The diocesan Office of Communication would like your input about diocesan communication!Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete our survey. Your input and opinion are very valuable and will help us shape diocesan communications.

All survey responses will remain anonymous. Results will be viewed only in the aggregate to protect your anonymity.

Please return by February 28, 2018.

What congregation do you attend? (listed alphabetically bycity)


□St. Paul, Athens

□St. John, Battle Creek

□St. Columba, Bristol

□Christ Church, Chattanooga

□Grace Church, Chattanooga

□Project Canterbury, Chattanooga

□Southside Abbey, Chattanooga

□St. Martin, Chattanooga

□St. Paul, Chattanooga

□St. Peter, Chattanooga

□St. Thaddaeus, Chattanooga

□Thankful Memorial, Chattanooga

□St. Luke, Cleveland

□St. Mark, Copperhill

□St. Raphael, Crossville

□St. Thomas, Elizabethton

□Nativity, Fort Oglethorpe

□St. Andrew, Harriman

□Trinity, Gatlinburg

□St. James, Greeneville

□St. Alban, Hixson

□St. Barnabas, Jefferson City

□Emmaus House, Johnson City

□St. John, Johnson City

□St. Mary, Jonesborough

□St. Christopher, Kingsport

□St. Paul, Kingsport

□St. Timothy, Kingsport

□Ascension, Knoxville

□Good Samaritan, Knoxville

□Good Shepherd, Knoxville

□St. Elizabeth, Knoxville

□St. James, Knoxville

□St. John's Cathedral, Knoxville

□St. Luke, Knoxville

□St. Thomas, Knoxville

□Tyson House, Knoxville

□St. Clare, LaFollette

□Good Shepherd, Lookout Mountain

□Resurrection, Loudon

□St. Andrew, Maryville

□All Saints, Morristown

□Annunciation, Newport

□St. Francis, Norris

□St. Stephen, Oak Ridge

□St. Francis, Ooltewah

□St. Joseph, Sevierville

□Christ Church, Rugby

□St. Paul, Seymour

□St. Timothy, Signal Mountain

□Christ Church, South Pittsburg

2.What is your agerange?


□18 – 25

□26 – 35

□36 – 45

□46 – 55

□56 – 65

□66 +

3.How often do you attend Sunday Worship at your congregation? (Please choose ONE)


□Rarely (holidays and special occasions only)

□Occasionally (a few times a year)

□Frequently (1 -2 Sunday(s) per month)

□Regularly (3 - 4 Sundays per month)

4.What is your current role at yourcongregation? (Please choose ONE)




□Aspirant/Postulant for Holy Orders

□Lay Leader (responsible for at least one program/event)

□Volunteer Lay Leader (responsible for at least one program/event)

□Congregant (attend a congregation, but not responsible for a program/event)

□Other, please specify:______

5.What is your preferred method of communication? (Please choose ONE)

□Electronic (email, websites, electronic newsletters/magazine, online videos, etc.)

□Paper (paper mail, paper newspapers/magazines, etc.)

□I prefer a mix of both electronic and paper communication.

6.What type of information do you most want to hear about from the diocese? (Please select all that apply)

□Diocesan Events (Diocesan Convention, Clergy Gatherings, Absalom Jones Celebration, etc.)

□Congregation and Institution Events (educational opportunities, spiritual retreats/workshops, special worship services, concerts, etc.)

□News about the Bishop

□Stories and News from/about Congregations, Ministries, and Institutions

□National & International Stories and News Related to The Episcopal Church (Episcopal News Service, Episcopal Relief and Development, Anglican News Service, etc.)

□Other, please specify: ______



7.How often do you engage with social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,etc.)? (Please choose ONE)


□Rarely (a few times a year)

□Occasionally (at least once a month)

□Frequently (at least once a week)

□Regularly (at least once a day)

8.When using social media, what are you most hoping to see? (Please checkall that apply)



□News stories

□Event information


□Other, please specify: ______

□I never engage with social media.

9.How often do you visit the DiocesanWebsite?


□Rarely (a few times a year)

□Occasionally (at least once a month)

□Frequently (at least once a week)

□Regularly (more than once a week)

10.When visiting the Diocesan Website, what are you most frequently looking for? (Please check your TOP TWO choices)

□Contact Information

□Event Information (Diocesan Convention, training and educational opportunities, special worship services, etc.)

□Ministries and Program Information (faith formation, congregational development information, Grace Point Camp and Conference Center, etc.)

□News Information (Bishop’s activities; bishop’s sermons, stories from congregations;pictures, stories from recent events, etc.)

□Resource Information (policies, forms, reports, etc.)

□Other, please specify: ______

□I have never visited the DiocesanWebsite.

11.Tell us about aFAVORITE communication from thediocese.

12.Tell us about your LEAST FAVORITE communication from thediocese.

13.Is there anything that you feel you are receiving TOO MUCH communication about from thediocese?

14.Is there anything that you feel you are receiving NOT ENOUGH communication about from thediocese?

15.Is there anything else you would like us to know regarding diocesancommunication?

Thank you for your time and your assistancein helping us shape our communication strategies for the Episcopal Church in East Tennessee!

If you have any questions about this survey or diocesan communications, please contact Communications Director Vikki Myers at or 865-966-2110.

Please return to:

Vikki Myers
The Episcopal Church in East Tennessee
814 Episcopal School Way

Knoxville TN 37932

Thank you to the Diocese of Oklahoma who shared their Communications
Survey with us – it is the format we used for this survey.