Circle Cross Ranch Principal’s Newsletter Message- September
First Quarter is in full swing and we are excited about our school year! Kids are adjusting to our B3 Be Free Positive School-Wide System and we are getting ready to have our first lunch-time celebration with our kids who have filled in their cards with positives from teachers, staff and administrators. Kids and teachers are working to continue to make CCR a positive place to learn and work. Thanks to everyone for your support !
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up at the end of the month. We will be scheduling conferences a little differently this year. The schedule will be on our website and we will allow you to electronically schedule your conferences to best meet your family’s needs. Information will go home soon with directions on how to schedule online as well as what to do if you do not have internet access.
We are currently looking for a crossing guard for before and after school. If you are interested in some part-time work, please call the office and let us know. If hired, we will provide training prior to your first day.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in helping us keep the parking lot safe and running smoothly. Just as a reminder,
* Please pull all the way down to drop your kids off or to pick them up.
* Please pull up on either side of the crosswalk in the parent pick up line. Please keep that crosswalk clear.
* You may park and walk your kids in the crosswalk to drop them off or pick them up.
* Please use the crosswalk at all times when crossing through the parking lot.
For our 6th-8th Grade parents, the FUSD has received a grant to pay for a series of parent training and student assemblies focusing around issues that affect students in this age group. Our first parent presentation is on August 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria and will focus on Substance Abuse. The presenters will be discussing the different substances that are out there, warning signs, and what to do to get help for your child, if needed. Don’t miss this great opportunity. The parent presentation will be followed up with a student assembly on Sept. 5th. covering the same topic.
There are many fun events coming up, so please check out the rest of the newsletter for information on how you can be involved in our CCR community! We look forward to seeing you!