February 1, 2018
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3416 Goni Road, Suite D-132
Carson City, NV, 89706
Telephone (775) 687-4210 · Fax (775) 687-0574
Name of Organization: Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease (TFAD)
Date and Time of Meeting: September 6, 2017
10:00 a.m.
Locations: Legislative Counsel Bureau
401 South Carson St.
Room 2134
Carson City, NV 89701
Grant Sawyer Building
555 E. Washington Avenue
Room 4401
Las Vegas, NV 89101
To Join the Telephone Call-in Number: 877-336-1831
Conference Access Number: 9186101
I. Call to Order/Roll Call
Senator Valerie Wiener (Ret.), Chair
Members present: Jill Berntson, Wendy Simons and Sen. Valerie Wiener (Ret.)
Members participating by telephone: Gini Cunningham, Dr. Jane Fisher and Niki Rubarth
Members absent: Dr. Charles Bernick, Sen. Joseph Hardy, and Assemblyman Oscarson
Alternates present: Lee Ann Mandarino
Guests: Homa Woodrum and Marissa Shoop
Staff present: Jeff Doucet and Kali Ochoa
II. Public Comment (This item is to receive comments, limited to three (3) minutes, on any issue and any discussion of those items. However, no action may be taken upon a matter raised under public comment period unless the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item.)
Lea Cartwright, representing Nevada Psychiatric Association, provided comments. She provided a flyer and informed TFAD of the two Suicide Prevention CME’s available online. The cost is $25.
See Attachment: Flyer
III. Welcoming Remarks
Senator Valerie Wiener (Ret.), Chair
Senator Valerie Wiener welcomed the new Administrative Assistant, Kali Ochoa, who will be providing support to TFAD, Senator Wiener expressed what an amazing group of Nevadans who work with TFAD.
IV. Approval of the Minutes from June 23, 2017 Meeting (For Possible Action)
Senator Valerie Wiener (Ret.), Chair
Wendy Simons moved to approve the minutes from June 23, 2017. Gini Cunningham seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously.
V. Update on Care Transitions
Marissa Shoop
Nevada Senior Services
Marissa Shoop presented an update on the Care Transitions Pilot Program. Marissa explained Nevada Senior Services was awarded a grant, through Aging and Disability Services Division, to pilot a Care Transition program for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Marissa explained the four stages of the pilot program. She explained that family members and caregivers can recommend individuals for the program. They are also working on developing a marketing plan. However, at this time they are only using one hospital to promote the program. Individuals can participate even if they were diagnosed elsewhere.
See Attachment: Ms. Shoop’s presentation.
VI. Update on NCDR and On-line Dementia Training
LeeAnn Mandarino
Program Manager III
The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
The Nevada Consortium on Dementia Research is ongoing. One of the objectives was to start a website to network with researchers and physicians in the community and to publicize trials and research taking place in Nevada. The website is now live. Researchers and physicians can find programs that are currently active in Nevada by going to Nevada’s Aging and Disability Resource Center website, Nevada Care Connection. Site visitors can find Alzheimer’s disease information, including Alzheimer’s disease research, Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, and Nevada Dementia studies. We currently have four ongoing studies in the State, two by the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health and two by the UNLV Department of Physical Therapy. NCRD is looking at other research programs and clinical trials, behavioral trials, and animal module trials. This is their third year of meetings. NCDR will be holding a quarterly meeting in early October. They are looking forward to recruiting more members. They will be making one-on-one phone calls to help with recruiting members.
VII. Update on Nevada 2-1-1 Current Numbers
Cheyenne Pasquale
NWD Coordinator
Aging and Disability Services Division
This item was tabled.
VIII. Review of Retired Recommendations #11-14
Senator Joseph Hardy
This item was tabled.
IX. New BCCP Training Exploration Work Group
Dr. Peter Reed
Sanford Center for Aging
This item was tabled.
X. Progress Report on Guardian Legislation
Homa Woodrum, Esq.
Chief Advocacy Attorney
Aging and Disability Services Division
Homa Woodrum appeared before TFAD to follow up and supplement information related to guardianship legislation discussed at earlier TFAD meetings. She described new “characters” in guardianship cases created by statute. For example, the term “ward” having been deemed pejorative, the term “protected person” is the new term for a person under guardianship. A “person of natural affection,” as a definition, presents complications regarding access and visitation because the term is statutorily broad. The law also changed regarding visitors. A guardian needs to obtain court order(s) to block a visitor to a protected person. The law also changed as to private professional guardians. These can no longer be individuals but must be business entities for licensure purposes.
Ms. Woodrum highlighted the Guardianship Commission recommendations, also encouraging TFAD members to apply for the new permanent commission (deadline of September 6, 2017) with the Nevada Supreme Court. In the alternative, it was suggested that members could monitor the Guardianship Commission and provide relevant expertise on certain issues to the Commission.
