Application for Innovation Guidance Project 2016
(Only type-written application formsin word document will be considered)
Innovation Guidance Projects (IGPs)
1Innovation Guidance Projects aim to enhance the quality of pre-school programmes and practices through fostering a culture of innovation and creativity. Through these projects, participating pre-schools will explore less conventional ideas/ approaches to develop or re-design new or existing programmes andimprove teaching and learning practices by partnering community and government agencies.
Key imperatives of IGP
- To enhance learning experiences for children
- To promote community engagement and home-centre partnerships
- To provide opportunities for children to contribute to society
- To be sustained beyond first year of implementation
Innovation Guidance Projects for 2016
2Pre-schoolsthat have not applied for nor received the innovation grant may take this opportunity to participate in any one of the following Innovation Guidance Projects:
S/N / Partner Agency / Project Title / NEL Learning Domain(s) and Project Aims / Detailsa. / National Heritage Board (NHB) / Singapore’s Little Treasures @ Heritage Institutions: Appreciating our Mother Tongue Languages (SLT@Heritage Institutions) / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Discovery of the World & Language and Literacy
Project Aims:
- To equip pre-school teacherswith an appreciation of the MTL and novel strategies to teach a Mother Tongue Language – this is in collaboration with three Heritage Institutions: the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (SYSNMH), the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) and the Indian Heritage Centre (IHC)
- To develop pre-schoolers in three key learning areas:
b)appreciation of Singapore’s multicultural heritage with a focus on one’s culture; and
c)connecting and bonding with family, friends and community
- To enrich pre-school learning corners and environments with relevant and available mother tongue and bilingual materials and resources
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
This project is only open to Mother-Tongue Language teachers
Max number of participating pre-schools:
20 (Chinese Language)
15 (Malay Language)
15 (Tamil Language)
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
b. / National Heritage Board (NHB) / SLT@ The Peranakan Museum / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Discovery of the World & Social and Emotional Development
Project Aims:
- To offer pre-schoolers an opportunity to explore Peranakan culture and to relate it to their own lives.
- To equip pre-school teachers with tools to create authentic heritage lessons and learning centres in which they can co-construct knowledge with their pre-schoolers in school.
- To experiment with innovative learning experiences within a museum setting where pre-schoolers can learn through play.
- To nurture inquisitive learners who are able to engage in museum-based activities through close observation and cooperative learning.
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 10
Training: July
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
c. / National Parks Board (NParks) / Our City in a Garden / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Discovery of the World & Language and Literacy
Project Aims:
- To raise awareness of our City in a Garden amongst pre-schoolers
- To equippre-school teacherswith the knowledge of and resources on local examples to be used in teaching pre-schoolers about plants and animals
- To set up resource-rich learning corners/ environments to allow for exploration of local flora and fauna and engagement of learning in meaningful ways
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 30
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
Note: As part of the final project deliverables, pre-schools will co-develop a learning resource to be shared with the Early Childhood Sector.
d. / Public Utilities Board (PUB) / Every Drop Counts / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Discovery of the World
Project Aims:
- To enable pre-schoolers to understand the importance of water conservation and water cycle
- To encourage pre-schoolers to become an ambassador of water conservation and spread thismessage to their family and friends
- To empower pre-school teachers with the knowledge on water education and effectively engage the pre-schoolers through meaningful activities for pre-schoolers and their families to learn how to conserve, value and enjoy our waters
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 15
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
Note: As part of the final project deliverables, pre-schools will co-develop a learning resource to be shared with the Early Childhood Sector.
