What People Are Saying About

MAMA: Motherhood around the Globe

I’m thrilled to support the MAMA exhibition and am so inspired by the diverse stories by mothers from all over the world. I encourage people to visit the website to take part in a global conversation on the challenges and possibilities facing mothers today.”

- Christy Turlington Burns, Founder of Every Mother Counts

“BabyCenter is very proud to support the online exhibition MAMA: Motherhood Around the Globe and showcase this beautiful and moving exhibit. BabyCenter shares a very similar mission to the International Museum of Women -- to celebrate, inspire and advance the lives of women around the world. We believe that this project will highlight very powerful stories of the struggles of real women, and inspire others to engage, creating an even greater awareness of vital issues for mothers around the globe.”

- Tina Sharkey, CEO Baby Center

"As a new mom of twins, I'm deeply inspired by the MAMA. So much of the awe and gratitude and amazement I feel about my experience becoming a mother just doesn't translate easily, and is so difficult to express -- but I find myself pouring over the MAMA exhibition and just nodding, saying to myself, 'Yes! That's it! That's how it feels!'... I didn't realize how hungry I was for this content until I experienced it. The pieces in this collection *really* resonate. I feel such a sense of connection to other moms and other women around the world through this art. It is just an amazing, moving, beautiful celebration of motherhood."

- Jessica Jackley, co-founder of Kiva and founder, Profunder

"I have seen first-hand the pain and loss suffered when a woman dies in childbirth. In Sierra Leone each time a woman gives birth she stands a 1 in 7 chance of dying. My cousin Salamatu lost this terrible game of odds. She'd been to college, had a good job and was the light in her widowed mother's eyes. I watched her mother die of a broken heart less than a year on. Salamatu's baby survived but has lost her mother and grandmother. To me there is no more pressing concern today than maternal health and the global failure to save women's lives is a human rights disaster. The IMOW's timely exhibition highlights both the wonders and the terrible tragedy which motherhood can be. Thank you IMOW!

- AminattaForna, novelist

“Many thanks to IMOW for bringing women and men around the globe together in support and appreciation of motherhood, and to add their voices to the growing global movement to end the scandal of needless deaths in childbirth which remains the greatest health inequity in the world today.”

- BrigidMcConville, Director of the White Ribbon Alliance, UK

“Global Fund for Women is proud to support our sisters at the International Museum of Women. This exhibition tells the collective story of women at all ages and stages in life. Global Fund imagines a world where all women can make decisions over their own bodies as fully empowered participants in societies. These are the women of the MAMA exhibition, and their stories and visions connect women all over the world.”

- MusimbiKanyoro, CEO Global Fund for Women

“Being a mother is hands-down the most challenging, and yet most meaningful job I'll ever have. Through video, essays and art, this exhibit shares both the heartwarming and gut-wrenching experiences of mothers around the globe. Thank you to IMOW for shedding light on such an important subject matter. I look forward to diving into the exhibit in the coming months.”

-Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Miss Representation
