D. in Political Science, Carlton University (1998)

MA in International Relations, University of Japan (1986)

BA in World History, Peking University (1982)

Past Positions:

Foundation Director, China Institute, University of Alberta (2005-2008)

Leader, the Energy Security Research Group, Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE) Network, Industry Canada Networks of Centers of Excellence Initiative (2006-2008)

Board member, East Asian Council, Canadian Association of Asian Studies (2003-2007)

President,Canadian Consortium on Asia Pacific Security (2006-2007).

President, Association of Chinese Canadian Professors, University of Alberta (2005-2007)

Special Advisor to the Dean of Arts on International Affairs, University of Alberta (2005-2006)

Academic member, Strategic Working Group on China, Canadian Federal Government (2004-2005)

Associate Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Alberta (2004-2005)

Japan Foundation Fellow and Visiting Scholar, University of Tokyo (2000)

Selected Recent Publications:


Critical Issues on the Rise of China, Jamestown Foundation, forthcoming, fall 2009.

With Jansson, Johanna, Burke, Christopher. Chinese Companies in the Extractive Industries of Gabon & the DRC: Perceptions of Transparency. A publication of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) &Revenue Watch Institute (RWI), undertaking by the Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Stellenbosch, January 2009.

Co-editor with Satoshi Ikeda, Connections and Identities in East Asia and Beyond, Conference Proceedings of the EAC-JSAC 2005 Alberta Conference, University of Alberta 2008.

Editor, Fueling the Dragon: China's Energy Demand and the Implications for Canada, Edmonton: Canadian Energy Research Institute and the China Institute at the University of Alberta, 2006.

Guest Editors

Geopolitics of Energy, Vol. 30, No. 8-9, August-September 2008.

The Chinese Economy, Vol. 38, No.3, Guest Editor, M.E. Sharpe, New York, May-June,

2005 (Special issue on China’s rural issues).

The Chinese Economy, Vol. 38, No.1, Guest Editor, M.E. Sharpe, New York, January-February, 2005 (Special issue on China’s rural issues).

Refereed Articles (past 4 years)

“Fueling the Dragon: China's Rise and Its Energy and Resources Extraction in Africa.” The China Quarterly 199 (September 2009): 585-609.

With Simin Yu. “China's Small Leap Forward in Its Energy "Go-out" Strategy.” Geopolitics of Energy, Forthcoming, August 2009.

“China’s Economic Growth and Its Global Quest for Energy Security,” in China, India and the United States: Competition for Energy Resources, The Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research, 2008.

“New Dynamics of Sino-Japanese Relations,” Asian Perspective, Special Issue on “Reconciliation between China and Japan,” Vol. 31, No. 1, 2007.

“China’s Global Quest for Energy Security,” Canadian Foreign Policy, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006.

“China makes ‘great leap outward’ in regional diplomacy,” International Journal, LXI, No. 2, Spring 2006.

“China’s Quest for Energy Security: Implications for North America,” CANCAPS Papier, No. 40, February, 2006.

Public Policy Publications (past 4 years)

China Makes Strides in Energy “Go-out” Strategy, China Brief, 9.15(July 23, 2009)

“The Rise of China and the Challenges Facing Canada’s China Policy.” Special Conference Report, China Institute, University of Alberta, February 2009.

“Beijing’s Responses to Falling Oil Prices.” China Brief, 9.3 (February 4, 2009)

With Burke,Christopher, Jansson, Johanna. Formulation of Energy Policy in China: Key Actors and Recent Developments, the Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Stellenbosch, January 2009.

“Chinese Inroads in DR Congo: A Chinese ‘Marshall Plan’ or Business?”China Brief. 9.1 (January 12, 2009)

“China Flexes Its Muscles on Wall Street Part III: Currency Wars?”China Brief. 8.7 (July 2, 2008)

“China Flexes Its Muscles on Wall Street Redux,”China Brief, 7.22 (December 3, 2007)

“China Flexes Its Muscles on Wall Street,”China Brief, 7.21 (November 16, 2007)

“Blossoming relations: Chinese visit signals easing of tensions,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 2007.

“China Debates Green GDP and Its Future Development Model,”China Brief, 7.16 (August 10, 2007)

“China's Growing Energy Relations with the Middle East,”China Brief, 7.14 (July 12, 2007)

“Sino-Canadian Relations Enter Uncharted Waters,”China Brief,Volume 7, Issue 12 (June 13, 2007)

“Hu’s Safari: China's Emerging Strategic Partnerships in Africa,”China Brief,Volume 7, Issue 4 (Feb. 21, 2007)

“China’s Struggle for Energy Conservation and Diversification,”China Brief,Volume 7, Issue 3 (Feb. 7, 2007)

With Saarah Shivji, “China’s Energy Relations with Central Asia,” Geopolitics of Energy, Vol. 28, No. 12, December, 2006.

