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Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 12:05 AM
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Letter No:05/PS/FP/12Date:23 /04/2012 From: Hochiminh Sastri
Padmashree Society
Jayanti Golchha
Subject: Re-Submission of project proposal for the developmental activities with details budget of orphanage ASHA KIRAN HOME.
Respected Madam,
Herewith I re-submitting the project proposal for the developmental activities with details budget of orphanage ASHA KIRAN HOME for your kind notice.
Thanking you
Hochiminh Sastri (Secretary)
Regd. No- 5453/492/93-94
F.C.R.A. No – 104830040
Bachhara Patna, Jatni, Khurda, ORISSA, INDIA
Phone: 0674 – 2492740, CELL-9437107124
Letter No:05/PS/FP/12 Date:23 /04/2012
From: Hochiminh Sastri
Padmashree Society
Jayanti Golchha
Subject: Re-Submission of project proposal for the developmental activities with details budget of orphanage ASHA KIRAN HOME.
Respected Madam,
Herewith I re-submitting the project proposal for the developmental activities with details budget of orphanage ASHA KIRAN HOME for your kind notice.
Thanking you
Hochiminh Sastri
- Name of the Organization :PADMASHREE SOCIETY
2. Addresses and Telephone : Village-BACHHARA PATNA
District- KHURDA
Country-INDIA -752050
CELL: 9437107124
3. Registration Number : 5453/492-1993-94
4. F.C.R.A. Registration Number : 104830040
5. I.T.NO- : AAAAP4920B
District- KHURDA
Country-INDIA 752050
PHONE: 91+0674 –2492740
CELL: 9437107124
Team of volunteers
1. D.Sreedevi President
2. Brahma Prakash Mishra Chief Advisor
3.Prof.Dr.Deben Mishra Chief Patron
4.Hochiminh Sastri Secretary
5.Anusuya Barik Treasurer
6.Manjulata Das Asstt. Treasurer.
7.Pradipta Pattanaik, Educational Co-ordinator
8. Prasanta Kumar Lenka,Child Education Head
1.PADMASHREEwants to improve the health, education and socio-economic of the uncared and neglected children in the khurda district.
- In advancing the opportunities of children through basic need of socio-economic programme targeting mostly core children, child labour, street children, orphans and children of impoverished families living in the village community of Jatni, Khurda, Orissa.
- The major objective of the organization is to provide physical, social, and Emotional psychological, economic and health care support to the children with a view to help them to continue to be usefully active members of the community.
- Our objective is a healthy safe and supportive environment to children.
- To Reinforce & strengthen the ability & commitment of the family to Provide care to children
- To create a society, free a child labour destitution, exploitation and abandonment of poor children.
- To promote the children which the knowledge necessary to become active participants and positive contributors to their communities as well as the human society.
- To provide children with a sense of belongingness as make them displace in their life.
- The Most Important Aim & Objective Of The Society Will Be “If The Child Can Not Avail The Basic Facilities, Then The Basic Facilities Must Go To The Child.
Part 2:
1. Name of project: ASHA-KIRAN HOME
Description:The project ASHA-KIRAN…A Ray of Hope for uncared and destitute children . This project is an ATTEMPT to develop socio-cultural-economic condition of the neglected and uncared children. So we are seting up a “HOME” for socially uncared and neglected children. The HOME is providing lodging, food, recreational, meditation, and light physical works for the inmates. The children below 6 years are provided pre school education. Those who are above 14 years are provided basic education and vocational training. The inmates are encouraged to pursue their hobbies like home works of the school, vocational training, reading, writing and singing. Recreational facilities such as books, magazines, indoor games, TV and video facilities will be provided in day care center. The inmates are taken out for local excursion once in a year.
The Inmates of ASHA KIRAN:
The inmates who are the target group of the project are….
1. Orphans
2. Children living in poor conditions
3.Street children
4. Handicapped, physically or sexually
5. Children in peril, refugees,
Back Ground of the some of the Inmates
Age:14 yrs
Only he Know that he is from Bhadhrakh District of Orissa and When he was 11 years old he has his younger brother of 8 yerar BUTU.He meet Hochiminh Sastri Secretary of the Organisation and desire to study and also educate his younger brother BUTU.His profession was to sweep the train in the Railway Platform and earn. Some time begging from the passengers to feed his younger brother.
