1. An overview of the support currently offered to Middlesbrough Carers - including the Council's financial contribution in supporting carers for 2012/13 and any additional funding received from NHS Tees for this purpose.
Support for Carers / Social Care Funding / Total Number of Carers Supported / Numbers of BME CarersAdditional services for service user
Only overnight respite counted- does NOT include day care, sitting services etc / £390,332 / 266 service users received 8268 nights of overnight respite / 8 BME service users accessed overnight respite
Carer HolidayBreaks / £11,366 / 69 carers / 4 BME carers
Holistic Therapies / £11,402 / 166 carers / 16 BME carers
Pamper Session Vouchers / £376 / 35 carers / 2 BME carers
Carer Direct Payments / £20,158 / 14 carers / 10 BME carers
Stress Relief Course / £750 / 7 carers / 1 BME Carer
Counselling Services for Carers / £1,750 / Waiting for final report / Waiting for final report
Learn Holistic Therapies / £900 / 9 carers / 1 BME Carer booked but did not attend
Young Carers Activities / £14,400 / Waiting for final report / Waiting for final report
Young Carers Stress Relief / £585 / 17 / 3
Trips and Outings / £6,000 / TBC / TBC
Carer Event / £2,500 / TBC / TBC
My Time Course / £1,420 / 6 carers / 3 BME Carers booked but did not turn up
Craft Workshop / £225 / 12 carers / No BME carers
Learning to Say No Session / £200 / Waiting for final report / Waiting for final report
Moving and Handling Courses / £750 / 11 carers / 2 BME Carers
Sanctuary Supported Living
Carers Outreach Service / £170,000 / 286 carers / 21 BME Carers
Sanctuary Supported Living
Dementia Service / £74,900
(NHS Tees pay 50% of this cost) / 104 Carers
97 people with dementia / No BME carers
1 BME person with dementia
Barnardos Young Carers Service / CFL Funding
£79,900 / TBC / TBC
JCUH Carer Support Worker
Sanctuary Supported Living Long Term Neurological ConditionsCarers Support Worker (JCUH) / £10,000 / 135 carers / 1 BME carer
For other funding from NHS Tees please refer to Question 8 Carers Small Grants Fund
2. A breakdown of how this funding is allocated i.e amount spent on funding carers breaks, carers personal budgets etc.
2a. Carer Holiday Breaks
Funding Used for 2012/ 2013 : Number of nights used
Provider / Number of nights used / Number of carers / Unit cost / Total cost for yearJonas Centre / 85 nights / 19 / £20 / £1700
Birchfield Guest House / 54 nights / 16 / £50 / £2700
Romley House / 14 nights / 7 / £50 / £700
Spring Willows / 23 weeks / 23 / £266 / £6118
Total Cost / £11,218
Funding Used for 2012/ 2013 by BME Carers : Number of nights used
Provider / Number of nights used / Number of carers / Unit cost / Total cost for yearJonas Centre / 1 nights / 3 / £20 / £60
Birchfield Guest House / 0 nights / 0 / £50 / £
Romley House / 0 nights / 0 / £50 / £
Spring Willows / 1 weeks / 1 / £266 / £266
Total Cost / £326
2b. Carer Direct Payments
Please note carer direct payments rather than carer personal budgets are available for carers in Middlesbrough.
Carer direct payments were used to support carers by providing domestic support, gardening, driving lessons, support to attend Milan Group or Carer Support Group for BME carers supporting people who are deaf.
Carers / Number of Carers / Cost of Carer Direct PaymentsBME Carers / 10 / £14,590
White British Carers / 4 / £5568
Total / 14 / £20,158
3. Number of short breaks and regular breaks funded through the carers budget in 2012/13.
- Please refer to figures for overnight respite and carer holiday breaks discussed in question 1.
- Please note that carers also benefit from other additional services provided to the service user such as daycare, sitting or enabling services, personal care etc. However, at present the cost of providing these services is support carers is not collated.
4. Details of any specific work undertaken by the Department to identify BME carers and their needs, surveys, projects etc
BME Carers included in Carers PSS survey
5. Details of any feedback received from carers (both BME and non-BME) on the support services available to carers in Middlesbrough.
