First Class Client
Log In
1. Log in to First Class Email at the Login screen
Type your User ID and Password
2. Once you log in, you will see your Desktop, which includes:
oMail addressed to you
oMessages addressed to groups
oAddress Book
oOther First Class tools
3. Open the Conference for your school – Your School Conferences – ex. BPS Conferences
You will find the email items you have access to:
- News
- Location Calendars
- Instructional Tech Talk
- For Sale
- Technology Issues
- Others…
4. Mailbox – all messages addressed to you and sent by you go to this Mailbox.
In the mailbox, you will see messages by Name, Size, Subject, Date and Time and if there is an attachment.
A few tips:
oDouble click to open a message sent or received
oView in alpha or numeric order, click on the title at the top – Name, Size, Subject, Last Modified.
oAll messages – sent and received go to this mailbox and grouped by common subject. To hide or show messages that are grouped, click on the in front of the Subject
oYou can create folders to store related emails and drag messages into the folders
oYou can create a new message by clicking on the tool on the toolbar
oYou can search for a message by clicking on the tool on the toolbar
5. To create a new message
Select Message – New Message Or use the tool on the toolbar
Address the message:
- Subject in the Subject: line
- Name in the To: line
- Type the message
- Send it - by selecting Message – Send or use the tool on the toolbar – red flag
A few tips:
oTo address the message, you can access the Directory, which includes all First Class users. You can type the first few letters of a person’s name and it will search the directory for all matches. This helps if you don’t know spelling or last names.
oChange the Font, style, size, or color
Use the toolbar or the menu bar to change the looks of the text in the message
oCheck Spelling
You can check the spelling of the message by any of the following ways:
1. Choosing Edit – Check Spelling
2. Use the Tool on the Toolbar
3. Set a preference to automatically check the spelling.
To attach a file, such as an image, Word document...
- Choose File - Attach
- Locate the file in the file dialog box and click OPEN.
- Click and drag the file from the saved location to the address portion of a message.
To Open an attachment
- Double Click on the attachment file name in the message window
- Once opened, the document can be saved if needed
- Click and drag the attachment from the message window to your computer
6. Reading a message
- Double click on the message to read
- Once read you can:
Replying to a message – from the Message menu:
- Reply – addresses a message to the person the message was sent from
- Reply with Quote – addresses a message to the person the message was sent, including the text of the message in the body of the message
- Reply All – addresses a message to sends to all included in a message
- Reply Sender – addresses a message to send to only to the sender – not all others included
- Forward – addresses a message to allow you to send the message to someone else
7. Contacts - Address Book
The Address Book allows you to add outside email addresses to your directory or add mail lists that contain members in your directory
A. Personal Address Entry
- With the Contacts window opened, select File - New - New Contact
- Type in the Name in the name window
- Type the Email Address in the Email tab
- Additional information can be added to the Contact Info, Phone Numbers, Notes tabs
- Close the window and be sure to save
B. New Personal Mail List
- With the Contacts window opened, select File - New - New Mail List
- Type in the Name in the name window
- Type the members in the Members window
- Close the window and be sure to save
*To use, type in the Name in the TO: window of a message. This allows you to set up one user name for a group of people or eliminates the need to type in a longer email address.
8. Setting Preferences for your email account
A FirstClass - Preferences – Content - To set the Font, Size and Color of the text of all new messages
- Select the Content tab
- Select the appropriate Font, Size, Color
Spell Check options
- Click on the Spell Check Tab
- Click the appropriate options – Automatically check on send
B. Create a signature line to be added to each message created
- Select the Messaging tab and then the Initial Content tab
- Type in the appropriate signature information - such as name, title, school...
- Select the Automatically add to new messages if needed
C. Set Mail Rules
- Select the Messaging Tab, then Mail Rules
- For the Reply Preference, choose ‘Reply Sender’
9. Message - History
To see the History of a sent message, select the message
- Message - History
Shows the activity of the selected message. Information such as:
owho created the message
owhen the message was sent
owhen the message was read
oany replies that were made
*The History only works in your building
**The ‘read’ is marked if the message is opened by the person receiving
10. Message - Receipt
Gives you the opportunity to be notified when a message is read, delivered, or routed to the recipient.
To add the receipt
- Before the message is sent, select Message - Receipt - On Read...
11. Collaborate – Instant Message
To begin a text chat with someone logged into First Class
- Click on the Invite button to see the list of people to invite. Once the other person has accepted, you can begin to chat
- The text is typed in the bottom window and sent upon hitting the return
- The text is sent to the other person’s window as well as yours. As text is sent from the other person, it will also appear in your chat window after the Return is hit on the other end.
- The Chat is closed when the window is closed by clicking on the button in the upper left.
If you are invited to chat, hit the Accept to begin chatting, or Decline not to.
12. Accessing Email From a Browser
- From any browser, go to:
- Login in
- Access the Mailbox, News, For Sale... by clicking on the links
- You can read, reply, or delete messages. (You can access the items at the bottom of the window.)
- To create a new message, click on the New button from the Mailbox screen. You must type in the first and last name of the person you are sending the message to. (You do have access to the Directory.) Click Send to send it.
- Remember you are in a browser:
oLinks are a single click
oThe Back and Next buttons allow you to navigate
13. Closing First Class
- Close the windows in the upper right corner to close each window opened.
- Choose Exit to log out
OR 3. Choose First Class – Quit First Class
First Class Client - MacCreated by Jackie Huber - 2011Page 1