Sara Trivette PA-C, CHES, MPAS, B.S.

Home: 238 Wiregrass Way
Albany, GA31721 / Phone (229) 376-0660


5/04-6/06Masters of Physician Assistant Studies

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

8/00-5/04Bachelor’s of Science: Health Science

TrumanStateUniversity, Kirksville, MO


State of Georgia Composite Board of Medical ExaminersExpires 4/30/2016

NCCPA CertificationExpires 12/31/2016

BLS certifiedExpires 9/2016

CHES certified3/04- 3/09, 3/13-present

(Certified Health Education Specialist)

Agricultural Occupational Health Training ProgramCompleted 6/05

Herbal medication certificate of completionCompleted 4/05

( Wake Forest School of Medicine)


3/13-present Physician AssistantAlbany Area Primary Healthcare, Albany, GA

Primary care provider and Certified Health Education Specialist responsible for TurnerElementary School

Based HealthCenter. Duties include seeing faculty, staff, and children with a focus on preventive medicine,

obesity prevention, asthma control, and developing policy to improve wellness not only at the school level but

also at the school district level. Continue to be involved developing treatment plans, managing

medications, ordering and interpreting laboratory and radiology studies, education patients, and coordinating

care between other specialties.

8/06-3/13Physician AssistantAlbany Area Primary Healthcare, Albany, GA

PA actively caring for patients in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Practice and HIV clinics. Duties

include performing histories and physicals, developing treatment plans, managing medications, ordering

and interpreting laboratory and radiology studies, educating patients, and coordinating care between other


Volunteer Experience

3/15-presentClinical Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies for Arizona School of Health Sciences, Dept

of Physician Assistant Studies

2/15Presentation through AHEC to students interested in health careers

9/14-presentCo-chair Dougherty County School System Wellness Council

10/14-presentCo-chair Turner Elementary School Wellness Council

10/14Community Resource and Health Fair

4/12- presentNHSC scholar mentor

12/06-5/10Primary medical consultant for East Albany Pediatrics Reach Out and Read program

05/09, annuallyFree sports physicals, Albany, GA

Sara Trivette PA-C, CHES, MPAS, B.S.

Home: 238 Wiregrass Way
Albany, GA31721 / Phone (229) 376-0660

Volunteer Experience Continued

10/08Community day, educate on health professions, Albany, GA

9/08Kids Expo, provided health education, Albany, GA

9/07Promote graduation and literacy at local elementary school, Albany, GA

6/07Spring Fling, day of health education, Albany, GA

7/0510,000 Steps meeting volunteer, Fort Yukon, AK

9/04-5/05Mobile Clinic volunteer, a free medical clinic, Iowa City, IA

9/01-5/04Christian Community Clinic volunteer, a free rural medical clinic, Kirksville, MO

9/01-5/04Regularly taught health issues at Preferred Family Health Care, a drug rehabilitation center for

Teens, Kirksville, MO

9/01-5/04Ombudsman Volunteer for long term care residents, La Plata, MO

9/01-5/04Safe Break Volunteer, a program geared toward safe driving, Kirksville, MO

2/03PACE, People with Arthritis Can Exercise trained, Kirksville, MO


05/15Co-authored Action for Healthy Kids grant for Turner Elementary, awarded $2500 to promote physical activity

05/15Co-authored Georgia SHAPE grant for Turner Elementary, awarded $5000 to promote physical activity and healthy eating

07/14-presentHealth educator for Hallways to Health grant from Kaiser Permanente

12/06Authored Reach Out and Read Grant for East Albany Pediatrics and AdolescentCenter

4/03Co-author The Missouri Foundation for Health grant for the FamilyAdvocacyCenter, an after

school program for at risk youth, Kirksville, MO

3/03Co-author American Red Cross Workplace Stress Grant, Kirksville, MO

12/02 Co-author Your Heart Matters grant from the American Red Cross, Kirksville, MO

Research and Presentations

2/15Presentation to Dougherty County School System School Board regarding the role of the District Wellness

Committee, the importance having a strong Local Wellness Policy and the role of the School Based

Health Center

2/15Panel presentation on School Wellness at the Southwest Georgia Wellness Summit

7/14Presentation at School Based Health Alliance National Meeting on Working with Dougherty County School

Systems on Implementing an Updated Local Wellness Policy

4/04Presentation at TrumanState’s Undergraduate Research Symposium

4/04Presentation to Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine medical students on long term care

facilities and being a patient advocate

3/04State presentation for TrumanStateUniversity’s Capital Poster Day in Jefferson City, spoke with

state lawmakers on the Ombudsman program

12/03Co-author “Long Term Care Administrator’s Perceptions of the Ombudsman in the state of

Missouri” in review in The Director

11/03State presentation for Missouri Coalition for Quality Care on the Ombudsman program

10/03National presentation at Eta Sigma Gamma and American School Health Association’s national

conference on the Student Ombudsmen model in Missouri

Sara Trivette PA-C, CHES, MPAS, B.S.

Home: 238 Wiregrass Way
Albany, GA31721 / Phone (229) 376-0660

Research and Presentations Continued

10/03 National presentation at Eta Sigma Gamma and American School Health Association’s national

conference on Missouri’s long-term care administrator’s perceptions of the Ombudsman program

6/03Co-author “The Student Ombudsmen Model: Increasing the number of Long Term Care

Ombudsmen in Missouri” published in the Annals of Long Term Care June 2003

5/03Summer Undergraduate Research Grant for Perceptions of the Ombudsman program

4/03Presentation at TrumanState’s Undergraduate Research Symposium

12/02Christian Community Clinic Needs Assessment for future grant writing

Honors and Awards

5/10- 5/12National Health Service Corp Loan Repayment

12/09Albany Area Primary Health Care Provider of the Year

6/04-6/06National Health Service Corp Scholar

11/03Certificate of Achievement from the Missouri Coalition for Quality Care

8/00-5/04Leadership Scholarship from TrumanStateUniversity

8/00-5/04Bright Flight Scholarship from Missouri

8/03-5/04Eta Sigma Gamma Founder’s Scholarship

8/00-5/01Elizabeth Spelman Foundation Scholarship


2015-presentSchool Based Health Alliance

2015-presentGeorgia Association of Physician Assistants

2013-presentAmerican Academy of Pediatrics

2013-presentGeorgia Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics

2013-presentSociety of Physician Assistants in Pediatrics

2005-presentAmerican Academy of Physician Assistants

References on request