In this untitled picture the illustrator, Bennet, is representing the vehicle for the Republican Party will use next year, 2012, for the Presidential Election. The author then captions the editorial cartoon with the statement, “I’m starting to wonder if it even matters who gets to drive this thing.” The author is stating it doesn’t matter what vehicle will be used by the Republican Party, whether it be a corvette or Model T, as there is no “driver” or well known foreman for the Republican Party. The cartoon illustrates that it is President Obama’s race to lose and the classic Republican Party has no chance in the race.

In order for someone to understand why the author believes that the 2012 Presidential Race is President Obama’s to lose, they must first understand the politics of today. The Republic party is fighting both with the Democrats and the Tea Party. The Tea Party has become the face of the Republican Party, yet they don’t hold themselves to the same values as the Republican Party of old. In addition, the intended audience must also understand the faces of the Republican Party, old and new. Currently there are no well known foremen for the Republican Party. The one’s which are well known are the new Republicans or Tea Partiers’.

By understanding that the vehicle is an outdated, old, and classic Model T, the author is able to capture the current state of the Republican Party. The author is also able to effectively state that the Republican Party of old doesn’t matter because of the Tea Party. The classic model will no longer work for the Republican Party. The author also successfully conveys the idea, that since there is no well know face to the Republican Party, it doesn’t matter who is the front man, the race is President Obama’s to lose. This is represented by the old Model T being worked by the four member pit crew of the Republican Party.

The cartoon itself is effective due to its simple technique. The technique itself doesn’t detract from the message the author is conveying. The simple technique reinforces the message of the old way cannot win today’s battles, or attention. The intended audience is not the younger generation, a generation raised on Pixar, not Disney. This is probably the most ironic part of the cartoon as the illustrator uses classic styles and colors to reinforce the idea that the Republican Party of the old cannot win.

While the message that the race is for President Obama to lose or not, may be challenged by some readers, most will agree that the old Republican Party has no chance at winning the Presidential Election of 2012. The Republican Party has been changed by the Tea Party. This is illustrated by the classic lines, colors and message represented in Bennet’s editorial cartoon. The classic model of the Republican Party cannot compete in today’s political race.

Bennet, Untitled. Cartoon. Chattanooga Times Free Press., 5 March 2011.

Mon, 14 Mar. 2011