Site Centennial/Constitution Day Celebrations


School / Centennial / Constitution Day
Andersen El
Basha El / -PTO making t-shirts with city and state logos on sleeves
-School carnival and Fun Run to be designated as official Centennial events
-Student council will be involved and will be encouraged to plan their theme around Centennial
-Web page -- add Chandler and AZCentennial logos, add a Centennial pageto post pics of activities throughout the year
-Media Club -- interactive bulletin board of "Where in Arizona is our Basha Family?" teachers and families take pics of them visiting around the city and state; Centennial Trivia on morning announcements "100 years ago today..."
-On Feb 14 and May 17 -- take pic of student body making shape of 100, students color and wear "100" glasses (from die cut), temporary tattoos
Bologna / -Develop a series of events that will marry these two ideas together with an umbrellaof celebrating 100 years...but making earth friendly changes that will help us celebrate a beautiful state in another 100 years
-Will be working on a musical that brings these ideas together
-In addition...student council is considering buying a bpa freereusable waterbottle for all of our students to eliminate the use of the plastic disposable bottles...they have aplan as well to make T-shirts avail to all rgb community that has a logo that is still being developed, the logo would also be used on the water bottles...their current working logo depicts the grand canyon full to the brim with water bottles and a captionsomething to the effect of "is the what the next 100 years will Arizona...go green"
-and of course there will be classroom events and projects that also bring these two themes together
Conley / 4th grade will be involved in sharing their expert knowledge of Arizona facts - and this may begin 100 days out as morning announcements trivia. Also considering a school-wide timeline put together to highlight cool AZ dates/events from the past. / Having a brief, school-wide gathering on Friday, Sept. 16th. We will say the Pledge together and reflect on our freedoms we enjoy by listening to patriotic songs, our chorus may sing, our scouts will be brought up to help salute the flag and select students from the upper grades will share a brief description of Constitution Day and why they are thankful to be an American. We will invite any of our families with Veterans to join us for this time too. In classrooms, we will encourage teachers to show video clips (for example, from Brain pop or Discovery Ed.) explaining Constitution Day as well.
CTA - Freedom / -Chandler Centennial Birthday Card
-Contest Participate in the Chandler parade creating a Centennial Float (CTA Freedom Float)
-Annual fun run
-Cowboy cook out
-CTA Freedom Parade (fire lane, grade levels, decades, 100 theme)
-AZ shaped cookies -
-100 Picture for yearbook (R-W-B arial view)
-100 Books for 100 Years
-Centennial Tree Project
-A Step Back in Time - dress the part
logos on all shirts, newsletters, websites
-50 year time capsule
-temporary tattoos
-Art walk - timeline (through the decades)
-published books - class book (for time capsule and/or submitted to district) / We have a writing assignment planned for Constitution Day
CTA – Goodman / We are going to have a play/musical presented by 4th grade to the entire school. As a school we are participating in the city birthday contest. We will also be involved in other activities. / We are reading and learning about it at 4th grade. In grades 3-6 we all wrote letters to present to community heroes via the VFW who organized baskets for the anniversary of 9-11.
CTA – Independence / -For the Centennial 2/14, we will be having a group picture done of our entire school wearing 100 glasses,
-Sporting centennial logo tattoos, and spelling out AZ100 on the field. The photo should be getting a double page spread in our yearbook, which some individual shots of kids from the day.
CTA – Liberty / -We are in the process of getting shirts made for the staff.
-I am also asking our families to send me pictures of them at their favorite Chandler hangouts and any trips around Arizona. I am going to make a photo album or Favorite Arizona and Chandler spots.
-We are also going to have each grade level make a picture of what AZ stands for and put them together in a collage.
Frye / Frye is working on the Birthday Card for Chandler
Fulton / -Western theme dance for school community in the evening
-2nd and 4th graders collaborating on and performing a play about the founding of Chandler
-Asking community members to bring in artifacts from Arizona/Chandler history
-Tying into the 100th day of school
Galveston / Door Decorating or banner by each grade level
Make a quilt or something with hearts with student writing of why they love Arizona
Read 100 books
Morning Trivia Questions
Donate 100 cans of food
Including PE and some form of exercise
Assembly with grade level representation celebrating the Centennial ex. Kinder sings Happy Birthday to Arizona
Involve our music teachers and have them teach songs about Arizona
Decorating our bench with new tiles of AZ
School time capsule
Guest speakers
Birthday Cake for all to enjoy
100 glasses and 100 hats for students to wear
Logo on school website / A Kindergarten lesson introduces students to the Constitution. Students participate in a matching game to learn what the Constitution is and what it does for them. They will recognize key images related to the Constitution and its history. I have cards with the images that they will use in the classroom and then take home to play with their families
Haley / -School wide Centennial days (similar to a field day but having activities to do with the centennial)
-Students give trivia and facts about AZ for 100 days leading up to the centennial
-Some sort of integration with ParryHigh School. Still need to get with Jess as to what that will be. Maybe high School studentswill come run the Centennial days activities.
