1. Tick the box for your gender / Male
Female / 1
2a. What is your date of birth? / 2
2b. What is today’s date? / 3
3. Tick the box for your ethnic background / BanglaDesh
Other (please specify)
……………………………….. / 4

4. What are your actual or predicted Year 9 National Curriculum Grades for / English / 5
Mathematics / 6
Science / 7
5. What are your actual or predicted GCSE Grades for / English / 8
Mathematics / 9

/ Science / 10

6. What is your father’s current or most recent employment? / 11
7. What is your mother’s current or most recent employment? / 12

8. How much of these services are provided for you by local or national government? Tick the appropriate box. / All / Most / About half / Some / None
a. health care / 13
b. street lighting / 14
c. education / 15
d. water / 16
e. waste disposal / 17
f. sports facilities / 18
g. protection from crime / 19
h. electricity / 20
i. television / 21
9. Identify up to three other services or benefits that are provided by the government to other people, but not to you. / 22

/ 24

10. Tick the option that best describes how you think this service should be provided / Provided free for everyone by the government / Provided free for some people by the government / Provided by the government but with a charge to everyone as they use the service / Available at a price from a private business
  1. health care
/ 26
  1. street lighting
/ 27
  1. education
/ 28
  1. water
/ 29
  1. waste disposal
/ 30
  1. electricity
/ 33
  1. television
/ 34

11a. Name one service that you think should be provided free to everyone by the government



11b. Explain why it is a good idea for this service to be provided free of charge



12a. Name one service that you think should be provided by the government but with a charge for the people who use the service



12b. Explain why it is a good idea for the government to charge for this service



13. Tick which of these options which is true for you personally
  1. I pay no tax
/ 39
b. I pay some tax to the government / 40
If you have chosen b explain how you pay tax to the government / 41
14. List up to five things that are taxed by the government
15. For each of the following statements tick one box to show whether you agree, disagree or don’t know. /


/ Disagree / Don’t Know
a. Everybody should pay less tax / 47
b. Everybody should pay more tax / 48
c. People who earn a lot of money should pay more of what they earn in tax than people who earn less. / 49
d. People who earn a lot of money should pay less tax than they do at the moment / 50
e. People who earn a lot of money should pay more tax than they do at the moment / 51
f. The government should spend more money to provide better services for everyone / 52
g. The government should spend less money and people ought to buy more for themselves / 53
16. For each of the following statements tick one box to show whether you agree, disagree or don’t know. /


/ Disagree / Don’t Know
a. The government should spend less money / 54
b. The government always has to spend the same amount of money that it raises in taxes / 55
c. The government is not allowed to borrow / 56
d. The government should spend less money / 57
e. The government can never spend more money unless it raises taxes / 58
f. If the government spends more than it raises in taxes it can borrow to make up the difference / 59
g. Protests and blockades are an important way in which citizens should influence how tax and government spending should be decided
17. For each of the following statements tick one box to show whether you think the statement is true, partly true, untrue, or you are unsure /


/ Partly True / Untrue / Unsure
a. If the government reduces the tax on fuel everyone would be better off / 60
b. If the government reduces the tax on petrol it would have to increase a tax on something else / 61
c. The major effect of a reduction in tax on fuel would be to make some people better off at the expense of making other people worse off / 62
d. taxes on fuel increase inefficiency / 63

17. For each of the following statements tick one box to show whether you agree, disagree or don’t know. / Agree / Disagree / Don’t Know
a. People who are unemployed because they are lazy and don’t look for jobs / 64
b. People are unemployed because they have poor qualifications and lack training / 65
c. People are unemployed because the government has not provided them with jobs / 66
d. People are unemployed because they are changing from job to another and are spending time looking for the right job / 67
e. People are unemployed because they are asking for wages that are too high / 68
f. People are unemployed because there are too many people in the country looking for jobs / 69
h. People are unemployed because Britain is in the European Union / 70
i. People are unemployed because big companies are moving their production to other countries / 71
j. People are unemployed because computers are putting people out of work / 72

18. For each of the following statements tick one box to show whether you agree, disagree or don’t know. / Strongly Agree / Agree / Unsure / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a. I expect to be unemployed for a long period in my adult life / 73
b. I expect to be unemployed for short periods in my adult life / 74
c. I do not expect to be unemployed at all in my adult life / 75
d. I expect it will be quite easy to find a job that I really like / 76
e. I expect that I will not be able to get the kind of job I would really like / 77
f. I expect that I will have several different types of job in my working life / 78
g. I expect that how hard I work at school will have a big effect on whether I am able to get the type of job I want / 79
h. I expect that how hard I work at school will have a big effect on how much I will earn in my working life. / 80
19. How does unemployment affect the government? / 81

20. How much do you expect to be able to buy with £10 in a year’s time, compared with how much you can buy with £10 now?
a. A lot more / 82
B. A bit more / 83
C. The same / 84
D. A bit less / 85
E. A lot less / 86
21. If inflation is 5% each year for 5 years how will this affect each of the following? / Better Off / Worse Off /


/ Don’t Know
a. A pensioner who has saved £10,000 for their retirement / 87
b. A worker who gets a 3% rise each year / 88
c. A houseowner who is repaying a mortgage / 89
d. A company that sells its products in another country / 90
22. What is inflation? / 91


For evidence of the reliability of this survey instrument and data gathered using this survey see

Davies, P., Howie, H., Mangan, J. and Telhaj, S. (2002). Economic aspects of citizenship education: an investigation of students’ understanding.The Curriculum Journal, 13, 2, pp.227-249.

Davies, P., Mangan, J. and Telhaj, S. (2005). ‘Bold, reckless and adaptable’? Explaining gender differences in economic thinking and attitudes.British Educational Research Journal, 31, 1, pp. 29-48.