AACE Board of Director’s MeetingMinutes
Phoenix, AZ
10:00am – 2:00pm
September 5, 2014
President Frank Sanchez called the meeting to order at 10:07am.
Roll Call
- Apache – absent
- Cochise – Karen Riggs
- Coconino – absent
- Gila – Steve Sanders
- Graham – Michael Bryce
- Greenlee – Phil Ronnerud
- La Paz - absent
- Maricopa – absent
- Mohave – Steve Latoski
- Navajo – Bill Bess
- Pima – Ali Fermawi
- Pinal – Scott Bender
- Santa Cruz – absent
- Yavapai – Absent
- Yuma – Frank Sanchez, Craig Sellers (guest)
- Associates – Larry Bruce, Mike Sabatini
Secretary Report – Steve Latoski
Motion to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2014 board minutes by Karen Riggs. Seconded by Michael Bryce. Motion carried.
TreasurerReport – Steve Latoski reviewed the report as submitted and provided a transaction summary.
Roadway Needs Study Update
Frank reported he has asked John Hauskins, Maricopa County, if they have any staff that can assist with updating the report.
Michael Bryce suggested an approach to show reasonable maintenance schedule at a certain interval, then show them we can’t do that with the money they are giving us. Steve Latoski agreed. Steve Latoski shared a 2 page document that Mohave County prepared for CSA. Frank Sanchez reviewed the past needs studies and noted there are “needs” listed that may not be true “needs”. We need to really identify true “needs”. Phil Ronnerud noted the numbers are based on a set of assumptions, for that study they were not inflated. He thought the counties need to be consistent across the counties. What are your needs in 5 years? We need to state the newer study is not the same assumptions. Frank Sanchez asked if we should break up the study for current needs vs. future needs. Karen Riggs suggested the update to address the 2008 needs study and why it led to those numbers, and list the new set of assumptions. What does it take on an annual basis to do maintenance? Karen Riggs stated once the report is done you have to go to the legislators and explain the report in laymans terms and show that the numbers are real. We need to start with what are the assumptions going to be. Craig’s concern is that if you change the assumptions it attacks the incredibility with the previous reports and suggested to focus in on specific needs and articulate it. Karen Riggs stated you need the data, but you need a really good executive summary. Ali Fermawi suggested we show the state what each County is doing for additional revenues and show how that still is not enough. Michael Bryce would like to show how if we had a state gas tax how much further those funds would go than federal funds.
Mike Sabatini reported each county contributed a base amount of $500 base, prorate on the hurf revenue. The money was handled through CSA, Penny Adams is the contact. Maricopa County contracted with the consultant.
There was a subcommittee of 4.
Phil Ronnerud suggested showing the cost of growth and who pays for that.
Mike Sabatini likes the Mohave County Report, it’s very concise. His concern is that we have 15 counties doing their own study and it’s not coordinated. The immediate need is maintenance.
Steve Latoski suggested a communication based consultant to excel on the final product. They would lean on AACE to provide the data but they prepare the final document.
Ali Fermawi has some concerns about that, we need someone who really understands the goal.
Needs Study Committee – Mike Sabatini, Karen Riggs, Phil Ronnerud, Scott Bender, Frank Sanchez. Frank will contact Maricopa County. Phil Ronnerud will chair the committee.
Karen Riggs suggested a survey be sent out to all the counties, so everyone has input on how to proceed on the scope of the new update. The committee will report at the November meeting on how to acquire a consultant.
- What latest reports/examples are available
- AACE study from 6-7 years ago
- Cochise study
- Mohave study
- Goal and objectives of new study
- Instrument for decision makers
- “Dashboard” style
- Data and performance measures accessible and reportable for each county
- ADOT TDMS – County VMT
- HURF mileage reports
- Crash data
Frank Sanchez reported on correspondence from a law firm regarding a photo within a presentation on the website.
Board Nominations – Larry nominates Scott Bender as secretary/treasurer for 2015-2016. 2nd Bill Bess. Motion carried.
Albert Letzkus – Ali made a motion to nominate an honorary member, 2nd by Phil Ronnerud. Motion carried.
Motion by Larry Bruce to nominate Michael Sabatini an honorary member, 2nd by Ali Fermawi. Motion carried.
Karen Riggs to provide the 404 update memo.
Committee Breakouts
-Legislative/Liaison – Phil reported they discussed with Todd Madeszka, CSA, a few items but they really focused on the needs study. Karen is going to see what Todd would recommend for a presentation, and a timeline on when the timeline for legislative schedule that they can run by the supervisors for the next legislative committee.
-Administrative – Frank Sanchez reported the Esterbrooks Awards nomination form is changed. There is now only 2 categories. Please submit at least 1 nomination.
AACE will be nominating Roger Patterson for the NACE Urban County Engineer award. The administrative committee will process the application to NACE. That is just a recommendation from the administrative committee. Only 1 nomination is permitted per state. Frank opened the floor for other nominations. There were no other nominations. The application is due January 16, 2014.
The administrative committee recommends the September meeting will stay as a 4 hour meeting, rather than a full conference.
Laughlin, NV – November 5-7, 2014 at the Aquarius. The Aquarius is booked for 2015. Sheila Hamilton will contact the hotel for 2016 date availability.
Prescott, AZ – February 12 – 13, 2015 at the Prescott Conference Resort.
Bisbee, AZ – June 19-20, 2015 at the Copper Queen Hotel, meetings will be held at the Cochise County facility.
-Technical/Education – Needs Study report, they will have a questionnaire ready to go out at the end of the month. Phil wants your input on it. Start looking at description on how you do your maintenance. They are meeting in Casa Grande on September 17th. Phil will send Sheila the information for the next committee meeting.
Steve Latoski would like to place a priority on agencies that have job order contracts. They have a best practices template to ask the membership to document that they are doing for operations, etc. They will have a survey ready by early November, to be sent out on surveymonkey and hard copy.
-Membership – no report.
Larry Bruce updated the board on his contact with Caterpillar and that their sponsor dollars are gone for 2014. They are willing to support the counties with man hours and training classes. If you are interested contact Larry Bruce.
Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at 1:50pm.