Feedback from carer evaluations are obtained by Social Care for the following services:
Holistic Therapies, Carer Holiday Breaks, Stress Relief Course, Learn Holistic Therapies, Young Carers Activities, Young Carers Stress Relief, Trips and Outings, My Time Course, Craft Workshop, Learning to Say No Session, Moving and Handling Courses, Sanctuary Supported Living
Carers Outreach Service, Sanctuary Supported Living
Dementia Service, Sanctuary Supported Living Long Term Neurological Conditions Carer Support Worker
General feedback :
General feedback showed that carers valued these services and considered them helpful for supporting them in their caring role. Comments were not divided into White British and BME Carers
Quality monitoring is not undertaken for
Overnight Respite Care, Carer Direct Payments
6. Whether any dedicated funding has been set aside to support BME carers and if so how this funding has been spent / allocated.
- Becon: BME Carers Project =£14,754 (BME Worker to identify hidden carers) – waiting for final report
- Humanah Community Consortium CIC I’m Strong: Our Voice, Our Power, Our Rights= £10,500 waiting for final report
- Milan group (service users can receive a direct payment of £20 to attend- other support groups not financially supported by the council)
7. Information on how many BME carers in Middlesbrough have a support plan in place and are in receipt of a personal budget / short break / regular break, as well as how these figures compare with non-BME carers.
Please see below estimated numbers of carers in Middlesbrough
- Estimated population of Middlesbrough (2013): 139,855
- Estimated number of people in BME Community (2011): 19,306
- Estimated number of carers in Middlesbrough (2013): 14,308
- Estimated number of BME carers in Middlesbrough (2013) : 1,996
- Estimated number of white British carers in Middlesbrough (2013): 12,312
(Please note that Social Care does not have any published information showing carers by ethnic group, therefore these estimates assume that the same proportion of BME residents is reflected in the numbers of carers (i.e. the BME community represents 13.95% of the Middlesbrough population, it has been assumed that 13.95% of carers, therefore, are from the BME community).
Please see below numbers of carers who have had carers assessments with the relative percentage of the estimated carer population for that group of people.
Carers Data / 2010/11 / 2011/12 / 2012/2013Number of carers receiving assessment/ review / 863
863 out of 14,308
6% / 1038
1038 out of 14,308
7% / 509
509 out of 14,308
% of above white British carers / 807
807 out of 12,312
7% / 978
978 out of
8% / 472
472 out of
Of above number of BME carers / 56 out of
3% / 60 out of 1996
3% / 37 out of 1996
Please note in Middlesbrough, after having been assessed as eligible and in need of specific service carers may receive carer direct payments rather than carer personal budgets. These are discussed under question 2.
8. Information on Middlesbrough Carers' Small Grants Fund and the role of the MVDA in allocating this funding.
At the end of the financial year 2011/ 2012 Middlesbrough Primary Care Trust
advised that they would provide Middlesbrough Council with £300,000 from
funds they have received from the Department of Health to support carers
have a break. Asit was not feasible for Adult Social Care to appropriately
allocate this funding at theend of the financial year it was decided to transfer
the funding to MVDA toadminister a Carers Small Grants Fund for 2012/
2013. The funds were allocated as follows:
MVDA Administrative Costs £48,000
Unallocated funding still available£126,053.97
Allocation for successful projects £125,946.03
Please see below:
- The Albert Centre: Tees Connect: On-line carers forum =£18,685
- Middlesbrough Substance Misuse Carers Forum: Health & Well-Being Programme =£14,990
- Neurological Alliance TVDNY: Platform for Carers= £8710
- Sanctuary Supported Living: Advice, Support & Information Helpline=£13,400.65
- Sanctuary Supported Living Health & Home Action Plan=£18,930.38
- The Princes Trust & The Junction: Transitions Young Adult Carers= £16,500
- Avalon Carers Breaks: Trips & Activities= £8,760
- Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind Me Time= £1,216
- The Main Project Taking Autism Personally Main Parent/ Unpaid Carers Training Support= £10,000
- Becon: BME Carers Project =£14,754
- Humanah Community Consortium CIC I’m Strong: Our Voice, Our Power, Our Rights= £10,500
Please note Middlesbrough Council is waiting for monitoring reports from MVDA for projects from the Carers Small Grants Fund, evaluation reports were scheduled for the end March 2013. Funding has been made available for those projects that would benefit from continuing for a further year.