AccuPOS Table Layout Guide

Table of Contents:

Getting Started

Creating the First Room and Table

To Create Additional Rooms

Moving a Table

Removing a Table/Room

Rotating a Table

Renaming a Table


This guide was written for Platinum Version 9 of AccuPOS in Food Service mode on the Point of Sale. The Table Layout is a new feature for AccuPOS Retail Point of Sale for version 9. All previous versions of AccuPOS do not have this feature. Furthermore, the table layout feature is only available in Platinum and higher versions of AccuPOS Retail Point of Sale. Also, if the Point of Sale is being run in Retail mode, you will notice differences in appearance.

The Table Layout is a new feature implemented in AccuPOS Retail 2008 for the food service industry. The Table Layout allows the creation of a virtual floor plan where servers can save orders to table numbers instead of transaction numbers for a more efficient experience at the Point of Sale. The table layout also allows the creation of multiple “rooms” which serve to break the restaurant up into easier to manage sections rather than look at the entire list of tables. This guide will walk you through how to create this layout. For information on saving orders using the Table Layout, please refer to the Suspended Sales Guide for Food Service.

Getting Started: (top)

In order to begin creating the floor plan, the Table Layout Manager must first be opened. While in AccuPOS Retail Management, go to Setup -> Rooms/Table layout (Figure 1-1). The AccuPOS Table Service Room Layout Manager window will appear (Figure 1-2). From here, you can begin the design of the virtual floor plan.

Figure 1-1

Figure 1-2

AccuPOS Table Service Room Layout Manager Overview: (top)

1.  Floor Layout (Figure 1-3): The floor layout displays all the current tables of the currently selected room.

Figure 1-3

2.  Room Menu (Figure 1-4): The room menu allows the moving from one room to another to add tables to a specified room.

Figure 1-4

3.  Table Types (Figure 1-5): The different table types available are displayed at the bottom of the Manager Window.

Figure 1-5

4.  New Room (Figure 1-6): Selecting the New Room button allows the creation of another room as soon as a new table is placed.

Figure 1-6

5.  Remove (Figure 1-7): This button allows the deletion of a table that was incorrectly placed.

Figure 1-7

6.  Turn Right (Figure 1-8): Selecting this button rotates the currently selected table five degrees to the right.

Figure 1-8

7.  Turn Left (Figure 1-9): Selecting this button rotates the currently selected table five degrees to the left.

Figure 1-9

8.  Done (Figure 1-10): Choosing this button will accept all changes done and return you to AccuPOS Retail Management.

Figure 1-10

Creating the First Room and Table: (top)

By default, there are no rooms created or tables created when the Layout Manager is first launched. The first table created will also create the first room. To create the first room and table:

1.  Select New Room (Figure 2-1). A popup will appear asking for a name to be assigned to the new room. Enter a desired name and click OK. (Figure 2-2)

Figure 2-1

Figure 2-2

2.  Select the desired table type by left clicking on one of the table designs in the bottom of the window (Figure 2-3). The currently selected table will turn green to indicate its status. (Figure 2-4)

Figure 2-3

Figure 2-4

3.  Left click to the desired spot in the Floor Layout area to place the table (Figure 2-5). The table is automatically named based of the Room selected and what number is available. In the example below, the table is called “Guide-1” since it was the first table placed in the “Guide” room. (Figure 2-6)

Figure 2-5

Figure 2-6

4.  Notice as soon as the table is placed, the Room menu now has the name of the first room displayed in the top right of the Layout Manager. (Figure 2-7)

Figure 2-7

5.  Continue adding tables by selecting the desired type and location until all tables are placed.

To Create Additional Rooms: (top)

Some restaurants may have several different areas where only certain servers operate, for example, an outdoor patio. Naturally, the servers outside don’t need to see or bother with the table layout of the tables inside. Another example would be the bar area in a restaurant. AccuPOS allows the creation of multiple rooms to make it more efficient for servers to only deal with their respective areas. To create additional rooms:

1.  Select New Room (Figure 3-1). A popup will appear asking for a name to be assigned to the new room. Enter a desired name for the new room and click OK (Figure 3-2). Upon hitting OK, the Floor Layout is cleared showing that a new room is being created. (Figure 3-3)

Figure 3-1

Figure 3-2

Figure 3-3

2.  Select the desired table type by left clicking on one of the table designs in the bottom of the window. The currently selected table will turn green to indicate its status. (Figure 3-4)

Figure 3-4

3.  Left click to the desired spot in the Floor Layout area to place the table (Figure 3-5). The table is automatically named based of the Room selected and what number is available. In the example below, the table is called “Patio-1” since it was the first table placed in the “Patio” room. (Figure 3-6)

Figure 3-5

Figure 3-6

4.  Notice as soon as the table is placed, the Room menu now has the name of the new room displayed in the top right of the Layout Manager along with all other existing rooms. (Figure 3-7)

Figure 3-7

5.  Continue adding tables by selecting the desired type and location until all tables are placed.

There is a limit of 10 rooms that can exist at any one time. To jump between rooms to add or remove tables, simply click on the room in the list on the right hand side of the page to move to that room.

Moving a Table: (top)

Once a table is placed on the Floor Layout, it can be moved to a different location by a simple dragging and release. To move a table:

1.  Left click on the table you wish to move. The Table will turn green to indicate it is currently selected. (Figure 4-1)

Figure 4-1

2.  Left click and hold down the left mouse button on the table and, while holding the mouse button, drag the table to the desired new location and release the mouse button. (Figure 4-2)

Figure 4-2

3.  The table is now set to the new location.

Removing a Table/Room: (top)

Sometimes, there is a mistake made and a table or a room needs to be removed from the Floor Layout. To remove a table:

1.  Left click on the table you wish to remove. The Table will turn green to indicate it is currently selected. (Figure 5-1)

Figure 5-1

2.  Select Remove and the table will be deleted form the Floor Layout. (Figure 5-2)

Figure 5-2

3.  To remove an entire room, you have to remove each table one by one until the last table is removed. The room automatically gets deleted once the last table is removed.

Rotating a Table: (top)

Tables can be rotated on the Floor Layout to help with design and look of the Floor Layout to better demonstrate the actual restaurant it is emulating. To rotate a table:

1.  Left click on the table you wish to rotate. The table will turn green to indicate it is currently selected. (Figure 6-1)

Figure 6-1

2.  Select Turn Left or Turn Right to rotate the table five degrees left or five degrees right. (Figure 6-2)

Figure 6-2

3.  Continue turning until the desired angle is reached. In the example below, the table was rotated nine times to the right, or forty-five degrees. (Figure 6-3)

Figure 6-3

Renaming a Table: (top)

AccuPOS automatically names the table based on the room that it is placed in and the number that it was placed. For example, the first table placed in the “Guide” room is named, by default, “Guide-1.” To change the name of a table:

1.  Right click on the table you wish to change the name of. (Figure 7-1)

Figure 7-1

2.  Type the new name of the table and hit Enter. (Figure 7-2)

Figure 7-2

3.  The table now shows the new name. (Figure 7-3)

Figure 7-3