Dear Coach,
Your team is invited to participate in the 38th annual Salto Invitational. As always the meet will be coed. The competition will be held at the Wisconsin State Fair Park; Products Pavilion; 640 S. 84th St., West Allis, WI 53214. We will be using all AAI equipment provided by NSGEL Equipment Leasing. The following information is pertinent to the meet format, the competition itinerary and meet entries. The meet director for the boys is Alex Belanovski. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (262)782-3430.
I. DATE: March 4-6, 2016
II. Rules of Competition
The rules of competition are governed by the USA Gymnastics. This is a sanctioned meet. All coaches must be a professional member, safety certified, and background check in good standing with USAG. All athletes must also be currently registered with USAG.
III. Age Divisions * = prime age group
A. Level 4 = 6;7-8; 9 – 10; 11+ Team Awards: Level 4, all ages combined
B. Level 5 = 7-8; 9-10; 11+ Team Awards: Level 5, all ages combined
C. Level 6 = 7-8; 9-10; 11+ Team Awards: Level 6; all ages combined
D. Level 7 = 9-10; 11-12; 13+ Team Awards: Level 7; all ages combined
E. Level 8 = 11-12; 13-14; 15-18 Team Awards: Level 8; all ages combined
F. Level 9 = 13-14; 15-16; 17-18 Team Awards: Level 9; all ages combined
G. Level 10 = 15-16; 17-18 Team Awards: Level 10; all ages combined
Age Divisions are determined by Sept 1 (see rule and policies)
IV. Awards
A. All-Around and individual event awards will be determined by the number of gymnasts per age group - 50% receiving rewards..
B. Team Awards: Determined by Team entries, 3 scores per event - 50% receiving awards.
C. CASH Awards
Level 10 = 1st place $500, 2nd place $300, 3rd place $200
Level 9 = 1st place $300, 2nd place $200, 3rd place $100
Level 8 = 1st place $300, 2nd place $200. 3rd place $100
V. Entry Deadlines
A. Entries limited. Please enter promptly.
B. Entry Fee
1. Level 4, 5, 6 = $110.00
2. Level 7 through 10 Optionals only = $120.00
There is no team fee, as it is included in the individual entry fee.
C. Entry Deadline is January 15, 2016. (Entries after 1/15 will pay $5 fee per athlete)
D. Make check payable to SALTO INC.
E. No refunds after February 14th, 2015.
F. Mail all entries to: Salto Gymnastics
c/o Jimbo
1417 Poplar Drive
Waukesha, WI 53188
VI. Host Hotel
Milwaukee Marriott West
W231 N1600 Corporate Ct.
Waukesha, WI 53186
800-228-9290 – mention Salto Invitational
Flat rate of $89.00 per night
VII. There is no admission fee for spectators.
Parking is $5.00 per day.
For team blocks ask