Dear Grand Oak Parents:

Fall is here and it is wonderful to have things starting to “cooling down”. This is a great time of the year to be outside and enjoying the beautiful North Carolina scenery around us. The weekends are supposed to be wonderful this year!

Over the next few weeks teachers will be getting in contact with parents to set up conferences. This year we only have 1 full conference day and it is scheduled on October 31st, beyond that date the teachers will be working very hard to fit in the large number of conferences that they will need to complete amidst their many other responsibilities. Conference time can be an anxious time for parents and teachers and I wanted to share some good tips for parents that I found this year:

Always stay congenial and cordial in the meeting

Discuss and write down key questions that you may have prior to arriving

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask until you truly understand

Always try to be open minded, even if there are problems to discuss

Ask teachers about how your child is performing on class work, tests, and how they seem to be adjusting socially

Take time to share information about your child so the teachers can continue to learn about them and use the information in their teaching

As you know, we have again introduced the concept of “bucket filling” to our families and children through our announcements, Morning Meetings and through literacy. I hope our children have been talking about this process regularly and I hope that parents have been able to incorporate it in to things they do at home. I also have been using the book “The Essential 55” and “180 Days of Manners” on the morning news to build our school community. Another book that I will begin to share with our families that I have found and used a great deal with children is called Life’s Greatest Lessons and it is written by Hal Urban. Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some of the drops of wisdom that I think are so important to talk to our children about.

Here are the first 2 lessons that you can share with your children from the Hal Urban book: Life’s Greatest Lessons. I hope you discuss them with your family and are able to use them each day.

  1. Success is more than making money. Think about all of the other intangibles that truly make you a successful person and talk to your children about them (accepting and dealing with challenges, keeping a positive attitude, building relationships, having quality conduct and the importance of hard work). There are many more where that came from but it is a great start!
  2. Life is hard and not always fair. Teaching our kids this habit is a difficult one and we all have to face it with our kids. To put our children in situations that they have to look at difficult challenges and persevere with quality solutions rather than complaining is a skill they will be able to use throughout their life.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mr. Giovanelli

Reminder- October 12th is a CMS early release day- school ends for students at 12:15

Reminder- No School on October 31 (Monday)

Reminder- 1st Quarter ends October 28th

Reminder- Teachers will be in contact soon to set up fall conferences…goal is 100% participation