-I would like to try to a do a school wide time line but I have not brought that to my staff yet.
Hancock / -Entering a float in the AZ Lights Parade: Theme Famous Arizonans
-School Time Capsule
-School wide Timeline in the hallway to be set up in Feb. -every grade gets a decade
-AZ spirit week the week of the centennial- Mon. AZ sports teams, AZ colors, old fashioned dress, and school spirit, etc
-Assembly on the day of the Centennial
-Bday cake and parties instead of Valentine's Day
-Centennial Dance/Faire at night around the 14th
-Whole school photo in the shape of a 100 / Librarian will discuss in library class with each grade level
Hull / -We have an on-going bulletin board in the main hallway that is titled "Cruisin' Through Arizona's Centennial”. There is a map of Arizona with photos of staff and students in places around Arizona. Yarn is connecting the pictures to where the photo was taken.
-We are also featuring a "This Week in Arizona History" segment on the morning announcements once a week. The photos on the bulleting board are also being shown on the announcements with more information about who is featured and where it was taken. All of the classrooms have received an Arizona map that I got donated from the Arizona Geographic Alliance. Every time a photo is shown on the announcements, the students are plotting that information on their classroom map as well.
-On Feb. 14, we are having a Cowboy Cookout with burgers and hotdogs, etc. Bashas is giving me an estimate on Arizona shaped cookies, but our PTO said they would pay for those. We are going to dress western and invite parents to join us for lunch that day.
Humphrey / We have done boards in our front office and have our birthday contest up and going. We are planning on doing an assembly that day. It is our school's 25th anniversary also so we trying to tie everything in together. We are well on our way getting the Centennial started we will continue to meet and plan as we go through the year.
Navarrete / -An AZ Timeline: each classroom will take a year or two from our 100-year history & make a poster (12x18) to represent that year. We will hang them in order in the library.
-We are going to have some type of birthday celebration (possibly cupcakes or cake at lunch) on Feb. 14.
-We are hoping to have our 4th grade perform a play about AZ/the west on Feb. 14th.
-We are going to distribute a blackline master for all classes to make "100" shaped glasses.
-We have advertised the birthday card-decorating contest for Chandler to our teachers & asked them to send it home. Our collection box is ready in the office.
-We are planning on designating our Earth Day & next year's Veterans' Day assemblies as official Centennial events.
Riggs / -A School-wide birthday party on February 14th. We'll have hamburgers for lunch, eat picnic-style outside, invite parents, and provide a piece of a cake for every single person. We're also going to sell Centennial temporary tattoos for the students to wear on this day. And.We’re making 100 glasses for the students to wear.
-We're going to create an aboveground time capsule to be sealed for 50 years (much like what the City of Chandler is doing).
-Our winter festival at the end of January will be country-western themed and we're going to do a best-dressed cowboy/cowgirl contest. We're also raffling off tickets for a family to win a FREE helicopter ride over the City of Chandler; we're calling it..."See Chandler from the Sky."
-Each classroom has a reading poster in their room that says, "Read 100 books to celebrate Arizona's 100th Birthday!"
-Each classroom has an Arizona Centennial Bulletin board with an Arizona map, which many teachers are collecting post cards and putting pushpins to show their location.
-1st grade is inviting grandparents in to their classrooms to share about their experiences in school in 1st grade.
-4th grade is decorating their hallway and turning it intoan enlarged timeline of the last 100 years in Arizona.
-4th grade is also doing an Arizona performance on Feb. 14th for the whole school
-Our all-school picture is going to be in the shape of "AZ 100"
-We're dedicating a page in our yearbook for Centennial Celebrations
-The City of Chandler Centennial logo has been personalized with our school's name and is on all of our school and classroom newsletters, as well as our web sites.
-Our annual fun run in December, will be called, "Sprint to the Centennial" and I'm going to apply for it to be an official City of Chandler Centennial event. Students will also be wearing spirit wear with the Chandler Centennial logo on it. / 4th grade is doing a musical performance for their parents. It's called, "Shhh...We're Writing the Constitution." And, in 4th grade, we have 2 men who come dressed as Ben Franklin and George Washington to talk about writing the Constitution.
Ryan / - AZ and Chandler Centennial Logo on our Fun Run Shirt on February 14th
- 4th Graders writing, illustrating, and publishing an ABC book about the AZ and Chandler Centennial to go into the time capsule
- 100-items/100 years celebration, some kind of photo collage to put in the yearbook.
- Tying in the Centennial to our Celebration of Learning Night in February and then another celebration maybe in May for Chandler.... / All 4th graders will be performing the musical "Shhh, We're Writing the Constitution" the week before and after Constitution Day.