Age:12 Yrs
He was rescued when suffering from severe fever in the Platform.He was force to begging by his mother. His father was died at the time of Birth of Santosh.. He earned Rs15 to20per day and paid to his mother.
Age:15 years
When Udhaba was 4 yrs old his only mother died on the RLY Platform. Then he get up on the train Trivendrum Gauhati Express. He reached Gauhati of ASSAM. One person bring UDHABA to his Home and kept as a servent.One day UDHABA drinks some milk from the Freez of his owner.Then the owner beat him and driven away from his home.At that time he was 6 yrs old.then he begging in the platform.At the age of 8 yrs He sell GUTKHA in the train.One Handicaped person meet with UDHABA and teach him how to pick-pocket and told him that it is very high Income.UDHABA motivated and do this pick-pocketing in the local train in CUTTACK Plat Form.One Day Railway Police caught him and preparing to send to JAIL.We convincing the POLICE to change the activities and with A bond we bring UDHABA to the ASHA-KIRAN HOME .Now he is living a decent life here.
2. Short description of the current situation and problems at the location:
The location of the project is at Jatni, 29 Kim’s of Bhubeneswar. Capital city of Indian state, Orissa is known as important business center. Jatni is the business city of Orissa. A state on eastern cost of India developed in last forty years. It is 50 Kim’s from the sea-the bay of bangle touching its coast for the entire length of the state. It is a big Railway Junction known as Khurda Road. Railway Station which connected by network of trains from all over India. There is a constant flow of population into the town. It is also in the route of Puri one of the six important pilgrimage centers in India. The Puri seashore also very famous in the world.
3. Short description of the specific goals:
- To develop socio-economic, cultural & educational condition.
- To remove the thoughts in their mind that they are neglected, un-wanted & rejected items in the society.
- To provide physiological social and basic need to the uncared children.
- To solve daily life problems face by them.
- To mould the uncared & neglected children will right approach and patience in the useful citizen of the society.
- To provide counseling and guidance to parents on the up bringing of their uncared children.
- To educate the public through mass awareness camp to promote greater understanding of careless to the child and its impact on the physical and mental development of children.
- To provide flexible education and its alternatives.
- To develop self-confidence and promote self help.
To integrated the children into the main stream of the society by
providing them their basic needs and rights
4. Number of children the project will affect:
Sixty five numbers
5. Timing - when will the project start and how long would the grant allow it to last?
One year
6. Longevity of the project - what happens to the project after the grant has been used?
- A project will develop socially, economical psychological and basic condition of the children with educational stability.
- The social acceptability for the uncared and neglected children will increase.
- Abuse to children will reduce.
- It will establish linkage with welfare institutions both in National level & international level & service to various categories of women and involvement children
- It will develop the knowledge of information technology among the target group and other children who are lack of family and social support.
- It will prevent the target children to migrate.
- It will help to mainstream of all children in the formal school after one year.
- It will help the children to come to the main stream of the society maintain their level of general children.
- It will sensitive the community regarding the acceptance right, care and develops the neglected children.
- Promotion of foster adoption will be increased and non-institutional care will be developed.
. 8.Budget
A.Educational Materials for 62 nos of inmates for whole year.
62 x 65 x12 = Rs 48360.00
Rs.65.00 expenditure on study materials /child/month
Details expenditure of study material of child per month
Binding notes 3nos @ 15/- = 45.00
Whit paper 24 pages @ 10/- =10.00
Pen 01 no[p.m] @ 05/-=05.00
[practically I found two pens is required in a month]
Pencil and rubber @ 5/- = 5.00
B.Salary to educational instructor for evening tution [ 2 NOS]
1000.00 P.M X 2 X12 =Rs.24000.00
C. ONE PAIR DRESS for whole year @ 250.00
250/- x 62 =Rs15500.00
D.Evening tiffin for 62 children 70 gms Chudaa /child
70x 62= 4.340 kg pr day @20/- =86.80 x 30 x12 =Rs.31248.00
Total amount requested to ASHA-HYDERABAD Rs.119108.00
[Rupees one lakh nineteen thousand one hundred eight only]
Padmashree Society