“China's Renewed Summit Diplomacy with Japan,”China Brief,Volume 6, Issue 21 (Oct. 25, 2006)

“China and Japan: Reconciliation or Confrontation?” China Brief,Volume 6, Issue 17 (Aug. 16, 2006)

“China's Energy Engagement with Latin America,”China Brief,Volume 6, Issue 16 (Aug. 2, 2006)

“Beijing’s ‘New Thinking’ on Energy Security,”China Brief, Volume 6, Issue 8 (January 20, 2006).

“East Asia’s Troubled Waters,”YaleGlobal, April 25, 2006.

“The Dynamics of China’s Social Crisis,”China Brief, Volume 6, Issue 2 (January 20, 2006).

“China’s energy relations with Latin America,” Geopolitics of Energy, Vol. 28, No. 8, August, 2006.

“China’s booming energy ties with Africa,” Geopolitics of Energy, Vol. 28, No. 7, July, 2006.

“The Cost of China’s Modernization,”China Brief, Volume 5, Issue 25 (December 26, 2005).

“CCP Celebrates 50 Years of Nuclear Achievements,”China Brief, Volume 5, Issue 23 (November 8, 2005).

“The UNOCAL Bid: China’s Treasure Hunt of the Century,”China Brief, Volume 5, Issue 16 (July 19, 2005).

“The Dragon’s Thirst for Canadian Oil,”China Brief, Volume 5, Issue 11 (May 10, 2005).

Fueling the Dragon: China’s Quest for Energy Security and Canada’s Opportunities, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Canada in Asia series, April, 2005.

“China’s ‘New Thinking’ on Japan, China Brief, Volume 5, Issue 3 (Jan. 31, 2005).

“China’s Quest for Energy Security,”China Brief,Volume 4, Issue 20 (Oct. 14, 2004)

Book Chapters (past 4 years)

“Prosperity at the Expense of Equality: Migrant Workers are Falling Behind in Urban

China's Rise.” Confronting Discrimination and Inequality in China: Chinese and Canadian Perspectives. Editors Errol Mendes and Sakunthala Srighanthan, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2009.

“Hu's Safari: China's Emerging Strategic Partnership in Africa,” China in Africa. Editor Arthur Waldron, Washington D.C.: The Jamestown Foundation, 2009.

“China's Booming Energy Relations with Africa.” China in Africa. Editor Arthur Waldron, Washington D.C.: The Jamestown Foundation, 2009.

“China's Emerging Strategic Partnership in Africa.”China Into Africa: Trade, Aid, andInfluence. Ed. Robert I. Rotberg. Brookings Institution Press: Washington D.C. 2008

“China and India Come to Latin America for Energy,” in Energy Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere, edited by Sydney Weintraub, Center for Security and International Studies, Washington, D.C., 2007.

“Meeting the China Challenge, Developing a China Strategy,” in Andrew Cooper and Dane Rowlands eds., Canada Among Nations 2006: Minorities and Priorities, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006.

Invited Public Policy Speeches/Lectures (incomplete record, past 2 years)

June 26, 2009, Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria, Johannesburg. “China's Impact on Global Energy Sector.”

June 23-25, 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa. Workshop organized by the University of Stellenbosch and the Department of International Development of the UK government, on “Understanding China’s Engagement with Africa & How the UK can Build Relationships with China in Africa.”

June 6, 2009, Edmonton. Executive Committee of Canadian Chamber of Commerce special meeting on Canada's China strategy -- the only expert invited to give the opening talk on the current trends of Chinese economy and provide policy recommendations.

May 27, 2009. Toronto. “Fueling the Dragon or Ignore the Dragon? China's Energy Interests in Canada in the Global Context.” The only keynote Speaker for Raymond James “Oil Field Service Conference.”

May 4, 2009. New York. “Fueling the Dragon or Ignore the Dragon? China's Energy Interests in Canada in the Global Context.” The only keynote Speaker for Raymond James “The Oil Sands of Canada Conference.”

April 24, 2009. Yale University. "China's Quest for Energy and Resources in Africa." Yale Forum on China-Africa Relations.

February 25, 2009. “Questioning China's Development Model.” Prof's CornerPresentation. Department of Political Science, University of Alberta.

February 5, 2009. Centre for Global Development, Washington D.C. “China-Africa Energy Relations.”

