Due Dec 17, 2015

Name:______School Profile Asg

Your Task

Select 2 post-secondary institutions (college and/or university). For each of your choices, answer the questions below. For each resource used, please make a reference list at the end of your webpage or after each profile. You will post this assignment as a new page on your digital portfolio.

**This information will be used again in another assignment! So save your work, references, and fully complete your school profile. (USE YOUR OWN WORDS – this is not a copy and paste assignment).

o  School Description: where it is, number of students, a few points of interest about the school

o  Program Description: What program(s) are you interested in? How long is it? What are some of the courses you would take in this program?

o  Requirements: What are the admission entry requirements (prerequisite courses, grades, other) specific to your program?

o  Financial Requirements: Tuition, other expected expenses? How can you/do you plan to pay for it? What’s the total per year and over the course of your chosen program?

o  Application Process: How do you apply to this school? What’s required and how much does it cost to do so?

o  Living Conditions: Where would you live? (at home, residence, apartment) What costs are involved? Transportation costs?

o  Advantages: What do you like about this school?

o  Disadvantages: What do you not like about this school?

o  Other possibilities: What are some other possibilities you have in mind if you don’t get into this program? Is there another course that you would consider at this school?

o  Anything else of interest? Is there anything else that attracts you to this school? Surrounding area?

o  How will your transferable skills be an asset to you in this environment?

o  Change is difficult. How will you adjust your life to positively handle this change? (2-3 strategies)

o  **After you have completed this process for TWO schools, you will evaluate your options. Which school do you see yourself going to? Justify your decision with the reasons why this school is the right choice for you. This should be a ¾ page justification at the end of your profiles.

Helpful Resources

Ø  Electronic Info - http://www.electronicinfo.ca **Ontario Universities only**

Ø  Ontario University - ouac.on.ca **Ontario Universities only**

Ø  Ontario College - ontariocolleges.ca **Ontario Colleges only**

Ø  Individual school’s website à For all colleges and universities

Reference List Format

You must provide a reference list for the resources you used. This can included at the end of each profile.


Author. (Year on the website). <website> Retrieved on (Month, day, year)


University of Ottawa. (2011). www.uottawa.ca Retrieved on May 8th, 2011.

Expectations & Curriculum / Level
□  Chooses two different career paths and develops both
□  Care taken to consider how this change will affect their lives and solid strategies to help cope with the change.
B3: Identify a broad range of options for present and future learning, work, and community involvement
A1: Use a self-assessment process to develop a personal profile for use in career development planning
C2: Analyze changes taking place in their personal lives, their community, and the economy, and identify strategies to facilitate smooth transitions during change
□  demonstrate effective use of communication skills. (writing and presentation of information
□  demonstrate effective use of their personal management skills and habits (e.g., being punctual, completing assignments timely,
A2: Evaluate and apply the personal-management skills and characteristics needed for school success, document them in their portfolio, and demonstrate their use in a variety of settings
□  Thorough research done on institution, program, and courses
□  Information included effectively outline the student’s personal reflections, personal learning, and future directions
□  Uses thought and reflection to form decision on best option
B1: Use a research process to locate and select relevant career information from a variety of sources for inclusion in a portfolio
C1: Use appropriate decision-making and planning processes to set goals and develop a career plan