Geography of Soils

Soils Geography G404 and G707

Instructor: Professor Rick Bein; 274 1100;

213 Cavanaugh Hall, 425 University Blvd, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Soils Geography meets Thursdays at 6:00 PM until 8:40 PM starting August 22, 2015 in Cavanaugh Hall 203. There will be several field trips beginning September 14, when the class will meet at the field trip site (to be announced).

Course Objective: This course examines the spatial aspects of soils from a global and local perspective. The student will gain an understanding of soil development processes, physical properties of soils, soil classification, soil survey and local soil management problems. Each student will be required to complete a quality individualized soils final project.

IUPUI`s Principles of Undergraduate Learning, are included in the following student outcomes: (a) to analyze complex issues and make informed decisions;

(b) to synthesize information in order to arrive at reasoned conclusions,

(c) to evaluate the logic, validity, and relevance of data, (d) to solve challenging problems,

(e) to use knowledge and understanding in order to generate and explore new questions, (f) to enhance personal life,

(g) to further the goals of society,

(h) to demonstrate intellectual breadth with an ability to compare and contrast approaches to knowledge in different disciplines,

(i) to demonstrate adaptiveness in ability to modify one’s approach to an issue or problem based on the contexts and requirements of particular situations,

(j) to analyze and understand the interconnectedness of global and local concerns

(k) to demonstrate a sense of values and ethics with respect to the natural environment and its continuing use by humans,

(l) to make informed and principled choices regarding conflicting situations in personal and public lives and to foresee the consequences of these choices.

Texts: 1) Soil Survey of Marion County, Indiana U.S. Department of Agriculture. For those who have interest outside of Marion County, a copy of that county's soil survey would also be recommended. These are available on line at

2) UNDERSTANDING & JUDGING INDIANA SOILS (latest edition), Donald P. Franzmeier and Gary P. Steinhardt. Purdue

University Cooperative Extension Service, West Lafayette, Indiana.

3) "Soil Science Simplified", 5th Edition, 2008, Neal S. Nash, Cary J. Green. Aga Razvi and William F. Bennett. Blackwell Publishing ISBN-13: 978-0-8138--1823-8. Older editions are acceptable but student will be responsible for finding appropriate corresponding pages.

4) Loudermilk Conquest of the land through 7000 years (in resource section) also Availabel on line.

G40 / 4 Requirements: / G707 Requirements
Exercises & Quizzes ...... / 30% / 30%
Take-home Midterm ...... / 25% / 15%
Final Project ...... / 25% / 35%
Final test...... / 15% / 15%
Participation…………… / 05% / 05%
Total ...... / 100% / 100%

Graduate and undergraduate students are combined and the assignments will be the same except that there is a greater expectation on the final project for the graduate students.

Liability. All students must sign liability disclaimers with respect to field trips, absolving the University of any responsibility

beyond what would otherwise happen on campus. Students will provide their own transportation to all field trips sites and a encouraged to carpool.

Special Needs

Students needing accommodations because of a disability will need to register with Adaptive Educational Services (AES) complete the appropriate forms issued by AES before accommodations will be given. The AES office is located in Taylor H UC 100. You can also reach the office by calling 274-3241.


Cheating in any form will not be tolerated and will be penalized by a failing grade for the course and a report being submitted to the Dean of Students. You are referred to the IU Student Code of Ethics for the University's definition and policy on academic misconduct.

Administrative Withdrawal: A basic requirement of this course is that you will participate in all class meetings and conscientiously complete all required course activities and/or assignments. Keep in touch with me if you are unable to attend, participate, or complete an assignment on time. If you miss more than half of the required activities within the first

25% of the course without contacting me, you may be administratively withdrawn from this course. Example: Our course meets once per week; thus if you miss more than two classes in the first four weeks*, you may be withdrawn. Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal will take place after the full refund period, and if you are administratively withdrawn from the course you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please contact me.