October 23, 2008. Special expert presentation and Q & A on China’s current political, economic and social conditions, and its implications for Canada’s refugee policies regarding China. I was the only invited guest for this Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Special Workshop on China.

October 8, 2008. Wilson House, Gatineau. Opening Keynote Speaker on “The Rise of China and Its Global Impact.” The Quadripartite East and South East Asia Conference by Canadian Department of National Defense.

July 21, 2008. “Asia Pacific and Energy: Clean Energy and Environmental Technologies.” Pacific Northwest Economic Region 2008 Summit. Vancouver, July 20-23, 2008.

“Energy and Climate Change: Canada's Priorities.” Invited speaker presentation at the Canadian International Council's National Foreign Policy Conference 2008, “After the 2008 US Presidential Election: Opportunities for Canada?” Hilton Hotel, Toronto, June 19-20, 2008.

“Political Economy of China-Africa Relations.” Invited speaker at the University of Toronto Munk Centre Graduate Studies Conference, “Strictly Business? New Trends in International Investment and the Challenge to Development Strategies.” University of Toronto, April 18, 2008.

“Canada-China Relations and Energy Security.” Invited keynote speaker for the Canada Week of the Western Washington University, April 17, 2008.

“The Rise of China, India and Russia in the Global Economy: Implications for Canadian policy.” Witness Tesimony in front of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Ottawa, April 16, 2008.

“China's Growth and Its Impact on Energy Market.” Invited conference lunch keynote speaker, Canadian Energy Research Institute 2008 Oil Conference, “What Price Energy Security?” Calgary, April 14, 2008.

“China-Latin America Energy Relations.” Invited guest lecture, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C., April 8, 2008.

“China’s International Softpower Compaign: Vying for Diplomtic, Business and Cultural Leadership.” Invited speaker, Asia Society, New York City, March 20, 2008.

“Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development.” Invited speaker by the Privy Council Office on the Sepcial China Colloque of "China 1212: Probing the Potential for Sustainalble Development." Meech Lake, February 25, 2008.

“China's Food Safety Challenges in the Age of Globalization.” Invited lecture presentation at the GFTC Strategic Symposium on "Import Safety and Traceability Solutions: The Global Picture." Brampton, Ontario, November 13-14, 2007.

“China's Sustainalbe Energy Future.” Invited presentation at the Annual Conference of the Centre of International Governance Innovation (CIGI), “A Moment of Truth: Towards Sustainable Energy Future?” Waterloo, October 26-27, 2007.

“Canada's Role in China's Quest for Resources.” Invited presentation at the annual retreat of Canada China Business Council, Toronto, August 28, 2007.

“Japan's Response to BSE Crisis.” Invited presentation at the Second Annual PrioNet Risk Management Workshop, University of Ottawa, July 12-13, 2007.

Conference Papers (past 2 years)

“China's Role in Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia.” Maritime Capacity Building Conference. Mississippi State University, June 16-17, 2009.

“Evolving China-Japan Relations in the Regional Context.” Conference on “China, US and Regional Cooperation & Institution-Building in the Asia Pacific Region.” University of Denver, May 28-29, 2009.

“China: The Emerging Food Consumption and Export Superpower.” Conference on “Food Import Safety: Systems, Infrastructure & Governance.” University of Wisconsin at Madison, May 26-27, 2009. Invited opening keynote speaker.

“China's Energy and Resource Strategies in Africa.” Conference on “China in Africa” by the Jamestown Foundation, Washington D.C. May 20, 2009.

“Past, Present and the Future of Canada-China Relations.” Special Conference commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. The Lester B. Person Building, Ottawa, March 30, 2009.

“Energy Security Objectives and Energy Policy in Canada.” The International Conference on Energy Cooperation between Korea and Canada: Opportunities and Constraints. University of Seoul, Seoul, March 20, 2009.

“Boom and Bust of Chinese Smelters in Lubumbashi.” Conference on "China in Africa." Indian University, Bloomington, March 6-7, 2009.

“EU and China - African Relations and Responsibilities in Resource Management in (post-) Conflict Africa.” Conference on “Digging for Peace: Private Companies and Emerging Economies in Zones of Conflict” organized by Fatal Transactions, Bonn International Centre for Conversion, Bonn, November 21-22, 2008.

“Fueling the Dragon: China's Rise and Its Energy and Resources Extraction in Africa.” The China Quarterly and University of Alberta China Institute Special Issue Workshop on “China and Africa: Emerging Patternsin Globalization and Development.” School of Oriental and African Studies, London. September 25-26, 2008.

“Cooperation and Competition: China-Japan Energy Relations.” Invited paper presentation at “Sino-Japanese Relations Research Symposium 2008.” University of Hong Kong, June 10-11, 2008.

