CORDYS Tutorial
Charlotte Tieman and Gerrit Spronk
Hogeschool Utrecht
Sequence of your work
In the first chapters of the book “Working with Cordys”/“Werken met Cordys” a few assignments require a running SOAP processor to a Meijer database.
Setting up such a soapprocessor is described in a later chapter. For that reason you have to work through the book in this order:
- Chapter 1,2 (week 1)
- Chapter 3 t/m 3.5 (week1)
- Chapter 5.1 and 5.2 (week 2)
- Chapter 3.6 and 3.7 (week 2/3)
- Chapter 4 (week 3/4)
- Chapter 5.3 t/m 5.8 (week 4/5)
- Chapter 6 (week 5/6)
- Chapter 7 (week 6/7)
The distribution of chapters over weeks is a guideline but in week 7 you must have finished Chapter 7.
Before you start with a chapter and before you ask your teacher to mark off your work, read the information about that chapter (in the book and see below). Sometimes you can find guidelines to check if you did your work in the right way or to prevent getting some errors.
Extra information per Chapter
General information
When you receive some weird errors (that you did not get before) check if your SOAP processor is running. When you have a question that can not be answered with the information of this document then you can ask your teacher or send an email to the teacher.
Chapter 1 and 2
There is no extra information.
Chapter 3.4
On page 37 in figure 3.25 you see the Customer and Supplier; these are in the wrong order. When you create your model place the customer and supplier at the correct end of the process, the same way as in figure 3.28, 3.29 en 3.30.
Chapter 3.5
In this chapter you will create a BCM. Make sure that you only draw the departments that are described in the assignment. When a support department supports a specific department, than you have to draw that department just above that department.
Chapter 5.2
Never check the checkfield “Startup Automatically” when you create a SOAP processor!
The DSN name that you need when you create the SOAP processor is meijernn, nn is the number of the organization you work in (for example organization meijer85 (for student85) has the DSN name meijer85)
Default Database, DB User en Password can be left empty.
Chapter 3.6 and 3.7
In Chapter 3.7 you have to compare 2 values with each other in the decision. You do that like: x – y < 0; when you try x < y the process won’t work properly. Make sure that there are spaces between each value to prevent error messages.
In the message map you need to use quotes around the text when you use an expression. Make sure that you use spaces around the $-sign.
When you do not receive a message in your inbox you can conclude that something went wrong during the execution of the model.
To find the error you can debug the model, how you do that is described in Chapter 4.5. In the debug screen you do have to check the checkbox “Send Notification to Users” otherwise you won’t get a message in the inbox but it will appear on the screen.
Only ask the teacher to mark off your work when you get a message in the inbox!!
When you get an error like the screenshot (see below) when you try to validate or publish the model you have to contact the teacher because he or she has to restart the CoBOC SOAP Processor on the server.
Chapter 4
In Chapter 4 you have to create templates. It is very very important that there is no mistake in the XML or in the mapping. This will cause errors that can not be fixed without you doing loads of work.
When you created a mapping and pressed the OK button do not forget to press the SAVE button also, because if you don’t you lose your mapping.
In Chapter 4.6 you have to create a rule. During this assignment you have to grant a role to the activity that sends a message. The OK button seems to have disappeared here, but in fact it is hidden; to get to the OK button press the tab-key on your keyboard.
On page 107 you have to check the rule; you use the SOAP Node Test Tool for that. When you copied the text of the methode (Cordys BCP Training à Book à UpdateXMLObject) you can leave the drop-down-fields SOAP NODE, Method Set and Method empty, just press the button Start Sending.
When you do not get figure 4.62 in your Inbox you might have made a mistake in de mapping.
Only ask the teacher to mark off your work after you tested the mapping and you get the same result as on page 110 (without xmlns”…”)!!
Chapter 5.4 to 5.6
In Chapter 5.3 use the machine name tstddba02
When you can not fine OLE DB in the folder /developer/Metdata Service (chapter 5.4 page 123 or 124), but you do have created the SOAP Node, then you probably forgot to add the method sets DBSchema from Cordys WCP 1.1 and Cordys WCP 1.2.
On page 130 you have to create method sets, do not forget to add them to the SOAP Node.
Chapter 7
Assignment 2
Machine name is tstddba02
DB User and Password can be left empty
Assignment 4
The template you create has to be in the subfolder Orders (that you created in chapter 4)
Do not make any writing mistakes!!
Assignment 5
The mapping must be in the Orders folder.
DO NOT connect the orderid and the delivery date to the items in the other table.
Assignment 6
When the model is executed correctly there should be a new record in the Salesorder table. Check this and if this is not added use the debugger.
Only ask the teacher to mark off your work when you have a Westwood record in the Salesorder table!!
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