e. / Science Centre Board / STEMnovation: Kitchen Science / NEL Learning Domain: Discovery of the World
Project Aims:
- To capture and develop pre-schoolers’ imagination, curiosity and creativity through scientific inquiry
- To enable pre-schoolers to understand that science is all around us, through safe and purposeful exploration and experimentation of materials found in the kitchen
- To equip pre-school teacherswith knowledge and skills to design child-initiated scientific inquiry lessons related to the topic of kitchen science
- To set up authentic science discovery corners/ environments related to kitchen science that would arouse the curiosity of the pre-schoolers, and encourage them to engage in critical thinking, as well as the discovery of the world
Target Pre-schoolers: N2, K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 40
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
Note: As part of the final project deliverables, pre-schools will co-develop a learning resource to be shared with the Early Childhood Sector.
f. / Science Centre Board / Creative Curious Tinkers / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Discovery of the World
Project Aims:
- To capture and develop pre-schoolers’ imagination, curiosity and creativity through the “Think, Make, Play, Improve” approach
- To enable pre-schoolers to explore tinkering activities that incorporates the NEL learning domains, such as discovery of the world, and aesthetics and creative expressions
- To set up tinkering space that would arouse the curiosity of the pre-schoolers, and allow them to engage in activities that encourage creative thinking, teamwork and collaboration
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 30
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
g. / Science Centre Board / Magnetism / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Discovery of the World
Project Aims:
- To capture and develop pre-schoolers’ imagination, curiosity and creativity through scientific inquiry
- To provide opportunities forpre-schoolers to explore, through open-ended experiments, what magnets are and some common use of magnets in everyday life
- To allow pre-schoolers to observe scientific phenomenon related to magnets such as attraction and repulsion, and many more wonders of magnet
- To set up authentic science discovery corners/ environments related to magnets that would arouse the curiosity of the pre-schoolers, and encourage them to engage in critical thinking, as well as the discovery of the world
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 30
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
h. / Science Centre Board / The Earth We Share / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Discovery of the World, Numeracy
Project Aims:
- To capture and develop pre-schoolers’ imagination, curiosity and creativity through scientific inquiry
- To encourage pre-schoolers to explore Earth Sciences focusing on topics related to land and water and incorporating the NEL learning domains: Discovery of the World andNumeracy
- To equip pre-school teachers with the skills and knowledge to create authentic science discovery corners/ environments related to Earth Sciences that would arouse the curiosity of the pre-schoolers, and encourage them to engage in critical thinking and scientific inquiry
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 30
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
i. / Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) / Hello Neighbour! / Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Learning Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Project Aims:
- To enable pre-schoolers to understand the concept of neighbours - people staying beside/above/below you, the next class beside your classroom, the community where your pre-school resides
- To enable pre-schoolers to understand that we can make simple efforts to live harmoniously with one another in a multi-racial and multi-religious society
- To enable pre-schoolers to learn to be good neighbours by demonstrating considerate and gracious behaviours
- To equip pre-school teachers with the skills and knowledge to introduce (in)considerate and (un)gracious behaviours to pre-schoolers
Target Pre-schoolers: N2, K1, K2
Max number of participating pre-schools: 30
Training: February/March
Project implementation: period of 6 – 9 months
Note: As part of the final project deliverables, pre-schools will co-develop a learning resource to be shared with the Early Childhood Sector.
Eligibility Criteria
3Pre-schools who
a)have not applied for nor received the innovation grant.
b)have participated in not more than oneInnovation Guidance Project from 2013 – 2015.
c)are able to commit two ECDA-certified pre-school teachers to the IGP for the full duration (approximately 6 – 9 months duration)of the IGP. This includes the training programme (2-day training, 2 half-days of project sharing sessions).
d)are able to achieve the key outcomes of the project:
- Enhancedquality of programmes within the centre through the development of new or re-design of existing centre-wide programmes
- Improved teaching and learning practices using less conventional approaches
- Pre-schoolers become self-directed learners who are confident, curious about the world around them, and able to cooperate with their peers
e)are able to co-pay 5% of the total approved expenditure.
f)are able to fully support their participating teachersthroughout the implementation of the IGP.
Grant for Successful Pre-schools
4Pre-schoolswill be informed of the application outcome by February2016.*Successful pre-schoolswill be provided with the details of grant breakdown and approved amount respective to their selected project upon confirmation of participation.