“Prosperity at the Expense of Equality: Migrant Workers are Falling Behind in Urban China's Rise.” Invited paper presentation on "Implementation of International Human Rights, Phase 111: Promoting Anti-Discrimination in China." Peking University, Beijing, May 9-10, 2008.

“China's Energy/Resource Needs and Its Impact.” Invited speaker at the ISEAS Conference on "Sustainable Development and Energy Security." Orchard Hotel, Singapore, April 22-23, 2008.

“Globalization and Energy Security.” Invited presentation at the Conference of “Globalization and Sustainable Development.” The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, March 12-14, 2008.

“China's Emerging Strategic Partnership in Africa.” Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Asian Studies Association, Le Malbair, Quebec, November 22-25, 2007.

“China's Growing Need for Energy Supply.” Invited paper presentation at the “Asian Energy Security Conference.” Centre for International Security and Strategic Studies, Mississippi State University, Jackson, Mississippi, October 1-2, 2007.

“China’s Search for Energy Security in Africa.” Presentation at the APSA Annual Conference, Chicago, August 30, 2007.

Op-Ed Articles & Media Interviews (incomplete, past 2 years)

June 30, 2009 interviewed by the Globe and Mail on China's increasing appetite for crude oil.

June 27, 2009 quoted in the Global and Mail on Sinopec’s attempt to acquire Canadian-based oil company Addax for more than $8 billion Canadian dollars.

June 4, 2009 wrote an op-ed on the Toronto Star on the twenty years anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Incident.

June 3, 2009 interviewed by the FinancialPost on the recent developments of Canada China energy relations.

June 3, 2009 quoted by the Globeand Mail on a likely acquisition deal by a Chinese firm over the Hummer division of troubled General

Motors Corp.

June 1, 2009 interviewed by CBC's the Current, on the twenty years anniversary of the

Tiananmen Square Incident.

May 31, 2009 quoted by the Business Week on US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's recent visit to Beijing.

May 28, 2009 quoted in the Business Week on China's concerns over the weakness of US dollar and its potentially negative impact on China's vast foreign currency reserves.

May 26, 2009 interviewed by the Washington Post on North Korea's recent long-range missile test. May 16, 2009 wrote an article on the Edmonton Journal on the linkage of the positive developments in wake of the Sichuan earthquake in China in 2008 and the political reforms in the country.

May 14, 2009 participated an hour-long debate on "Whither the US Power" for TVO Agenda with Steve Paikin.

May 12, 2009 interviewed on the current state of Canada-China relations by Calgary's CHQR AM 770 TheWorld Tonight Program.

May 12, 2009 the May 6th Toronto Star article "Hard Lessons of SARS Crisis Explain China's Tough Action" was quoted by the Australian on their news coverage on China's swift quarantine measures against the swine flu epidemic.

May 8, 2009 requested by a number of papers around the world to provide a short version of his April 28 Yale Global piece on what China is doing recently on the global financial stage.

May 6, 2009 invited to write an Op-ed article in Toronto Star on China's aggressive measures against the swine flu.

April 29, 2009 invited to write a short essay on what China is doing recently on the global financial stage, published by the Yale Global Online magazine.

April 28, 2009 interviewed by the Edmonton Journal on a lawsuit brought by several Chinese workers against their employer for unpaid wages arising from their service in Canada.

April 20, 2009 wrote an Op-ed piece in Ottawa Citizen on Canadian International Trade Minister Stockwell Day's recent trip to China.

April 20, 2009 interviewed by the Vancouver Sun on the Conservative government's recent attempt to push for a closer relation with China.

April 15, 2009 interviewed by International Herald Leader on Canadian International Trade Minister Stockwell Day’s recent trip to China.

April 8, 2009 interviewed by OMNI TVEdmonton on the newly released provincial budget, its implications for the provincial economy, the education sector and the energy sector.

April 1, 2009 interviewed by CCTV 9 Dialogue on the impact of global oil price fluctuations with a focus on China, the United States and China-US relations.

April 2, 2009 quoted extensively by the Financial Post on the latest Chinese acquisition of oil sands in Alberta.

April 2, 2009 quoted by Xinhua News Agency on the G20 global leaders meeting in London.

March 31, 2009 quoted extensively by an article in the Globe and Mail on the rising impact of China in the global economy and the US-China G2 summit during the G20 summit in London.

March 14, 2009 interviewed by CBC TV Newsworld live on the current Chinese economic situation, the ongoing annual People’s Congressand the possible new stimulus packages by the Chinese government to further boost the Chineseeconomy.