Increased criminal penalties for mistreatment of vulnerable and aging individuals was discussed. Ms. Woodrum also discussed closing the loophole involving self-reporting parties who were ineligible for prosecution. Assemblywoman Amber Joiner’s bill, which dealt with arbitration agreements and the abrogation of the right to jury trials in admission paperwork (AB288), was covered. This promises an option for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
Ms. Woodrum cautioned that the new legislation will need adjustments. Details of the Guardianship Bill of Rights must be balanced against more procedural hurdles, which might discourage families from serving as guardians.
TFAD members shared concerns about individuals, who call Nevada their home, but need to go out of state for specialized care. Members discussed whether safeguards are needed to preserve a Nevada guardianship even if those individuals reside elsewhere for more than six months. TFAD was interested in looking into the issue further and trying to get real data about how many Nevadans are receiving care out of state.
See attachment: Ms. Woodrum’s Power Point Presentation.
XI. Status of Telehealth/Telemedicine in Nevada
Gini Cunningham
Rural Volunteer Representative
Dr. Peter Reed
Sanford Center for Aging
LeeAnn Mandarino
Program Manager III
The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
Residents in Winnemucca continued increase of Telehealth and Telemedicine. However, due to a CEO shuffle at the hospital which provides telehealth, some activities have been put on hold. LeAnn reported that two grants renewed. These primarily serve Elko, including services for dementia and Parkinson’s. They are looking to expand the capacity to provide Telehealth to other rural areas. The challenge is finding someone to facilitate the program. They did have someone in Battle Mountain, but the person left so that program could no longer be offered.
XII. Consideration of Agenda Items for Next Meeting (For Possible Action)
Senator Valerie Wiener (Ret.), Chair
- Update on recruitment for NCDR* – LeAnn Mandarino
- New BCCP Training Exploration Work Group* – possible action
- Update on Nevada 2-1-1 Current Numbers* – Cheyenne Pasquale
- Thoughts to pursue recommendations in Guardian Legislation* – Homa Woodrum
- Dementia Friendly Update* – Jeff Doucet
- Update on Veterans In Care outreach* – Wendy Simons
- Update on Care Transitions* - Cheyenne Pasquale
- Status of Telehealth/Telemedicine in Nevada*
* 5 minutes maximum for each agenda item
XIII. Approval of Possible Meeting Dates for 2017 (For Possible Action)
Senator Valerie Wiener (Ret.), Chair
· Wednesday, October 4, 2017
· Friday, November 17, 2017
XIV. Public Comment (This item is to receive comments, limited to three (3) minutes, on any issue and any discussion of those items. However, no action may be taken upon a matter raised under public comment period unless the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item.)
XV. Adjournment
The Meeting was adjourned at 11:18 a.m.
NOTE: Items may be considered out of order. The public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration. The public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. The public body may place reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of public comments but may not restrict comments based upon viewpoint.
NOTE: We are pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who have disabilities and wish to attend the meeting. If special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please notify Kali Ochoa at 775-687-0547 as soon as possible and at least two days in advance of the meeting. If you wish, you may e-mail her at . Supporting materials for this meeting are available at 3416 Goni Road, D-132, Carson City, NV 89706 or by contacting Kali Ochoa at 775-687-0547 or by e-mail at .
Agenda Posted at the Following Locations:
1. Aging and Disability Services Division, Carson City Office, 3416 Goni Road, Suite D-132, Carson City, NV 89706
2. Aging and Disability Services Division, Las Vegas Office, 1860 East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89104
3. Aging and Disability Services Division, Reno Office, 445 Apple Street, Suite 104, Reno, NV 89502
4. Aging and Disability Services Division, Elko Office, 1010 Ruby Vista Drive, Suite 104, Elko, NV 89801
5. State Legislative Building, 401 S. Carson Street, Suite 3138, Carson City, NV 89701
6. Grant Sawyer State Office Building, 555 E. Washington Ave., Suite 4401, Las Vegas, NV 89119
7. Department of Health and Human Services, 4126 Technology Way, Suite 100, Carson City, NV 89706
8. Carson City Senior Center, 911 Beverly Drive, Carson City, NV 89706
9. Washoe County Senior Center, 1155 East 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
10. Las Vegas Senior Center, 451 East Bonanza Road, Las Vegas NV 89101
11. Sanford Center for Aging, University of Nevada Reno, 1644 N. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89557
12. Humboldt General Hospital,118 E Haskell St, Winnemucca, NV 89445
Notice of this meeting was posted on the Internet: http//adsd.nv.gov and https://notice.nv.gov/
Draft Minutes TFAD 09-06-17.docx