Castle Donington parish council

Minutes of the Recreation Meeting held on 14 September 2017 at 7.30pm at theParish Rooms, Hillside, Castle Donington

PRESENT: Cllrs Ambrose-Jones, G Dalby, N Daykin, D Groom, C Hills, R Nickless, G Roberts (in the chair), A Saffell, R Sizer and D Wintle. 8 members of public.

APOLOGIES: Cllrs C Burton (holiday), R Else (work) and A Sowter (personal).

ABSENT: Cllr M Barker-Lane.

Declarations of Interest : None.


a)  Spital Park

·  Users Group (football/rugby clubs) representative issues and comments other than matters covered on the agenda – No one present. The Football Club have requested that the flood lights are changed to the new style LED bulbs same as the street lighting to make the area brighter which was discussed. RESOLVED: All users have been advised that they need to ensure that no litter is left after training sessions and matches. Productive meeting was held with representatives of both football club and Parish Council. Both parties talked about the long term aims for recreation and agreed that communication was the key. RESOLVED: To receive the information. RESOLVED: To include in the long-term strategy for use of Section 106 money.

·  Possible new users – Update from Clerk. Another ladies / girls’ rugby club has approached CDRFC. They are looking at working with CDRFC and the Parish Council to bring ladies rugby to Castle Donington. An email outlining some plans has been sent through for full discussion once all information from the current users has been obtained. RESOLVED: Meeting to be held end of September with a report to Full Council.

·  Dog fouling issues – NWLDC are undertaking patrols; they have issued warnings this week and will be returning with a view to enforcement for walking across pitches/or not picking up.

NWLDC has undertaken patrols of Spital Park as requested by the Parish Council; and has also advised dog walkers that it is not only an offence not to pick-up the dog poo, but to allow them to roam over the marked pitches too – “The Fouling of Land by Dogs (NWL) Order 2008”. This is a district-wide piece of legislation (brought in in 2008, as per our signs) that has not been needed to enforce previously, but is covered by the Parish Council erected signs. The Parish Council has over the years had many complaints about the dog fouling situation on its parks, playing fields, open spaces and even on the streets. It did an initiative to create a dog walking perimeter area on Spital Park playing field, by having it line marked for a number of years. The threat of enforcing this legislation has caused some of the dog walkers to complain, stating that they are being victimised for the few that don’t pick-up the poo. The biggest issue, is that no one will report those that don’t pick-up so the dog fouling issue, in particularly, the health issue continues. If this legislation is enforced, just because of the issue of poo on the pitches, then suitable areas for dog walkers need to be looked in to. A lot of dog walkers are unaware of other areas that they could potentially walk, ie Bentley Road open space, Back Lane, Broad Rushes etc. This information needs to be circulated to all dog walkers to ensure that they can continue to walk their animals. Plus, there is a possibility of creating a dog walking area on Spital Park and on other playing fields in the Parish council’s ownership. Public representation regarding the dog issues was reported by Mr Mike McGhee, this outlined their concerns about overzealous enforcement of no dogs on the pitches, however understood the need to enforce re not picking up dog poo. RESOLVED: That the Parish Council ensures dog walkers are aware of the other areas to walk their dogs; that the formal enforcement on the playing fields is kept to a minimum; that dog walkers are encouraged to report those dog owners that don’t abide by the various legislation and that the Parish Council looks at the provision of a fenced dog walking area on Spital Park and improvements to the CCTV system for enforcement purposes. RESOLVED: To look at additional car parking areas including Back Lane. RESOLVED: To create a flyer advising other areas for dog walking and legal responsibilities for distribution within the village.

b)  Moira Dale

·  Users Group (football/cricket clubs) representative issues and comments other than matter covered on the agenda. No one present. RESOLVED: All users have been advised that they need to ensure that no litter is left after training sessions and matches.

c)  Bosworth Park – Mobile Skatepark “wheels” event went off very well. About 20 children attended and took the opportunity to try out skate boards, mini scooters and BMX bikes on a small course. Great event, well attended and enjoyed by all. Young people and kids who got the opportunity to try out skate boards, scooters and BMX bikes. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

d)  Stonehill – To approve a replacement fence to the front perimeter. It has been suggested for some time that a new fence to the field perimeter should be installed. RESOLVED: To approve the quote from the Parish Council’s preferred fence supplier at a cost of £2240.00

e)  Stonehill – To approve the continued use of the field by the Army Cadets. The Cadets have used the open space on Stonehill playing field and on to Airport land over recent years, and are again requesting continued use of this from the Parish Council and the Airport. RESOLVED: To allow the CD Cadets free-use of the playing field.


a)  Bentley Road – Centenary Fields Programme – Legals are near to completion; the plaque has been ordered and the stone is in the process of being placed. Official unveiling event, with the British Legion and Army Cadets is to take place on 30 September. RESOLVED: Legals are near to completion; the plaque has been ordered and the stone is in place on Bentley Road open space. Official unveiling event, with the British Legion and Army Cadets is to take place on 30 September at 10.30am. All Parish Councillors to attend and other dignitaries to be invited with refreshments to be laid on at Spital Park pavilion.

b)  It has been requested that a swathe of poppies be planted at the Centenary Fields Programme – The Clerk had asked Ulyett who confirmed there was no issue regarding planting and maintenance. RESOLVED: To progress and arrange with Ulyett the planting of poppies.

c)  Village poppy display – The Parish Council ordered an initial 50 poppies at £3.00 each for display around the central area of the village. This initiative gained interest, therefore, another 50 poppies were ordered for residents/businesses to purchase. Up take from individuals has been slow, but Marks and Spencers, Co-op funeral, the Potters pub, Castle Print have purchased poppies allowing the display to be taken further afield around the village. RESOLVED: To receive the information.

d)  Glover Road – To approve a replacement fence to the rear of the play area. It has been suggested for some time that a new fence to the field perimeter should be installed. RESOLVED: To approve the quote from the Parish Council’s preferred fence supplier at a cost of £1310.00

Meeting closed 8.35pm.

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