Guidelines for submission of application
5Please complete the Application Form for Innovation Guidance Project 2016 (Annex A). Only type-written and completed forms submitted within the deadline will be considered. Application closes on 29January2016 and late submissions will not be accepted. Please send your completed forms to ECDA at
You may contact the following officers for any queries:
Name of officer / Email address / Contact numberKerin Chua Sze Yi / / 67367514
Geraldine Khoo / / 6736 7601
* All decisions by ECDA are final
Application Form for Innovation Guidance Project
(Please note that your application should be type-written and all fields should be completed and sent in word document)
- Details of Pre-school
Pre-school Name / Click here to enter text.
Type of Pre-school / Choose an item. /
Pre-school Address / Click here to enter text. /
Name of Pre-school Principal/
Supervisor / Click here to enter text.
Designation / Click here to enter text.
Contact email / Click here to enter text.
Contact numbers / (O)Click here to enter text.
(Hp)Click here to enter text.
Has your Pre-school participated in an Innovation Guidance project in 2013-2015? / Choose an item. /
If yes, please state the year(s) and project title(s). / Year(s):Choose an item.
Project Title 1: Click here to enter text.
Project Title 2 (if applicable):Click here to enter text.
Innovation Guidance Project (in order of interest) / Please rank 3 projectsin order of interest,with1 – being most interested and 3 - being least interested.
Rank / Title of Innovation Guidance Project
Rank / Singapore’s Little Treasures @ Heritage Institutions: Appreciating Mother Tongue Language – Chinese
Rank / Singapore’s Little Treasures @ Heritage Institutions: Appreciating Mother Tongue Language – Malay
Rank / Singapore’s Little Treasures @ Heritage Institutions: Appreciating Mother Tongue Language – Tamil
Rank / SLT@ The Peranakan Museum
Rank / Our City in a Garden
Rank / Every Drop Counts
Rank / STEMnovation: Kitchen Science
Rank / Creative Curious Tinkers
Rank / Magnetism
Rank / The Earth We Share
Rank / Hello Neighbour!
- Details of Nominated ECDA-certified Teachers
Details of nominated ECDA-certifiedteacherswho will take part in the project in 2016.
Note: All participating pre-schools must nominate 2 ECDA-certifiedteachers for the project
Full Name of Teacher 1 / Click here to enter text. /
NRIC/Fin number / Click here to enter text. /
LON Status: / Click here to enter text. /
Teaching Level in 2016: / Click here to enter text. /
Number of pre-schoolers in class in 2016: / Click here to enter text. /
Email address: / Click here to enter text. /
Mobile number: / Click here to enter text. /
Full Name of Teacher2 / Click here to enter text. /
NRIC/Fin number / Click here to enter text. /
LON Status: / Click here to enter text. /
Teaching Level in 2016: / Click here to enter text. /
Number of pre-schoolers in class in 2016: / Click here to enter text. /
Email address: / Click here to enter text. /
Mobile number: / Click here to enter text. /
- Please answer all questions:
a. / Rationale for participation: Please state why your pre-school is keen to participate in the Innovation Guidance Project and how your pre-school teachers will be supported to commit to the entire duration of the project.
Click here to enter text.
b. / How do you envision the Innovation Guidance project enhancing the professional development of your pre-school teachers as well as learning and development of your pre-schoolers?
Click here to enter text.
c. / How do you plan to incorporate the project into your pre-school’s curriculum?
Click here to enter text.
d. / One of the intents of the Innovation Guidance project is to ensure its sustainability and extendibility within your pre-school beyond the first year of guided implementation.
How doyou plan to enable the sustainability and extendibility of the project beyond 2016?
Click here to enter text.
e. / How do you plan to engage families and/or communities in the project?
Click here to enter text.
Submitted by:Click here to enter text.
Designation: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter text.