Overview of Parent Night

Thank you so much if you were able to make it to the Parent Curriculum Night!I hope all the information was helpful.Below is a list of highlights from the evening:

Reading: Wonders Series. We have a test every Friday (Thursdays when we have a Friday 1/2 day). A score sheet will come home each week. The entire test will be read to the class until the first week of Feb. when they have to take it independently.

Literacy Stations: We go to them 4 days a week. This is the time when each child works with a partner to practice the focus skills for the week. During this time I pull groups to work on specific skills.

AR (Accelerated Reader):We will begin this program in Sept. and stagger the groups based on their reading level. The goal is to have each child take 2-3 tests a week. Our focus is the percentage correct NOT the reading level.

Spelling: Pre-tests on Monday. If your child gets 10/10 on that he/she does not need to take the test on Friday.

Sight Words: There were 50 Kindergarten words and there are 150 1stgrade words. The goal is to learn them all by May. However, most students usually have these words mastered between now and mid-year. When tested they have to automatically read the word (no sounding out). Your child should have the 50 Kindergarten Fry Sight Words mastered by now. If not, please practice until your child reaches mastery.

Math: We have whole group and small group instruction. Math stations are like literacy stations (partner work). We will also use Math Facts in a Flash, IXL and SuccessMaker (all available for use/practice at home)

Social Science: We use Scholastic News as our main resource for Social Studies and as one of our Science resources. The cost for this magazine (delivered to school each month) is $6.50.

DIBELS:Assessment given 3 times a year. It covers letter naming, phoneme segmentation, nonsense fluency and oral reading fluency. The benchmark or “mastery” increases each time they are tested.

Grades:Same 1, 2, or 3 as Kindergarten; however, for resource classes and social skills there will now be a S, P, or U. Expect not to see 3’s for awhile. The standards are year long goals. A score of a “2” is common and what you should expect to see.

Behavior:We have high expectations. Fun Friday is the reward for keeping at least 1 of the 10 tickets for the week. Students lose tickets for unfinished work and misbehavior.

Homework Folder: Should have tab divided into 3 sections and return it every Friday.


PTA- $6 – please consider joining. We will have a Fall Festival (10/17) as opposed to the Astro Run this year.

Ice cream– it is $.75 this year. Our purchase day is Thursday. You are welcome to buy the class school ice cream for your child’s birthday. That is the way we celebrate your child on their special day.

Folders: Daily folders need to be emptied each evening and returned each morning. Homework folders come every Friday and are returned to you Friday afternoon.

Webpage: Please bookmark and check regularly. Important form of communication

Conferences: Look for a sign up genius to come out later this fall.

Snack:We have snack every afternoon. Please pack a small healthy snack. Like Kindergarten and 2ndgrade,we are requesting water only.We have had some sticky spills and we don’t have access to a mop in the short amount of time our day allows for snack.

Labeled Envelopes: ALL monies need to be sent in in a labeled envelope or baggie and put in the Daily Folder. We do not go through book bags to find $.

Lunch: We have 25 minutes from the moment we enter to the moment we leave. You are welcome to join us for lunch but we ask that you say your good-byes from the cafeteria. The exception would be if you are the DFL parent on Wednesday. You are always welcome to come to Fun Friday.

*** Specifics for our class:

Your child’s beginning of the yearscoreswill come home in the Daily Folder very soon. I have a few students who need to complete all STAR Tests.

Reading Tests: Please know if your child is missing questions on the tests, I do call them back and go over the test with them.

Transportation changes: Please make sure to send in a note. If you send an email and Ihappen to beout that day, the sub does not have a way to find out.

Behavior Calendar:Please make sure to initial the box if your child loses a ticket. This lets me know that you have seen it and talked it over with your child.

Class T-shirt–We will be sending home a letter soonfor class t-shirts.

Ultimate goal:My goal is to continue to give your child a sense of choice and responsibility. I will also support their learning by providing opportunities for all learning styles. We often talk about our class as a family.It is very important to me that they feel safe and loved in our classroom environment.