Sanborn / -all grades will participate in the birthday card contest
-all school and Sanborn families will be invited to participate in a "CruisinAZ"
-project, sending in postcards, pictures, and mementos from visits around AZ,
-a giant AZ map will be posted in our media center for all to see
-100 day countdown on our daily announcements with trivia from AZ each day
-all classrooms will be encouraged to view AZ Storytellers from the AZ Republic
-a creative 100 photo will be taken of our entire student body
-some type of celebration on Feb. 14th (details pending)
-classrooms can also participate in other ways (ideas shared with staff)
San Marcos / -Mrs. Sausedois preparing a very special performance on Arizona with our 4th grade students on Feb. 14th,to begin the centennial.
-The City of Chandler Centennial is still under discussion with our parent group / The choir will sing a song on the KSMB News, and a portion of a book about the writing of the Constitution will be read to all San Marcos students
Santan El. / First, the 4th graders will be performing an Arizona themed program for the other grades on the actual centennial day (Feb. 14). There will be an evening performance on a separate day.
Second, the week of February 14th will be a spirit week with themed days surrounding Arizona. This is what we have tentatively sketched out:
M- Pioneer Day
T-Red, White, & Blue day (First day as part of the United States)
W- Miner Day (to celebrate arizona mining)
TH- Cowboy Day (do I really need to explain that one?)
F- Arizona Day (Arizona themed clothing, UofA, ASU, etc.)
Amy is looking into ordering 100 glasses for all the students on that day (something silly for them to wear...)If we don't order, then I'll find a template and kids can create. The goal is to take a bunch of yearbook pictures that day for a spread in the yearbook.
We will ask classrooms to create an Arizona Art/writing project that should be displayed AT LEAST through the Centennial Week on the bulletin boards in the hallways. To facilitate this we'll come up with a list of ideas/directions so everyone doesn't have to re-invent the wheel...
(We already brain-stormed "Postcards from AZ", quick facts, decorate/create AZ flags, Posters on famous/important AZ locations, Murals, Rocks & Minerals projects...) Goal is for teachers to integrate this into their curriculum as much as possible.
Information on the Centennial Birthday Card Contest was sent out to all teachers--encouraged them to participate this week due to conferences.
A special treat will be given to each child on that day (hopefully incorporated into Valentine's parties). Amy is investigating pricing for treats (cookies, cupcakes, etc.)
FINALLY--we'll be coordinating with the junior high to have our students visit their social studies classes and see presentations on Arizona history and interact with their students. (More information to come later. see appointment.)
Weinberg / “100th” die cut glasses: Committee liked the premade 100 glasses to order for AZ’s birthday on Feb. 14th. Regina will order with tax credit money. 32 glasses per kit @$6.99/kit x 24 kits = $167.76 This will give us 768 glasses and our student count right now is 749 students. FEBRUARY 14, 2012
WeinbergAZ Centennial Logo on Websites: Angie Neal will create a .jpg version of this and when Kim Welter comes Aug. 24th to train us on websites she will show teachers how to incorporate the logo on their website. The logo will be available on the shared folder for teachers who could not make the training to access. AUGUST 23, 2012 AND ASAP
Timeline: to be seen on Science Fair Night and at Spring Fling—each teacher will be given poster board with a specific time frame in Arizona’s history assigned to them. We thought of two options, either the class researches the time frame for AZ and includes research and illustrations for that time; or the teacher is provided a poster board with the information/facts already printed and pasted on the board which leaves the class to do the illustrations and some research so they know what to draw. These poster boards will be attached in sequence to form one huge timeline that will be displayed at our school. SCIENCE NIGHT/SPRING FLING
Temporary Tattoos: Kelly will look into getting temporary tattoos of our Centennial logo to pass out on February 14th. FEBRUARY 14, 2012
Birthday Cake: We are going to ask Joe about getting cakes donated from Safeway (parent did this last year) and ask Costco and Sam’s (Sam’s is here this Friday) We will have a contest to design a birthday cake for Arizona. Each class will choose one design and we will get parent volunteers to decorate the cake according to the design. The cake will be passed out at everyone’s lunch on the 14th. CAKE DESIGN CONTEST BEGINS FEB. 6-10 PARENTS FROST CAKE DESIGNS FEB 13THCAKE PASSED OUT FEB. 14 AT LUNCH TIME
T-shirts for the fun run: We chose “Sprint to the Centennial” to go on white t-shirts and have our Centennial logo on the sleeve and still open to design input. We need to get name of t-shirt company Michelle used that was reasonably inexpensive. We decided to preorder the shirts and include adult sizes as well. Kelly will go to next P.T.O. meeting to let them know about our plans and get their input/help on the t-shirt and any of the other activities we have planned. Question to the group: should I ask if any P.T.O members would like to be on our committee?
Arizona facts on Announcements: Courtney is going to look for ready published facts/trivia to read on announcements on a weekly basis and as part of a “countdown” to the big day.